


The Last Emperor

The only thing wrong with this movie is that it should not have been made in English. Besides that, it is filled with colour symbolism, amazing camera work with a story of epic proportions.

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Your Highness

Sometimes I wonder why certain things exist.

This is one of them.

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Alright, this was excellent! I haven't watched a lot of Dario Argento's work (I saw Suspiria and Phenomena), but this was definitely the best of him that I have seen so far. I genuinely loved the misdirection and I was puzzled till the very end about what exactly what was happening. There are small clues in the editing and what is shown that kind of give you hints, which I really love. The soundtrack is just awesome and the tension building through the use of slow panning shots are great. And well, there's a lot of violence, but it did not feel over the top. Kitschy eighties style? Absolutely. Big fan of the fact that it was set in Rome and yet none of the historical buildings were shown. We only see modern architecture and a lot of angular shapes, which give it this post-futuristic feel and look, also making it feel outside of its time. I enjoyed it!

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The Night of the Hunter

Beautifully shot (interesting compositions that work really well). Pacing is excellent with the use of interesting cutting techniques to build tention (and this is before Psycho, which it made me think of, so I wonder how much this has influenced Hitchcock in making it or how much Laughton was influenced by earlier Hitchcock's works). The acting was really outstanding too, I don't think there was any one who fell out of the boat, even the children were really believable. Robert Mitchum plays a really good bad guy and I don't know who came up with using the hymn as a leitmotif for him, but it works brilliantly. My favourite shot was the underwater shot with the flowing seaweed, I really wonder how they did that (if anyone knows that reads this, please do send a message my way). Maybe there is one or two things that are left hanging, but it didn't bother me in the overall sense. It's a shame that this is the only movie we have that was directed by Laughton, but on the other hand if this is the only one we get, I'm glad that it is this one. I thought it was excellent!

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Toy Story 4

Ok, I enjoyed this way more than I thought I would. I wasn't too sure about yet another Toy Story movie, with part 3 being so perfect. But this, despite the main cast of toys not having much to do, did open up some new philosophical insights in their toy lives. And went into some new directions with how toys see and experience the world. It's not as 'good' as the third one, but it is incredibly hard to follow up such a masterpiece. Despite that, I think the story was really good and they did a great job! It made me cry a couple of times, so that is always a good sign for me.

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Haunted Mansion

Disappointing, weak, not creative... Is this how you celebrate 100 years of history, Disney? Not even the fun cast can help, which is where I gave most my points to. The kid was great though, he had some good acting.

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Civil War

Alex Garland is a filmmaker who is masterful at his craft. He knows exactly what emotion to wring from you and the entire time I was on the edge of my seat. It gripped me, it gripped my humanity and made me look at what humans could do when all rules have been thrown out the window. We are a vile, vile species and what we do to each other is disgusting.
Beautifully shot too. Some shots look like photographs, exactly when a photograph is being taken. When an actual photograph is being shown, it adds to the tension.
We're only shown how these 4 journalists experience it, everyone else is just passing through. And these guys are brave. If that is really how they act, out there in war zones, my god.
I love movies that can make me feel something besides just entertainment. To enact an emotion from me that is not just pure awe at technological adeptness of the medium, but to show me with mesmerizingly neutral yet horrendous content is daring. I am so happy films like this are still being made.

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Civil War

Alex Garland is a filmmaker who is masterful at his craft. He knows exactly what emotion to wring from you and the entire time I was on the edge of my seat. It gripped me, it gripped my humanity and made me look at what humans could do when all rules have been thrown out the window. We are a vile, vile species and what we do to each other is disgusting.
Beautifully shot too. Some shots look like photographs, exactly when a photograph is being taken. When an actual photograph is being shown, it adds to the tension.
We're only shown how these 4 journalists experience it, everyone else is just passing through. And these guys are brave. If that is really how they act, out there in war zones, my god.
I love movies that can make me feel something besides just entertainment. To enact an emotion from me that is not just pure awe at technological adeptness of the medium, but to show me with mesmerizingly neutral yet horrendous content is daring. I am so happy films like this are still being made.

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After Hours

Bizarre movie
I had no idea what its intentions were until about halfway in
Diverse cast
Tone felt off for me
I didn't entirely enjoy it. It was trying to be something else than what it was, which made it a weird experience
I know what it was trying to do, but it didn't get there for me

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Dazed and Confused

Shout by IsharaLion
BlockedParent2021-09-08T20:48:24Z— updated 2023-06-29T11:06:30Z

Movie 1 in my Ben Affleck binge-watch. One of his early roles, in a large ensemble cast of actors that would grow up to be stars. Besides Affleck we have Matthew McConaughey, Milla Jovovich, Anthony Rapp, Adam Goldberg, Cole Hauser of the names I recognize because I’ve seen their later work before. It’s a great cult film because it accurately portrays the 70s and high school life, with an excellent soundtrack to boot.

