
1 follower



I liked it...

But that doesn't give it the right to be a mind numbing slog.

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The Godfather

Quite possibly the most overrated film ever made. I expected it to blow me away but it just put me to sleep. There are much better crime films out there like GoodFellas and Pulp Fiction, this film is a complete waste of 3 hours. the only real reason to watch it is to understand pop-culture references

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The Godfather


the GodFather is none of these things, but when you read these words vertically it perfectly describes it.

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Full Metal Jacket

I will never understand why people conflate things that are technically impressive as being good. This movie, like most of Kubrick's movies are, technical feats. Now just because the movie is technically impressive doesn't mean that it goods. Yes the sets and costumes look great in this movie but that will never make up for its laundry list of short comings. To put it simply this movie is a boring slog.

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Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood

Incredibly boring. Who let Tarintino make this heap of trash?

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