Shea Layton


Spokane, WA

The Gift

What breaks my heart when movies like this come out is that most people are so limited by their own movie tastes they can't appreciate a film that does great things in very different categories. As a Blumhouse movie, it stands out for the quality thriller that it is. Nothing mind blowing, but solid twists and drama along with excellent acting to support it.

Additionally though, this movie carries profound messages about the human condition and the effects our decisions have on each other. For anyone interested in the nature of humanity, how we hurt and damage each other, this movie certainly stands out.

On a rewatch it may get bumped up to a 9, but I'm always cautious about my hype. Probably gonna have to buy this one.

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The Drop

Shout by Shea Layton
BlockedParent2017-06-05T01:35:52Z— updated 2017-12-18T18:23:10Z

The film was a bit slow, though it was a key part of setting the tone. Certainly not a bad film, but not fully engaging. I felt it's value really came from Tom Hardy proving himself to be an incredible actor. If you'll watch an entire film to see one actor do his job well, this is worth the watch. A noteworthy entry into modern crime dramas, too.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Speed Racer
Perry Mason

This was a mixed bag for me. Overall deserves a good experience, but I didn't feel fully satisfied by the time it ended. The mystery took some time to get compelling, and the ending felt like it didn't bring some of the characters to a satisfying conclusion. Some, however, did, and the acting overall was excellent. Too much sex and nudity, but that seems to be the norm these days, especially on HBO. What really rubbed me the wrong way was the jazz soundtrack. I love jazz, and I know it was era-appropriate, but it just clashed with the mood of the show. There were some serious theatrical tracks that fit really well, and then in a somber and dark show a weirdly upbeat and slightly flamboyant jazz would kick in. It always felt a bit jolting, with the exception of the "resurrection getaway" scene.

Overall good show, but just weird weak points and I don't feel ready to recommend it to anyone.

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Atari: Game Over

Interesting info for any fan of gaming history. Annoying as hell interviewer.

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Felt like a solid film for the first two thirds, a great modern sequel/reboot, with quality filming and fun music. Last third felt like it was done by different people than who had done the rest of the film, with a very forced racial message that wasn't even consistent. There was a lot of good here, but sadly a lot of bad at the end to tarnish the memory...

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Criminal Record

I'm all for a good social justice narrative, but this is just lazy, aggressive, preachy writing. Every villain is an over-the-top misogynist white guy, and the heroes are all minority women. I mean, give me a few misogynists, but having a therapist husband who gaslights beyond all reason at every opportunity... what on earth?

The main character is insecure, selfish, and unlikeable. Give us someone noble, someone who cares more about right and wrong than proving herself. If you want me to cheer for the black women all you have to do is make her a person worth cheering for.

The corruption of the cops is blatant and obvious, and yet no one bats an eye. It's just absurd. They're way to smart to go from extremely professional and tactful to aggressive gaslighting where everyone can see. There's a whole investigation department for the slightest bullying accusation but constant, blatant, public demeaning and harassment is ignored by everyone?

Cmon. This is just bad writing.

(And the irony is it was written by white guys, lol.)

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The Haunting of Hill House

Great acting, good horror. Sadly, it felt like it completely fell apart in the final episode. The relationship resolutions felt like fluffy words without any actual content, and the resolution of the mysteries didn't really add any depth to the show. I thought this show was going to be at least an 8 but the end felt rather hollow.

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The Perfection

The tone at the beginning was great. The tone in the middle was solid, and the two major plot points were fantastic. And yet... the movie just kinda wanders into this abstract artistic tone at the end that just kind of flopped for me. It's got some great content but as a whole it just didnt work for me, and the failed potential breaks my heart.

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Train to Busan

Apparently if the people in Zombie makeup scream loud enough, run fast enough, and are filmed on a shakey enough cam, it counts as a "good" movie? It dealt with some interesting themes of selfishness, and had some suspenseful moments, but by the end I felt disappointed. Entirely forgettable...

It was like Snowpiercer meets World War Z, without the things that made them both enjoyable and original.

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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Man of Steel wasn't a bad movie, it just ended up being mediocre. Bvs DoJ was a bad movie. Whoever wrote the script and story should be fired. I get the dark and gritty Batman, but he was downright emotionally unstable. No one could get through to him, even Alfred, with all the reasonable and obvious arguments, but saying his mother's name helped him immediately reconcile all his differences? Am I also to believe that, for 12 years, Superman never made any real attempt to talk to the public? He was in such an emo mood he couldn't figure out maybe he should actually try and tell people his side, his thoughts, or something else? Eisenberg didn't do a bad job, but he didn't really work as Luthor. they basically turned him into a Joker-esque figure, and it didn't fit the feel. They needed a General Zod-Presque villain for the tone of the film. The movie definitely made some attempt at saying something important... but what that is isn't clear.

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Memory Lane

"Kill me." That's how you'll feel watching this movie. The plot was difficult to follow, the acting was mediocre, the cinematography was bad, and the soundtrack was terrible. Maybe there's a good movie in there somewhere, but I never found it. They tried to do their own Primer and they failed.

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