


The Mandalorian: 1x04 Chapter 4: Sanctuary

The Seven Samurai plot but with The Mandalorian and a rogue soldier. A bit of love interest side-plot. Baby Yoda is still cute. Doesn't progress the story, expands the world a little bit. Nothing to really write home about except for the battle. It's nothing new under the sun.

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The Breakfast Club

Woah, splendid representation of what could happen if you sit down and actually talk to people and about yourself, show interest in a person. What a difference it could make and how people can be influenced. Glad I finally got around to seeing it.

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The Mandalorian: 1x03 Chapter 3: The Sin

The turning point episode. I'm glad to see that The Mandalorian is not an entity devoid of moral grounds. Then again, had anyone expected him to be? Maybe a bit more down the season, but the story line forces him to make the decisions now. It does leave him with some big enemies though, but I'm sure he'll get some back-up soon. Jon Favreau is a good writer, I'm just waiting for him to write a story that will really fly off. I hope it's this one. This is the way. I have spoken.

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The Last Emperor

The only thing wrong with this movie is that it should not have been made in English. Besides that, it is filled with colour symbolism, amazing camera work with a story of epic proportions.

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Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

About half-way through I realized I wasn't watching something in the ordinary. I've only watched it once before and wasn't really paying attention to it. I was now, and I think it's one of those hidden little gems that combines very good acting with a funny homage to the neo-noir genre. The dialogues beteen Robert Downey Jr's Harold Lockhart and Val Kilmer's Gay Perry.

"Look up "idiot" in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?"
- "A picture of me?"
" No! The definition of the word idiot, which you fucking are!"

Yes. More of this please. I need more dialogue humor like this in my life.

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Homecoming: 1x01 Mandatory

Sam Esmail does it again. I shall follow his career (and this show) with great interest. I love his use of camera, aspect ratio and pretty much all the rest. I'm really glad they give him a platform to perform to the best of his abilites on.

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Despite half of it being a talking head documentary, which I'm not for, the combination of the powerful women telling their story with the images shot in the eighties of the race is absolutely stunning. You cheer them on because they're there to set the trademark for all women after them, opening a door for them for opportunities. These girls are saying now again that if you listen to what people tell you you can't do, human kind would not have been great at all. And that is a strong message that I will take to heart.

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The Muppet Movie

Smart, funny and has aged really well over 40 years. Jim Henson's legacy still rings high today.

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Tight and gripping. Dips 3/4th in. Very human and a great attempt at creating something very real. The atmosphere is very dense in the sense that there's only the sound of the engines on the background and the set is only lit by the interior lights and any kind of moonlight/city lights. It's bleak and serene and I found the attemps to keep it as simple as possible commendable. If it wasn't for Joseph Gordon-Levitt's excellent perfomance, it would not come in as strongly as it does. In my opinion, it's one of those little gems of cinema that try something else, succeed, but will never have a big audience. For me, it could have done with less chaotic camera movements, less cuts, longer takes to really drive home the situation.

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Around the World in Eighty Days

It almost begs for a new scan, touch-ups and colour corrections. It does not go deep, but with a great cast (and legion of cameos), it features a fun travelogue kind of adventure filled with slapstick and awesome wide shots of locations.

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Your Highness

Sometimes I wonder why certain things exist.

This is one of them.

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Maybe one of the most important documentaries of the decade, showing how inequality, not only towards women, is still prevalent in what we call a 'modern' society. There are still many things we have to learn and change, but it is great to see that there is at least one great person out there trying her best to change things. And I'm cheering her on.

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Perhaps a tad too long and a shade stretchy in its concept, yet the film drenches you in the personality that is Zain. The very young actor embodies this role fully.

A rough life, but sweetnes and love is found anywhere, even in the darkest of places. It's only so heartbreaking to see how this young boy tries to do everything he can to do the right thing, and yet the world around him is not letting him. Shockingly real for how it must be in real.

It had me in tears.

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Stan & Ollie

This movie excels in its simplicity and dedication to the art of acting. Brilliantly cast, Coogan and Reily have the right chemistry to play this iconic duo. But let's not discredit Henderson's and Arianda's work either, playing their wives. It was a brilliant move to play them off against each other as well, but to shape a bond between them too.

There are some side stories that do not go anywhere, but besides that it is a lovely homage to the art of theater, comedy and how a long lasting friendship can shape a carreer and life.

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I'm a big sucker for horror/psychological thrillers like this, almost like a knockout competition. Something about the psychology about people arguing and deciding who gets to live or die really drew me to this movie. But besides the concept of it, I had a hard time agreeing with this movie. It wants to push humans forward as stereotypes too hard while it could have been improved if the characters had shown more nuances instead of mostly having to guess who they are. (But who would be able to with only 2 minutes of time between each kill). I think the movie would have profitted from a different pace, maybe stretching the time towards the end. The purpose just feels so empty. I didn't know enough about any of them to feel any kind of loss nor do I begrudge the choices made by the eventual survivor(s). Because I just want them to get on with it. On some level I did enjoy it though, I've been looking for this kind of pshycological setting like Coherence.

