

Lisbon, Portugal

The Batman

Surprisingly dark and good! :bat:

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Who loves the Moon theories will love this movie xD Cool adaptation of many of the discussed theories.

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The Suicide Squad

WTF?! WTF?! Weirdly awesome! :rofl:

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Thunder Force

The only good thing is the credit's song...Thunder Force!!! Thunder Force!!! :love_you_gesture:

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Zack Snyder's Justice League

Just plain Awesome!!! This is what it should have always been from the beginning! :)

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Total mind frack, although some stuff remained to be explained.

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Just for people that already liked and/or saw the musical in theaters...or else most will be like "WTF?!"...:)
Good movie but I prefer and recommend the musical 100x more.

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See: 1x01 Godflame

Not a very plausible storyline...but lets see where it leads to...

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War of the Worlds: 1x02 Episode 2

Getting better so... still hooked!:)

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War of the Worlds: 1x01 Episode 1

Great start! Got hooked to it!:)

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Robin Hood

Almost 0 swords or sword fights, metal everywhere, wagens with stop lights, modern googles, fancy dresses, perfect machine stiching...jeeez...bad bad looked more like industrial revolution or some kind of steampunk stuff.

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Spider-Man: Homecoming

A fresh start and view of Spider-Man :)

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Moontrap: Target Earth

WTF?! Poor everything! Badly shot, bad acting, bad effects...

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Supergirl: 1x16 Falling

Love her black suit! xD

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Halo: Nightfall

Don't waste your time with this one... :/

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