Dann Michalski


Toledo, Ohio

Winnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Year

Winnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Year is a delightful and whimsical feature full of the festive adventures of the Hundred Acre Wood. The first half of the feature is a recut version of Winnie the Pooh and Christmas Too, and is followed by a second story about the New Year's resolutions made by the Hundred Acre Wood gang in order to prevent Rabbit from leaving them. The voice work is pretty good, and is fairly consistent with the established characters. Additionally, Carly Simon provides a charming soundtrack that's lighthearted and soothing. Yet there's nothing particularly inspired or original about Winnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Year, making it a rather mediocre (but enjoyable) animated feature.

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A Night to Remember

A Night to Remember recounts the tragic tale of the sinking of the R.M.S. Titanic on its maiden voyage after it struck an iceberg in the North Atlantic. Based on Walter Lord’s bestselling book, the film follows various Titanic passengers and crew throughout the sinking, along with the rescue efforts (or lack thereof) of the Californian and Carpathia. This is simultaneously the film’s greatest strength and weakness; as it allows for an expansive overview of events, but also makes it difficult to get to know individual characters. The model work and special effects are pretty good (for the time), and give a real sense of scope to the tragedy. However, the score is rather bland and doesn’t have much emotional resonance to it. Still, while A Night to Remember has some weaknesses, it delivers a compelling depiction of one of the greatest maritime disasters in history.

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The Nazi propaganda film Titanic is incredibly bizarre yet imminently fascinating. Aside from a few names, the ship, and the iceberg, there’s no resemblance to the real people and events. In this version greedy president of the White Star Line Bruce Ismay pushes the Titanic’s speed in order to set a new world record in hopes of raising the company’s stock price and winning a prestigious Blue Riband; meanwhile the ship's only German officer, Petersen, attempts to warn passengers and crew that an impending disaster awaits if the ship isn’t slowed down before they reach the ice fields that lie ahead. The film is appalling on so many levels, yet it’s rather interesting to see how things have been distorted to fit the anti-British narrative. An obscene piece of propaganda, Titanic failed spectacularly (forgotten almost immediately after it was released) and sank into obscurity.

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Armed and Dangerous

John Candy and Eugene Levy are Armed and Dangerous in this quirky ‘80s buddy comedy. The story follows a disgraced ex-cop and an incompetent lawyer who become armed security guards that accidentally stubble upon a major criminal operation. The plot’s fairly thin and the characters are pretty formulaic. But Candy and Levy have good chemistry, and they work well with this type of screwball humor. It has its problems, but Armed and Dangerous works as a silly, cornball-ish comedy and delivers some good laughs.

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Live Free or Die Hard

The most explosive and action-packed film of the series, Live Free or Die Hard is a nonstop high-adrenaline adventure. This time John McClane gets caught-up in a cyber-terrorist attack against America’s infrastructure, and things get personal when the terrorists kidnap his daughter. The storytelling is pretty good and is quite timely in its dealing with modern terrorism. Additionally, the villains (played exceptionally well by Timothy Olyphant and Maggie Q) are compelling and dynamic. And while there are some weak special effects and script issues, the high-energy chase scenes and intense fight sequences keep the film exciting and engaging. Live Free or Die Hard is a riveting, thrill-a-minute action film that’s incredible entertaining...Yippee-Ki-Yay, Motherf*****!

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Frosty Returns

Frosty makes good on this promise to be “back again someday” in CBS’s 1992 animated special Frosty Returns. John Goodman assumes the role of Frosty, who comes to life when the hat of a young girl training to be a magician lands on him, and he proceeds to teach the people of Beansboro to appreciate winter. Basically a not so thinly veiled piece of environmentalist propaganda. Completely divorced from the Rankin/Bass classic, there’s no mention of Christmas or Santa. And Frosty is turned into an annoying jokester constantly doing standup; indeed, with Lorne Michaels at the helm the tone is all about jokes and slapstick. Also, the animation looks rather cheap with a lot of squiggly lines and exaggerated features. A disappointing follow-up, Frosty Returns but doesn’t really.

