

Omicron Persei 8

Black Mirror: 3x03 Shut Up and Dance

What happend to all those smart stories? 3x02 has a terrible plot and this one is even worse. I still feel pity for each of the "victims", maybe 'cause their "failures" didn't triggered me that deep, that i could forget the ridiculous story.

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Black Mirror: 6x02 Loch Henry

wow so suprising... That such a predicable, in every detail episode, was labeled Black Mirror.

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Castle Rock: 1x10 Romans

Hum? Hum? Hum? Hum? Hum? Hum?

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The Walking Dead: 5x10 Them

Oh last week wasn't the badest episode ever..

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Black Mirror: 6x04 Mazey Day

A crazy idea: Let s make the next episode about Vampires...

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Sons of Anarchy: 7x13 Papa's Goods

Pathetic bullshit end... 2* 'cause Lost and Dexter are even worse(r)

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Doom Patrol: 1x15 Ezekiel Patrol

And i thought that the umbrella ending was bad ;)

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The Boys: 1x08 You Found Me

Srsly? Are you f***** kidding me... A so predictable end that i couldn t even believe it.... 1/10

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Quantum Leap: 1x12 Let Them Play

Aaaannndddd skip...nobody needs this kind of bs

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Black Mirror: 6x03 Beyond the Sea

Now i'm getting it: Black Mirror wants you to rethink your recent votings for episode 1 and 2 of this season...Evil...
My current problem is that if this kind of "quality" is continuing i have no clue how to vote negatif.

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Ozark: 4x14 A Hard Way to Go

A great ending. It replaced instantly my all time favorite "lost". Something that i never thought it could happened.

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Behind Her Eyes: 1x06 Behind Her Eyes

That was the twist!? The mind blowing part? The you ll never guess...

Guess what, it was so obvious that i m ashamed.

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The Undoing: 1x06 The Bloody Truth

"Wow" what was that for a bs final... WASTING OF TIME...

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