

Valyria, Essos

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x02 Adrift

Shout by Jessica
BlockedParent2022-09-02T22:02:17Z— updated 2022-12-09T14:16:13Z

As a LOTR fan for the past 20 or so years, this show definitely satisfies my cravings for more Middle Earth. Seeing Khazad-dûm in all its glory was fantastic. The orc fight was terrifying (albeit predictable), and the orc itself looked as menacing as ever (which makes me anticipate any big fight scenes coming and all the horror we'll get to see). The show gives nods to the Peter Jackson movies without overdoing it, through similarity in characters and world building, which I enjoy. It's definitely its own show but it respects its predecessor. Is the show perfect? Definitely not. But I'm certainly enjoying it so far, even with the imperfections.

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Doctor Who: 9x10 Face the Raven

What the hell is up with all the Clara hate in the comments? She was an amazing character and I will miss her badly.

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Narcos: 1x02 The Sword of Simón Bolívar

Whole ep: dead people everywhere
Dog gets shot: WHAT THE FUCK??? WHAT. THE. FUCK.

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Stranger Things: 4x09 Chapter Nine: The Piggyback

Honestly, it was fine, but it definitely is a build up for the final season and one big cliffhanger. Just wish there were more stakes with people dying etc. Plot armour is strong on this show. Only side characters can die, apparently, main cast always comes back somehow.

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The X-Files: 7x12 X-Cops

This one's actually great. Scully vs cameramen is my new favourite thing.

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The X-Files: 3x12 War of the Coprophages

This ep is absolutely hilarious. All the lines are golden. Why isn't this show a comedy all the time??

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The X-Files: 3x20 Jose Chung's "From Outer Space"

Hilarious ep. So bleeping brilliant.

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The Crown: 6x10 Sleep, Dearie Sleep

Honestly, was expecting a bit more for the ending. The whole last season just felt a little flat. Maybe the death of the actual queen made them go a bit too soft? It just didn't feel as grand or intricate as the past seasons, and the constant use of "ghosts" speaking to characters got a bit ridiculous. Overall however, it was a great series that I will probably be rewatching at some point in the future.

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The Crown: 5x10 Decommissioned

Definitely the worst season. Not much happened and it feels drawn out, yet not as fleshed out as the previous seasons. Felt rather tame. Almost as if they're scared to insult the actual Crown again so they went a bit easy on them. Idk, I hope the next season will end it off with a bang.

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Whose Line is it Anyway?

I must admit I was rather reluctant when WLIIA came back on, thinking it could never be as fun as before, but a few episodes in I was completely won over. The humour is still topnotch and makes me cry-laugh basically every single episode and Aisha is an awesome host (so glad they didn't bring back boring Drew Carey). Also the sketches are literally the same, so I don't get what people are complaining about. This is a hilarious show and the new seasons are just as brilliant as the old ones.

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The X-Files: 5x05 The Post-Modern Prometheus

What the hell even is this ep

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The X-Files: 4x12 Leonard Betts

This episode is fuckin weird.

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The X-Files: 2x02 The Host

This is really the creepiest and most disgusting episode yet. That's gonna haunt me.

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Orphan Black

Best show best show best show BEST SHOW.

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Squid Game: The Challenge: 1x08 One Step Closer

I probably would've done what Mai did lol. Can't trust Ashley after what she did to Trey.

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The Legend of Vox Machina: 2x05 Pass Through Fire

l love how they dramatised Keylith's storyline with the fire ashari. I felt it was kinda odd on the actual tabletop show when the whole group got to help her lol. This honestly made more sense and was truly a challenge for her. I overall really enjoy the changes in the story so far, it makes sense for a series to change it around a bit and they've done a real good job of it imo.

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The X-Files: 5x02 Redux II (3)

These three episodes have been so brilliant. Best yet!

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Orphan Black: 4x07 The Antisocialism of Sex

THIS SEASON IS SO GOOD. How is literally every episode better than the last? It's incredible.

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The X-Files: 8x11 The Gift

WHERE IS SCULLY THOUGH. This season is the worst.

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How to Get Away with Murder: 2x09 What Did We Do?

That was intense. And now we gotta wait until February for more??

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The Devil's Plan: 1x09 Episode 9

The cliffhangers on this show are so fucking good, I can't ever just watch one episode at a time.

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Squid Game: The Challenge: 1x03 War

Honestly, I love how this show is edited. It's so clean (while still holding onto that reality show aspect, obviously). It's really a great midpoint of actual Squid Game and a game show, it's neat. The production and the sets are just superb. I hate half the people though, at least the worst one was finally cut lmao, good riddance, my dude.

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Skins: 1x04 Chris

I remember being so sad for Chris watching this the first time years ago, and I still feel the same way... poor bloke takes any pill he can just to feel anything other than sadness. Also, Jal is the only good friend in this whole group. Good on her!

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The Legend of Vox Machina: 1x05 Fate's Journey

I love how they teased the hanged people by showing them being "invited" by the Briarwoods. Them hanging from the tree was such a shocking realisation during the stream, and I feel like they did it justice on the show.

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Pushing Daisies: 1x01 Pie-lette

"I'd kiss you if it didn't kill me". Oh, my heart. I saw this show years and years ago and I had forgotten how excellent it actually is. It's the perfect mix of quirky, funny and sentimental. It's gonna be so great rewatching this.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x07 The Eye

The plot armour is THICK on this show. Wow, people die, lose legs and are burnt to a crisp but the worst thing that happens to the main characters is that they go blind and they get a gash to the stomach I guess? (But not too bad that they can't walk, talk or even ride, but bad enough to need help from the elves?) Oh, and Isildur is obviously hiding underneath some rubble to be found by his horse Brego style. Idk, I'm still kinda disappointed watching this show. It started out so good! But then it's just been plot holes and plot armour and boring dialogue that leads nowhere. I really hope the finale actually goes somewhere... and doesn't just leave us with a cliffhanger.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x03 Adar

I'm liking this more each episode - and not only because I'm back in Arda where I've always felt at home. It's just... good. It's really going somewhere, albeit slowly. I'm excited to see where the season takes us.

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Baby Reindeer

Starts slow, but stay with it. Episode 4 is such a switch in mood. You think it's "just" gonna be a story about a guy being stalked, but it goes so much deeper.

Absolutely loved this, but it was definitely harrowing to watch.

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Twin Peaks: 3x16 Part 16

Is the rest of the season had just been this, it would've been one of the best seasons of television ever. Too bad it took SIXTEEN EPISODES to get to this place. Felt like a relief now though, like everything is finally in its right place. The music, Cooper, everything. Feels like home.

Btw I just KNEW something was up with Audrey. All of her scenes felt off, and they were fighting for like a week before venturing out of their home while she kept being confused. Interested to see if that plotline leads anywhere.

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The Devil's Plan: 1x06 Episode 6

I feel so bad for Hye-sung. I understand betraying Dong-jae because he'd been untrustworthy before and seemed to be scheming, but nobody had to write Hye-sung's name down. That was pretty shitty tbh.

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