
1 follower


The Day

Was very good. A bit corny in places to accomoodate plot, but a good spin on the conventional tale and worth watching.

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Professor T.

What a charming show. Absolute pleasure to watch albeit has some quirky moments and poetic license needs to be allowed sometimes. Watching first time ,sttick with it, by the fourth/fifth episode your get the shows orientation and become hooked,

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Agent Hamilton

I watch both seasons hoping that it would improve, but alas it didn’t and ended as convoluted as it began. The 1st season is by far the best, which has a likely storyline that plays out over the whole season.
The 2nd season is 5 story lines , increasing unlikely and far fetched. However throughout the Agent is dominated by a flotilla of females , both within holis own organisation and those of the baddies. It’s really is a load of unconventional role plays which is the shows greatest downfall, it’s just not authentic

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The Passenger

Another drama which is basically incredulous. The writers and/or producers must think the viewers are complete morons without a shread of intellect in expecting them to believe the storyline and the ever increasing amount of extraordinary situations needed to keep said storyline going. It's either that or they still believe in the tooth fairy.

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