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Attack on Titan: 4x03 The Door of Hope

Another very boring chapter. And now they sum up three... Also, I dislike the new style of drawing. Eren. Reiner, Bertholt, Annie didn't even look like themselves.

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@rayattarahman8 no, with the designs I meant about the flashback Annie, Berth old and Reiner.
I mentioned Eren because that even resembles less but is the one that has a bit of justification because of the time passed. The other three share timeline in the flashback with the previous sessions.
I really hope it improves and probably I'll catch up soon in the manga.

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Attack on Titan: Special 37 The Final Chapters Special (2)

The greatest anime series of a generation finally reaches its grand conclusion. 10 years of drama and controversies, especially among the fandom over the manga ending, it's truly been a ride.
This was solid, although there are still loose ends and lots of questions that remain unanswered. And all that other stuff: multiple delays, changing of animation studios before the final season even began, the "questionable" plot twist into the final season, and much more other controversial things that I best rather leave out for internet enthusiasts and adventurers to find out.
Now, for the ending. It was satisfying.Let me explain: Was it the perfect ending? No. Could it have been better? Yes. But then again, it could have gotten any worse than what it was already, from the source material. As another reviewer pointed out, it's more of a compromised ending, between the fans' expectations and the infamous manga ending.
This, honestly in my opinion, is a good example of "a show doesn't need always need a happy ending, just a perfect one"


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@proxevo "the "questionable" plot twist into the final season"
What do you mean?
I have seen the serie binge watch last time and I didn't notice something like you said.

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Alchemy of Souls: 2x02 Episode 2

So the theory that in s1 Naksu was in Buyeon's body has been finally confirmed! I don't know whether I'm still fully convinced that Buyeon's soul is dead, since she does have divine powers after all...

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@kate-fylu but that is know almost from mid-seasson...

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 3x08 The Puppetmaster

Finally somebody understands the possibilities of bending. Homma is a revolutionary. Katara, predictably outlaws the practice(We find out in legend of Korra) of course ensuring that the practice would be remembered in a way it never would have been if it hadn't been outlawed and brought attention to. I love Katara for her compassion but she is not a leader.

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@juliusspeyton I just though from the beginning. You can freeze water but you can't freeze blood? you can kill instantly all you want. Nice the scripters introduced this.

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Attack on Titan: 4x03 The Door of Hope

Another very boring chapter. And now they sum up three... Also, I dislike the new style of drawing. Eren. Reiner, Bertholt, Annie didn't even look like themselves.

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@rayattarahman8 I am reading it right now, but I haven't reached the anime yet. It doesn't change the fact that this chapter was boring, even with Eren making a philosophical discourse. You can say that is calm before storm. Ok, but it was boring. Maybe I am not used to see chapters alone, I have seen the previous seasons always without pauses, in a marathon, not chapters with a week of separation. Maybe is that I don't feel any connection with Marley characters and I don't care about them.
The feeling until now is that I am disappointed. I hope the next chapters have more storm and prove me wrong. I have seen 3 times the previous seasons so I compare with that.

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Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams: 1x05 Real Life

First one of the series I've actually enjoyed & the most Black-Mirror-like so far. What it was nothing like was the original short story Exhibit Piece by PKD, except in the name of the main character. I honestly don't know why they used PKD's name, if they were just going to make up their own stories in the vein of Black Mirror. Unless they just wanted to piss off PKD fans, of course.

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@kanootcha @horizonmars I think both of you are talking about "Real Life" right?

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Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams: 1x05 Real Life

One of the oldest stories in the genre and one writer Philip K. Dick revisted numerous times. It is no wonder some users have compared it to his other «adaptation» Total Recall as this story is also about a dream journey and the question of identity. A lesbian Anna Paquin add to the fun but it is not much surprises here besides that one hot idea.

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@dangigernes This is not "Real life" but "The hood maker". The order is mess up (1 with 5).

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