


Inside Man: 1x04 Episode 4

What's with that epilogue though? I thought Janice had told Ben that she was unmarried? I guess she was just lying?

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@itsmepreethi super weird indeed. They should've left that whole epilogue out.

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Dexter: 8x01 A Beautiful Day

Well. I started watching this episode and I saw they just forgot Laguarta. So, I am skipping this episode and next few ones. I just want to see how dexter dies, if he ever dies.

Off to Episode 10.

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@ryan-s-0763b77f-2ce6-4fc9-b6a9-46b89f0c3345 really weird nobody is connecting those dots about her suspicion, her death a couple days later, the fact both Dexter and Debra were away from the party for a while and them tapping the phones. Sure someone should follow up on Laguarta's work.

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The Walking Dead: 10x21 Diverged

Ever watched your grandma chase a rat around the house and think I should write a tv episode about this? No? Me either.

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@paulvincent83 after copying Star Wars and Game Of Thrones they now tried to make their version of Breaking Bad's "Fly" episode and failed horribly.

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The Walking Dead: 10x20 Splinter

That was very short and I wanted to see more happen. I wouldn't be disappointed if they had another episode to go along with this one so we could get more of the story. But I will say that "Princess" (Paola Lázaro) did a pretty damn good job with the acting that she had to do.

Now as usual, I'm going to watch the after show (Talking Dead) and get a little more insight. Not that can keep up with what is actually available.

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@thenightwolf I agree, it would be nice to have another episode to go along with it and actually tell the story. But guess what, next episode will probably be about Daryl and stupid Carol. Then another one about Michonne and then maybe if you're lucky you'll see what happens with Eugene. Oh wait, I forgot about the 30 others side characters they still need to spend one or more complete episodes on. The girl that was under the rocks maybe, Maggie vs Negan. Hell, they will probably make a flashback episode about Dog going through puberty.

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The Walking Dead: 10x20 Splinter

does everyone who watches this show and comments just have nothing to say except bitch about how bad it is? shut up and let people enjoy the show, stop watching if you don't like it. it's that simple.

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@mmorgnn they should just move on with this show already. This episode was a total waste of time. They're making one whole episode about nothing really (mainly side characters nobody cares about) and don't tell the story of the original group anymore.

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