


Little Witch Academia

Charming setting and animation style, with genuinely funny moments and enjoyable characterisation even if the show itself acknowledges that Akko hits one note for most of the show. The episode centred around Sucy was a stand-out moment in creativity, it must be said.
Overall not the most gripping, but a wonderful finale that leaves one's impression of the show on a very positive note.

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Black Mirror: 1x02 Fifteen Million Merits

While I enjoy the concept of the story and appreciate the message, the main reason I find this a tad boring is that it isn't anywhere revolutionary - the message is relevant and poignant, sure, but it's nothing new. It certainly sets itself up as if it is though, and also, I assume, sees that as a valid reason to be a bit lacking in characterisation.

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Non-spoiler review - as long as you've seen the trailer
Oh boy. Let's go through this. First, there is a bit that seriously comes off as racist writing.
Second, Johannsen's performance comes off as so one-note that for a good portion of the film, it's dull. Somewhat 'emotionless' protagonists have been played compellingly before, it can be done - off the top of my head, Prometheus and Hitman.
Thirdly, there are some seriously goofy sequences where the 'cool factor' is not very convincing.
Fourth, the science of the plot is poor to the point that I would guess that a significant percentage of viewers will be able to dispute it.
Fifth, Lucy's super-intelligence is occasionally abandoned for very obvious plot progression, which is annoying to watch.

Sixth, there are some cool visuals, I'll give it that. However, the meaning behind the final sequence is not very well communicated, leaving it feeling underdeveloped.
Seventh, it wasn't boring. It did keep my attention, but I recommend going into this totally as a popcorn film.

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