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The Jerk

Bizarre and mostly hit and miss for me. I guess one has to be a fan of Martin's particular style of humor and it just really wasn't my cup of tea. It got a chuckle or two out of me in any case.

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Berberian Sound Studio

Pretty disturbing and well acted by Jones, maybe he played the character a bit too spineless for me but that's maybe because of his great acting that the character frustrated me, so kudos there. The colour scheme was very consistent, the red contrasting very well to emphasize important scenes. I liked that they put as much importance to silence as loudness, makes the disturbence of the character dissolving into his crazy state. 8/10.

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Civil War

Alex Garland is a filmmaker who is masterful at his craft. He knows exactly what emotion to wring from you and the entire time I was on the edge of my seat. It gripped me, it gripped my humanity and made me look at what humans could do when all rules have been thrown out the window. We are a vile, vile species and what we do to each other is disgusting.
Beautifully shot too. Some shots look like photographs, exactly when a photograph is being taken. When an actual photograph is being shown, it adds to the tension.
We're only shown how these 4 journalists experience it, everyone else is just passing through. And these guys are brave. If that is really how they act, out there in war zones, my god.
I love movies that can make me feel something besides just entertainment. To enact an emotion from me that is not just pure awe at technological adeptness of the medium, but to show me with mesmerizingly neutral yet horrendous content is daring. I am so happy films like this are still being made.

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An incredible visualization of what animation could achieve about 80 years ago. Even now, in 2020 it has an impressive air. I cannot imagine how difficult it had to have been to time hand drawn animation to composed music. It is important to remember this movie, as it helped shape the industry.

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There is something irresistebly effective in the combination of a heartwarming message with great oops-what-did-I-get-myself-into-humor. My favourite part was Nicole Kidman and Matt Lucas acting together.

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Let the Right One In

One of the best movies of this decade that best catches the sense of the 80s and not the neon side of it, but that bleak, almost neo-noir feel of old Polaroids. Visually, it is gorgeous. The content pulls on your heart, the pre-adolescent love beats intensely and lingers wantingly while gruesome things happen in the background. And yet, it leaves a warm smile on your face.

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Battle: Los Angeles

Someone paid money to have this made.

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Homecoming: 1x02 Pineapple

The episode where we learn that there's finally more under the layers of what appears normal and from now on out we'll see just how deep the rabbit hole goes. Lead the way Sam Esmail.

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The Wife

Glenn Close's performance outshines the rest of the tepid feeling the movie gave me. I liked Christian Slater in his role too, but I think it could have gone a bit... deeper, ironically enough.

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The Woman in Black

One could edit this movie into 30 minutes of Daniel Radcliffe just skulking about and looking sad/scared.

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True Lies

I must have watched this once when I was a kid, because it felt really familiar. That may also have been because I’ve been on a bit of a James Cameron ride lately, having just seen both Terminators and Aliens. This movie is so, so much fun. Cameron pushes the genre of action comedy into something that is otherworldly and yet, is so believable at the same time. If you 90s action movies, Arnold Schwarzenegger and want to see something different, watch this. They put a horse in a fricking elevator, for crying out loud! Jamie Lee Curtis is great in this too and it’s always fun to see Bill Paxton (Man, I miss him). It doesn’t quite deliver on every plot line it goes for, but that’s not why you want to watch this movie. Just, amazing old fun and well done!

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Ray & Liz

I can best describe that this movie is shot like a moving photograph, combined with the tight ratio, it gives a really compressing view on the bleak, saddingely real life this family is leading. Their lack of empathy reflects how society feels about these kind of people, making it even harder for them to ever get out of this vicious cycle. This is their life, that's how it was then, that''s how it is now and that's how it will be. A forever unchanging line that does not waver.

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Horror Express

"Monster? We're British, you know."

A tightly filmed, claustrophobically set, dialogue-brilliant, well done make-up, blessed with several good actors cult-classic adaptation of "Who Goes There?". It's not good enough to have won any awards, but it has certainly set the example for any future movies in the same genre.

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It's not perfect, but it doesn't need to be. Bumblebee absolutely steels the show, his animation is the best anthropomorphization I've seen since WALL-E. The dialogue and pacing are the only detailed things that are lacking. Besides that this is a must see that even brought a tear or two to my eyes.

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You couldn't have a more simple setting, but the movie is laden with characters that don't bore. "Life is messy", but this movie guides the rollercoaster that it is along the tracks very nicely. Martin is a bit too out there in some scenes for me, but the whole cast ties it together perfectly for me.

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