Napster Genious


Pune, Maharashtra

Devilman Crybaby

Devilman Crybaby, Netflix's anime adaptation of Go Nagai's manga, is a wild ride through violence, gore, and philosophical exploration. While praised for its animation, unique visual style, and tackling of mature themes like religion and identity, it's equally criticized for its graphic content, sometimes gratuitous violence, and pacing issues.

If you're looking for something intense, thought-provoking, and visually distinct, Devilman Crybaby might be your jam. But be prepared for its brutal content and uneven execution. It's definitely not for everyone, but for those who can stomach it, it offers a unique and unforgettable experience.

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The Patient

The Patient is a psychological thriller that explores the relationship between a therapist (Steve Carell) and his captive patient (Domhnall Gleeson), who is a serial killer. The show is intriguing and intense, but also frustrating and repetitive. The performances of the two leads are excellent, but the plot does not offer much surprise or variation.

The show is more interested in the themes of empathy, guilt, and responsibility than in the suspense or action. The Patient is a show that will appeal to fans of character-driven dramas, but may disappoint those who expect more twists and thrills.

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How to Get Rich

How to Get Rich is a boring and superficial series that tries to pass off generic and obvious advice as some kind of financial wisdom. The host, Ramit Sethi, is a self-proclaimed money guru who acts like he knows everything about personal finance, but he mostly just tells people to cut down on their expenses, pay off their debts, and invest in index funds. Nothing new or groundbreaking here.

The show ignores the struggles of the working-class and the poor, who face systemic and structural barriers to achieving financial security. The show is tone-deaf and insensitive to the realities of most people, who are not interested in living their "rich life", but just want to survive and thrive in a harsh and unequal world. How to Get Rich is a waste of time and a poor excuse for entertainment.

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Ladies Up

The show will strengthen your belief about women comedians and the belief is 'They are not funny'. :neutral_face:

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