Neil Trout


Omicron Persei 8

Chicago Med: 3x06 Ties That Bind

I don’t know how many times I’ve said it - she should have gone to Pathology ffs. Another dereliction of duty from Charles, he knew she was troubled and knew that she was uncomfortable to say the least treating the radiation dude. He didn’t follow up with her to see how she was doing afterward; if he had seen her condition more acute he could have sent her home. Charles needs to go. Also…WTF with pizza and tv game room for paramedics???? When are they chilling out eating pizza? They’re paramedics, they drop off and get to the next emergency; I’m pretty sure chilling out in a tv room with all the pizza you can eat isn’t part of their remit. I really doubt we ever see paramedics in that room ever again. E7 just started it Maggie says to her paramedic boyfriend, paramedics should just drop them off and leave WTF what about your room idea! This is a shit show

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Chicago Med: 2x21 Deliver Us
Chicago Med: 2x20 Generation Gap

So out of character that Natalie didn’t call DCFS. Must have been different writers.

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Chicago Med: 2x17 Monday Mourning

They should have given Wheeler more screen time so when he killed himself we felt his loss a bit more acutely. Goodwin at the end saying she worries accomplishes nothing, more than anyone she is in the position to effect real change, mandatory psychiatric evaluations, not scheduling back to back shifts, mental health initiatives, she can initiate real change to make the place healthier but no, let’s just worry.

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Chicago Med: 2x16 Prisoner's Dilemma

April calls DCFS for far less than a mother being a drug mule and potentially endangering her child’s welfare.

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Chicago Med: 2x15 Lose Yourself

Thankfully that douche chief of emergency medicine didn’t appear, they must have put him back in his tiny shoebox with his Cicero books.

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Chicago Med: 2x12 Mirror Mirror

If they killed off the diabetes guy I was going to be real pissed…instead they end the episode and we don’t know what happened WTF?

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Chicago Med: 2x04 Brother's Keeper

Why didn't they give the guy with the breathing tube the option to just write on a bit of paper?

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Chicago Med: 2x02 Win Loss

Baghdad is the trauma bay where gunshot victims are treated. Maggie (Lockwood) Campbell, a charge nurse in the emergency department at Gaffney Chicago Medical Center, is the one who originated the term. It's meant to draw a parallel between gun violence in Chicago and a war zone.

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Chicago Med: 1x14 Hearts

It would have been classic if his parents had named him Damien.

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Chicago Med: 1x05 Malignant (II)

Long sideburns and stubble ftw! Choi needs to get with the grooming

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Evil: 4x01 How to Split an Atom

Is it my TV, or is it too dark in a lot of scenes? Maybe I should watch it at night or something lol. So glad to see the show back.

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Shrinking: 1x02 Fortress of Solitude

Why is Taco Tuesday vaguely racist? Doesn’t it celebrate that taco’s are a good thing, so they have a day?

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Ted Lasso: 2x09 Beard After Hours

For the time spend on Beard here they really didn’t advance the character much in that time.

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Manifest: 4x15 Throttle

I think Ben is the antichrist :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Manifest: 4x03 High Flight

I love that neither Zeke nor Mick nor Ben nor anyone but Jared are constrained by the burden of having to earn money to exist and pay for things, what most of us call jobs, of course they won the lottery and are independently wealthy.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 5x02 Under the Twin Moons

I like the show (in the absence of anything else), just don’t like the saccharine over sharing and breaking cardinal rules like the captain not being on away teams and certainly not with the #1 at the same time. I get it though, Michael is the center of the universe. Her goto move for urgency is to race sentences and talk like she’s Dumbledore….Harrydidyouputyournameinthegobletoffire?!

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Manifest: 1x12 Vanishing Point

Cal, are you alone? Cal Nods. Is there anyone else here? Um, don’t you know what nodding means?

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Vertical Limit

Can’t really figure out why they thought bringing nitro glycerin was a good idea. So they think they’ve found the survivors, ok let’s now detonate nitro where they are? Um, avalanche? destabilizing the crevasse? As if the movie wasn’t anxiety inducing enough :flushed:

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Stargate Atlantis: 5x20 Enemy at the Gate

It definitely seemed like the end balcony scene was tacked on to conclude things, for a moment it seemed a bit incongruous for the extra actress to be there, not like she was one of the regulars but whatever. They really should have made the Extinction movie but profit won out as usual.

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Stargate Atlantis: 5x17 Infection

I love Ronan’s solutions. Everyone else technobabble solution. Ronan “just blow it up” - most of the time Ronan is proven right: but then if they listened to Ronan then there wouldn’t be a show so there’s that. “I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.”

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Stargate Atlantis: 5x16 Brain Storm

I’m not complaining obviously, but didn’t they pack a change of clothes?

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Stargate Atlantis: 5x14 The Prodigal

Why is Michael dressed like he’s going fishing

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Stargate Atlantis: 3x19 Vengeance

For such a supposed badass fighter, Tayla is awful at guarding the door and is always getting captured or overpowered. When she was guarding the door for Rodney she was looking at him all the time and not paying attention. Ronan was spot on with what he said to Sheppard.

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Stargate Atlantis: 3x07 Common Ground

This was a great episode in so much as the dialogue between the wraith and Sheppard, the rest not so much. I can’t recall if we ever find out a lot more about the wraith, probably not which would be a wasted opportunity as that would be much more interesting than them being a two dimensional baddie. Long live Todd!

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Stargate Atlantis: 2x18 Michael

Not sure that enforcing a genetic alteration on an enemy without their consent is in accordance with the Hippocratic Oath. Sounds more like something the Nazi’s would do.

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Stargate Atlantis: 2x16 The Long Goodbye

Magnificent acting from Weir, she did the usual squinty eyes thing and that was about it, Sheppard didn’t even bother from the start LMAO. I was shouting to my wife that they should NOT allow alien entities to share their bodies! WTF! Of course, my wife said, that then there wouldn’t be a show LOL, she’s so wise. Haha she just said “Oh please, you call that acting?”

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Stargate Atlantis: 2x01 The Siege (3)

Elizabeth! You’ve got to get up here! LMAO there’s always a problem. Can’t they just chill out for 5 minutes?

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Stargate Atlantis: 1x18 The Gift

Guy leaving canteen dodges fixture then looks back at the ass of the attractive new blonde psychologist

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Stargate Atlantis: 1x16 The Brotherhood

..or you could just scan for the ZPM energy signature and don’t worry about the puzzle :grinning:

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