Clintronik Rivas


Tempe, Arizona

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Without question my favorite Star Wars film since The Empire Strikes Back. I liked all the characters tremendously, as well as the story, the visuals and set designs. I was hugely underwhelmed by The Force Awakens, but thankfully this movie exceeded expectations! I don't understand the Star Wars fans who don't appreciate it, but everyone has different tastes. I was eager to see a Star Wars film that didn't revolve around the Jedi and lightsabers. Fingers crossed for the Han Solo movie. 9/10 stars

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A Clockwork Orange

I consider myself a Kubrick fan, but it took me forever to get around to watching A Clockwork Orange and after seeing it, maybe I need a 2md viewing. While I loved the photography, editing and overall style of the film, the central story and characters never engaged me. The performances were all great, and definitely worth watching for them alone. I do recommend it to anyone who hasn't experienced all of Kubrick's movies, but it's definitely lower on the list for me. That might change after a re-watch.
7/10 stars

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