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Omicron Persei 8

Moving: 1x19 Final Battle

That Lee Jaeman's entrace tho, was mising a fight with some emotional weight tbh

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Superman & Lois

why is the music so damn loud

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X-Men '97: 1x02 Mutant Liberation Begins

Storm was the coolest character so far ☹

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Scavengers Reign: 1x11 The Return

Azi baiting that creature with chocolate sounded like ASMR

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Atlanta: 3x10 Tarrare

The bread was worth the wait

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Atlanta: 3x06 White Fashion

Damn I didn't know racism ended 4 days ago

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Atlanta: 2x10 FUBU

Hearing the mom say "You are a black man in America... Your clothes are important" must've felt like a gut punch

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Atlanta: 2x09 North of the Border "Can something normal happen to me at least once"

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Silo: 1x01 Freedom Day

Why would they bother to record the outside and then alter it while keeping the image of the person going outside instead of just creating a completely fake recording? And why would people bother cleaning if they know/think the recording is being altered anyway?
Like this might get answered later but from the characters' perspective it doesn't make much sense

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Sanji's backstory was the best adapted so far

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I don't remember Zoro being this much into drinking, like not even Luffy is so insistent about food

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Mihawk was so cool but I can't with his flamboyant voice lol

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Moving: 1x14 The Idiot

So after the bus chase and fight with Frank, Jeon could just return to work like nothing happened? What he's doing at the end of the episode doesn't make much sense either...
I'm also a bit disappointed with the variety of powers, the fact that they get passed on doesn't help but even new characters keep having the same ones

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Moving: 1x06 Bungaeman

Man that bus scene got me emotional, something so simple yet it meant so much for the bus driver

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Invincible: Specials

I keep thinking Eve is too overpowered, or she should be way more than the fight scenes suggest. Not to mention what she could do without the mental block

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The Sandman: 1x11 Dream of a Thousand Cats/Calliope

It's strange how they portray writing as a simple matter of having ideas when in reality it's the easiest part. Anyone in a creative field has endless amounts of ideas but no time to make them, because the hard part is always the execution and the amount of work one has to put into finishing the project.
It's funny the amount of people I've seen saying (specifically about videogames) ''I have this amazing idea but no skill to make it by myself'' and ask others to work for them and create it as if the sheer genius of their ideas had as much value as the skill and work needed to actually make it happen

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The Crowded Room: 1x07 The Crowded Room

The fight scenes, as short as they are, are pretty great. There's a certain flow and weight to them you wouldn't expect from this type of show.
Also getting rid of Yitzhak considering the situation seems like a terrible idea and I hate Jack for that

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Patriot: 2x03 The Guns of Paris

That ending lol, loved this episode

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The Umbrella Academy: 3x04 Kugelblitz

ooops my hand slipped and shot through a vital organ with accurate precision

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The Sandman: 1x09 Collectors

Lucienne's passive-aggressive game is strong

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x02 Graveyard Rats

Great episode, Masson is a compelling character and I was very engaged with his struggles, but after everything he went through I was kinda disappointed with the ending. In the previous episode the main character's death felt like some kind of retribution, but repeating it looks like it was done for the sake of it, more so since his survival would feel more than earned. I hope this is not a recurring ending in all the episodes

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All My Friends Hate Me

I liked the general idea of the ending but not its execution. I think having the conclusion being told as a blatant ''dude can't take a fucking joke'' is too simplistic and kinda undermines the whole movie. The protagonist clearly has some complex psychological issues and it would have been a great ending if everyone instead tried to help and comfort him after the reveal.

The movie decides to blame him for everything, but maybe his friends could also have toned down the jokes and surprise reveals after seeing him clearly anxious and uncomfortable? Even after confessing a traumatic memory, having a breakdown, and being seriously worried about his relationship, his girlfriend decides to joke and mess with him again...

I sincerely feel like the scene where the protagonist apologizes and comforts his friend Archie while realizing he himself can be mean, and that others suffer from similar problems and insecurities had a much better message

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Severance: 1x03 In Perpetuity

Is there something I'm not getting about the break room? They present it as a terrible torture but all they do is repeat some sentences

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Moon Knight: 1x01 The Goldfish Problem

kind of felt like a long trailer

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Arcane: 1x06 When These Walls Come Tumbling Down

yall didn't have to do my man Heimer dirty like that

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Arcane: 1x03 The Base Violence Necessary for Change

Great episode but I don't really like how (by the looks of it) the conflict between sister will be based on a misunderstanding and what was done/said in the heat of the moment

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Mr Inbetween: 3x01 Coulda Shoulda

that ''ok boomer'' dealt me physical damage

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Superman & Lois: 1x03 The Perks of Not Being a Wallflower

shot every time the boys throw a tantrum over a mild inconvenience

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Seems like they're going to keep with Omni-man's secret until the end... It's quite intriguing because everything suggests he's evil but it doesn't feel like he's faking when talking about loving his family and all

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Invincible: 1x03 WHO YOU CALLING UGLY?

Man why'd the robot have to be bad I liked him

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