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Frosty the Snowman

Rankin/Bass’s Frosty the Snowman is a fun and whimsical Christmas special. Based on the Jack Rollins and Steve Nelson song, the story follows a snowman who’s brought to life by a magician’s magic hat and attempts to make his way north with the help of some children to stop from melting, all the while been pursued by the magician. Jimmy Durante narrates and gives a charming rendition of the song. And the animation style has a quaint simpleness to it, with soft colors and round edges. A timeless classic, Frosty the Snowman continues to delight audiences of all ages.

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How the Grinch Stole Christmas

In one fell swoop Jim Carrey and Ron Howard nearly destroy a Christmas classic with their live-action adaptation of Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas. After learning of a miserly hermit called the Grinch, young Cindy Lou Who, who’s grown disillusioned with the materialism of Christmas, becomes obsessed with his redemption, hoping that helping him will renew her Christmas spirit. Virtually all of the magic and charm of the animated special is absent. Carrey is horribly miscast as the Grinch, delivering his usual Carrey shtick instead of a true Dr. Seuss character. And Howard has mangled the story with a bizarre Grinch origin subplot. The one thing that the film has working for it is Taylor Momsen, who perfectly embodies the innocence and charm of Cindy Lou Who. A bit of Christmas magic shines through in Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas, but it pales in comparison to the original animated classic.

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Twelve Monkeys

Nothing spoils a Christmas like the Army of the 12 Monkeys. Presenting one of the most challenging and intriguing perspectives on time-travel, Twelve Monkeys tackles issues of time paradoxes, alternative time-lines, and predestination. Set in a dystopian future where humanity is forces to live underground, a group of scientists, using criminals as test subjects, sent James Cole back in time to collect information about the virus that wiped out most of humanity and made the surface uninhabitable, but Cole soon becomes confused about what’s real and what isn’t. Both Bruce Willis and Madeleine Stowe give strong performances, but it’s Brad Pitt’s performance that’s the most captivating (stealing every scene he’s in). And, Paul Buckmaster’s score does a great job at setting an eerie and foreboding tone. Twelve Monkeys is a bold film that’s dark and complex, yet is fully engaging, with a provocative story that challenges audiences (and continues to on repeated viewing).

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Kill Bill: Vol. 2

Tarantino’s bloody tale of revenge continues in Kill Bill: Volume 2. After taking out two of her former assassin colleagues the Bride tracks down the remaining members of the Deadly Vipers on her quest to kill Bill. Volume 2 is a very different animal than Volume 1 and primarily focuses on character building and backstory. Michael Madsen, Daryl Hannah, and David Carradine take center stage, and give some truly impressive performances; especially Carradine, who steals every scene he’s in and outshines Uma Thurman. And once again the dialog is outstanding, and is full of witty repartee that enriches the characters. Kill Bill: Volumes 2 doesn’t quite deliver on the promise of Volume 1, but it’s still an entertaining and well-crafted action film.

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Kill Bill: Vol. 1

From writer/director Quentin Tarantino comes the ultimate revenge thriller, Kill Bill: Volume 1. A former assassin is betrayed and left for dead, but awakens from a coma to seek her revenge. Tarantino does an excellent job structuring the storytelling, and has written some amazing dialog that enriches the characters. His directing is also quite impressive, especially in how it’s able to incorporate different styles and techniques. The ensemble cast features Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu, and David Carradine (who gives an excellent performance as a shadowy villain). And, the fight choreography is outstanding; delivering some incredibly dynamic and impressive martial arts sequences. Additionally, the soundtrack does a brilliant job at accentuating the tone and spirit of the material. Daring and unconventional, Kill Bill: Volume 1 is a remarkable action film.

