

Madrid, Spain

Project Almanac

-Smart boy: We should try again with small objects, and then bacteria, plants..
-Hot girl: Nah, let's try it ourselves!
-Smart boy: Ok!

The power of boner is stronger than reason.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3x22 Ascension (2)

"Plus, I always wanted to do this: Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope."

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Marvel's Iron Fist: 1x05 Under Leaf Pluck Lotus

Rosario Dawson for the win!

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The Flash: 1x17 Tricksters

Mark Hamill is so good in this episode, remembering his old days after more than 20 years; and that "Vader moment" was awesome!

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x13 Land of the Lost

-But you are like... I mean, you're really...
-I was going to say "hot", but yeah! That too!

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Black Sails: 4x07 XXXV

Dammit, Billy! Not this again...

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The Walking Dead: 11x17 Lockdown

The armored Stormtroopers are incredibly useless. The two at the beginning of the episode getting flanked by walkers while clearing them with machine guns. And at the end the Delta team managed to flip the vehicle driving in a completely flat field and one of them gets killed almost immediately? I'm questioning how have they managed to last this long xD

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Marvel's Iron Fist: 1x08 The Blessing of Many Fractures

Rosario Dawson Ex Machina!

PS: the best fight so far in the show, against the drunken monkey style guy.

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iZombie: 3x13 Looking for Mr. Goodbrain (2)

It is me or that "DDay plan" it's insanely stupid?

-Hey, we're running low on brains, let's spread a deadly virus everywhere!
-But what happens if the humans get vaccinated?
-We'll taint the shots with our blood and they'll become zombies!
-So there will be more zombies, but the same amount of brains than before?
-... well, sh!t.

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Dark Matter: 3x04 All the Time in the World

In a time travel/loop themed episode, the"Allons-y!" moment from the Android was priceless for a Whovian like me... but what the hell were those jumps to the future? And that ending!? Explain! EXPLAIN! (Dalek mode off)

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The X-Files: 7x08 The Amazing Maleeni

This episode >>>> "Now you see me..."

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Marvel's Iron Fist: 2x06 The Dragon Dies at Dawn

The best fighting scene of the season and the mighty Iron Fist isn't part of it. Maybe they should've hired an actor who could fight to play the role of the best martial artist in the world...

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Ted Lasso: 2x03 Do the Right-est Thing

Sassy's daughter looks a lot like a small Ashley Johnson!

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Stargirl: 1x12 Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. (1)

Nice rip off of Cerebro you got there, mister.

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Dark Matter: 2x02 Kill Them All

I was wondering who would say the phrase for the title of this episode.
That moment was epic!

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The Flash: 3x17 Duet (II)

Is it bad that I enjoyed this episode this much? From time to time is nice to have a different/goofy episode to break tension.
Also, they put together the best sets of pipes from the 3 shows. That was awesome. The only one I didn't know who could sing was Winn (Jeremy Jordan), VERY nice voice!

PS: I need some footage of the studio booth where they recorded the songs and some outtakes of that!

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Black Sails: 4x02 XXX

Dammit, Billy. So far you were the only one who wasn't making foolish decisions all over the place!

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Blindspot: 2x09 Why Let Cooler Pasture Deform

Goddamit, that cheap old trick ending the episode with a gunshot and the surprised faces of two characters fighting.

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See: 3x08 I See You

A few quick things:
-Ding, dong, the bitch is dead! (for real this time)
-Baba sacrifice wasn't necessary, but it was a really cool moment for the ending of the show.
-The crane-trebuchets were awesome looking.
-Kofun is a moron. Always has been. His final decision just is the last on a series of stupid choices.
-Fun visual of the NYC Library at the end. But really, modern design chairs had to survive? not even an apocalypse could rid the world of those?

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 7x06 Deus Ex Latrina

"I'm sorry, Eva. I'm afraid I can't do that."
Gideon got scary there quoting HAL 9000!

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Mom: 8x17 A Community Hero and a Wide Turn

I was bracing myself for the inevitable tragedy that was about to ruin such a happy and sweet episode, like it usually occurs on this show. But it never happened!

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The Walking Dead: 7x16 The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

Most anti-climatic climax for a finale.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x15 Necromancing the Stone

Loved the "Doctor What's-his-face" reference"

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The Lost City of Z

Movie, get your s**t together, even you don't know what you're about. A tale of man vs nature? An outcast trying to restore his status in a society only to learn that society isn't worth it? The White Man befriending the Natives against the preconceived ideals of his world? Or maybe for a few minutes tries to be a warlike film showing us some of the horrors of the Great War?

In any case, more than two hours of my life that I won't get back.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x17 Aruba

That was a very whovian ending!

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Vikings: 4x18 Revenge

Gather the biggest army so far on the show... and skip the battle! That was pretty lame, I hope they compensate that on the next episodes.

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The Judge

Robert Downey Jr, Robert Duvall, Billy Bob Thornton... what a wonderful cast!

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Doctor Who: 12x06 Praxeus

Super gross and creepy skin things in people. Just be warned if you're creep out by that stuff.

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A Quiet Place

It seems the father didn't give it much thinking to bring a tiny and loud human to that nightmarish world and you can see he just realizes it as soon as the baby starts to cry outside.

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Supergirl: 3x08 Crisis on Earth-X (I)

I agree with Mr. Rory: ...Best wedding ever!

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