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Camille Claudel

A haunting dive into the life of an artist ahead of her time, struggling with her own identity while love interferes with creativity. Ostracizing herself, she allows herself to believe the delusions in her head.

This movie cements just how great an actress Adjani is, she's phe-no-me-nal in this. The way she let's herself loose in the moment of emotions is breathtaking.

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Piranha II: The Spawning

Credited as directed by Cameron, most of the work done on this movie was by Assonitis. Cameron did however provide the work on the "special effects' and clearly rubber fish (whose designs would later return in a more well known franchise).

The movie has the flair of a small Italian man screaming "More fish!" at his crew. Plagued with tonal horrors and incredibly obnoxious side characters, this movie is an absolute delight in being as bad as it is. It's completely devoid of any vision or creativity and reeks of dictatorial leadership in making it. As a result, it creates a framework that barely holds on to its hinges.

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Insidious: Chapter 3

Much better than the second one, can't tip the first one. James Wan's influence is still there in Whannell's go at it, his directing is way more stable and less... sweeping camera, open door way, wide-angle lensed, this is red so pay attention to it, directing... like Wan likes to do.

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This movie keeps going. And going. Eternity in hell doesn't feel as long as this movie. The moments I hated the most: Maria Pitillo falling in love with Matthew Broderick on tv while the reporter mentions thousands dead (talk about wrongly timed Friends-moment), the very obvious Raptor-scene 'hommage' of Jurassic Park, Jean Reno's empty muppet moments, Kent Brockman in real life reporting, Michael Lerner's useless mayor, Doug Savant's bumbling sergeant, the Gorilla screeching over "Come With Me". It doesn't work. And yet, it is endlessly entertaining in just how bad it is.

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An incredible visualization of what animation could achieve about 80 years ago. Even now, in 2020 it has an impressive air. I cannot imagine how difficult it had to have been to time hand drawn animation to composed music. It is important to remember this movie, as it helped shape the industry.

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Tight and gripping. Dips 3/4th in. Very human and a great attempt at creating something very real. The atmosphere is very dense in the sense that there's only the sound of the engines on the background and the set is only lit by the interior lights and any kind of moonlight/city lights. It's bleak and serene and I found the attemps to keep it as simple as possible commendable. If it wasn't for Joseph Gordon-Levitt's excellent perfomance, it would not come in as strongly as it does. In my opinion, it's one of those little gems of cinema that try something else, succeed, but will never have a big audience. For me, it could have done with less chaotic camera movements, less cuts, longer takes to really drive home the situation.

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There is something irresistebly effective in the combination of a heartwarming message with great oops-what-did-I-get-myself-into-humor. My favourite part was Nicole Kidman and Matt Lucas acting together.

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Let the Right One In

One of the best movies of this decade that best catches the sense of the 80s and not the neon side of it, but that bleak, almost neo-noir feel of old Polaroids. Visually, it is gorgeous. The content pulls on your heart, the pre-adolescent love beats intensely and lingers wantingly while gruesome things happen in the background. And yet, it leaves a warm smile on your face.

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Around the World in Eighty Days

It almost begs for a new scan, touch-ups and colour corrections. It does not go deep, but with a great cast (and legion of cameos), it features a fun travelogue kind of adventure filled with slapstick and awesome wide shots of locations.

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The fact that it doesn't go anywhere and that the movie reaches the point it wants to make before even a third of it has passed doesn't mean it can't be a stylistic and well acted throw in the right direction. They just missed their mark.

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Sucker Punch

Style Over Substance: The Movie

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Battle: Los Angeles

Someone paid money to have this made.

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Drive Angry

Screw it, we'll do it with cgi

Fun, Nicholas Cage being Nicholas Cage. William Fichtner is really good in this, David Morse deserves more screentime. First Billy Burke movie I'm watching, he's pleasant. Who is Amber Heard?

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Air Force One

Passable. I was entertained. Last half hour = meh. Great suspense.

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

I feared rewatching this for the exact reasons I hated this.

The story makes no sense, I have no idea what mcguffin leads to the other mcguffin and I have no idea why they need it. Shia LaBoeuffs character does nothing to add to the story, remove him and you have the same movie minus one scene with swordfighting.

It's such a cool idea, but it's hobbled together like a rusty old car is held together with ductape. The cinematogrphy is awful, it did not inflict the nostalgia on me I had hoped for and expected. I'm sorry Steven, but what the hell?

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Jojo Rabbit
Love Actually
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

About half-way through I realized I wasn't watching something in the ordinary. I've only watched it once before and wasn't really paying attention to it. I was now, and I think it's one of those hidden little gems that combines very good acting with a funny homage to the neo-noir genre. The dialogues beteen Robert Downey Jr's Harold Lockhart and Val Kilmer's Gay Perry.

"Look up "idiot" in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?"
- "A picture of me?"
" No! The definition of the word idiot, which you fucking are!"

Yes. More of this please. I need more dialogue humor like this in my life.

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