

Margate, Queensland

The Ricky Gervais Show

Laugh so much every episode!!

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Man Down

First season started but slow, but loved everything about it by the end.

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The Royle Family

Without a doubt one of the funniest British shows.

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The Office

One of the best cringiest shows ever produced. Ricky Gervais is at his best here, so much better than the US version

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The Society

Interesting concept, however I feel like the show is dragged down by typical teen show issues. Concepts such as exploration gets put into the background (takes them 5 months to send out a second expedition!!), when it should have a been a priority.

Another good note is the amount of main characters the show boasts with strong backgrounds, an issue with that is that a number of them are unlikeable (Ally, Cassandra, Will, the jocks (apart from Luke)).

Just need to tweak a few things from the first season and the second one could be great. I’ll definitely be watching

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The Society

Interesting concept, however I feel like the show is dragged down by typical teen show issues. Concepts such as exploration gets put into the background (takes them 5 months to send out a second expedition!!), when it should have a been a priority.

Another good note is the amount of main characters the show boasts with strong backgrounds, an issue with that is that a number of them are unlikeable (Ally, Cassandra, Will, the jocks (apart from Luke)).

Just need to tweak a few things from the first season and the second one could be great. I’ll definitely be watching

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Peaky Blinders: 4x04 Dangerous

No one can steal the scene like Alfie can

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

2 hours of the Vader scene would do very nicely

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 5x02 The Big House (2)

These episodes are so much better without Gina, do not miss her at all.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x06 The Eye

Wow, an absolute brilliant episode.
Up there with some of the best material Star Wars has ever produced.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 1x18 The Apartment

A really good episode, and the first time all season I have liked Gina for the entirety of the episode.

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They come at night mostly... mostly

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After Life: 2x06 Episode 6

Great ending to another funny and deeply emotional season. Ricky Gervais in his
best dramatic role to date, with a great supporting cast. Can’t recommend this series enough!

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After Life: 2x06 Episode 6

Great ending to another funny and deeply emotional season. Ricky Gervais in his
best dramatic role to date, with a great supporting cast. Can’t recommend this series enough!

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The Bear: 2x07 Forks

Up there with one of the best episode of the show, best of the season so far!

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Maze Runner: The Death Cure

Shout by Jaggs

Much better than the second, no where near as good as the first - an okay ending to the trilogy. Action packed, entertaining and pretty good directing, which has been a common throughout these movies. The issue with this movie is poor writing and a predictable plot, including a few too many eye rolling moments including Teresa's death at the end, The return was gally was definitely a good surprise if you hadn't read the books, Will Poulter puts out one of the best performances across the trilogy. Couple side characters seem to get lost in the effort to get Teresa back into the fold (Giancarlo Espositio!). Overall, could've been better, but as finales go these days it could've been much much worse

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Worst of the first 3 predator movies. Near impossible to beat the original, and the second was fun and a different B Movie. This predator movie puts us back in a jungle, and no where near matched the height set by the first movie. Too many generic character stereotypes and the action scenes were okay. Pretty strong cast with none of them shone, apart from Topher Grace whose character really surprised me. Saying that I did enjoy the predator and dog designs.

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Whilst not up to the same caliber as Casino Royale, it’s definitely a step up from Quantam.
Pacing issues plagues this movie, but it is made up by brilliant acting by the major trio (Barden, Craig and Dench).
Craig really came into his own in this movie and cemented himself as one of the great Bonds. Javier Bardem was scary and great despite not having too much material fo work with. Whilst Dench was again brilliant in her final outing as M.
There was some issues (along with pacing) ie. Q plugging the laptop in, only for it to get hacked 5 mins later (like come on man). But excellent cinematography, particularly the fight in the high rise early in the film, and the Scottish scenes were brilliant to watch and experience.
Definitely one of the best Bond films in a while. 9/10

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American Horror Story: 6x06 Chapter 6

Absolutely mental ep, fav in the season by far

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Fresh Meat: 4x06 Episode 6

Really good finale, was really sad to see everyone leave. Probably for the first time this season I thought Oregon was actually funny, but was sad to see Josie all alone at the end

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Fear the Walking Dead: 3x03 TEOTWAWKI


With what's been a promising start to the season (the best 2 starting episodes of any of the seasons so far), the writers dumped all of the promise to the floor.

Whilst not a bad episode, it returned to the mind numbingness of the episodes of the previous seasons. The brothers Jake and Troy breathe a bit of fresh air into the story line which we've seen before. Alicia's little story in this episode just wasn't very good, and left much to be desired.

The Saving grace for this episode is Strand. Albeit we didn't even see to much of him. With the addition of the surprise inclusion at the end, it's the only character story arc who I actually want to follow.

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The 100: 1x01 Pilot

Teenage drama, predictable cliches, average acting. Story is just interesting enough and a strongish ending to be keep me involved for the next couple episodes.

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The 100: 1x01 Pilot

Teenage drama, predictable cliches, average acting. Story is just interesting enough and a strongish ending to be keep me involved for the next couple episodes.

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