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Titanic: The Complete Story

A&E’s Titanic is the most fascinating and intricate Titanic documentary ever made. Featuring an impressive number of historians, experts, and survivors, the disaster is discussed and explored in vivid detail. Everything from the social forces that inspired the Titanic’s creation, to the controversy over the savaging of Titanic artifacts is covered. One of the aspects that makes this documentary so compelling and captivating are the numerous personal memoirs and accounts used to describe the experiences of those involved; including those of passengers, crew, reporters, and others. David McCallum gives an elegant narration and is joined by a number of talented voice actors, who all give superb performances. Additionally, a hauntingly beautiful score is used to enhance the mood and tone of the film. Never has a more complete and moving account of the Titanic disaster been told than in A&E’s Titanic.

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The Ten Commandments

The greatest Biblical epic ever made, Cecil B. DeMille’s The Ten Commandments is a masterpiece. The story follows Moses, a prince of Egypt who discovers his secret Hebrew heritage and finds that he can no longer turn a blind eye to the suffering of his people under Pharaoh. The cast is amazing, and features Charlton Heston, Yul Brynner, Anne Baxter, and Edward G. Robinson in unforgettable performances. Heston in particular gives an iconic performance (as if he was born to play Moses). And, the set designs and costumes are especially ambitious, done on a remarkable scale with exceptional detail. The score is also magnificent, with grand, sweeping orchestral themes. Additionally, DeMille brings an interesting perspective to the material; framing it as a struggle between freedom and tyranny. The Ten Commandments is an extraordinary piece of filmmaking and a beloved classic. “So let it be written, so let it be done.”

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Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day is a brilliant comedy that gives Bill Murray an opportunity to shine; delivering one of the best performances of his career. When Pittsburgh weatherman Phil Connors is send to Punxsutawney to cover the Groundhog Day festival he gets trapped in a time loop and is forced to relive Groundhog Day over and over and over and over again. Murray perfectly plays up the humor, and the tragedy, of this character that’s stuck in a limbo where he can do anything that he wants, and where nothing matters. Additionally, the supporting cast is quite impressive, and includes Andie MacDowell, Chris Elliott, Stephen Tobolowsky, and Brian Doyle-Murray. And, Murray and MacDowell have great on-screen chemistry, both comedic and romantic. An outstanding film that has a lot of heart, Groundhog Day is a wonderful romantic comedy that’s incredibly fun.

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Naked Gun 33⅓: The Final Insult

Frank Drebin comes out of retirement for one last case in Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult. When Police Squad learns that a notorious bomber is planning an attack in L.A. they turn to Frank Drebin to go undercover and discover what the target is. The regular cast returns and are joined by Fred Ward and Anna Nicole Smith. Additionally, the Zucker brothers’ writing is really on point, delivering some great comedy sketches. Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult is full of laughs and serves as a nice conclusion to the series.

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The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear

The Police Squad is back in full force in The Naked Gun 2 ½: The Smell of Fear. When there’s an attack on the president's energy advisor Lt. Frank Drebin is assigned the case, but things get personal when he discovers that his ex-girlfriend Jane is involved and may be the next target. The original cast returns and give even stronger performances. However, the humor is overly sexual and doesn’t quite fit tonally with all the pratfalls and sight gags. Though it’s not as funny as the original, The Naked Gun 2 ½: The Smell of Fear is full of laughs.

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The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!

The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! is a hilarious slapstick comedy. The story follows Detective Frank Drebin of LAPD’s elite Police Squad unit as he investigates a plot to kill Queen Elizabeth during her royal visit to America. Starring Leslie Nielsen, Ricardo Montalban, O.J. Simpson, and Priscilla Presley, the film has a strong cast. The comedy consists mostly of sight gags and physical humor, but it works (for the most part). Still, at times the jokes get a little too broad and juvenile. Depending on how one feels about slapstick, The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! is either brilliantly hysterical or a mass of stupidity.

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Assault on Precinct 13

Thrilling and action-packed, Assault on Precinct 13 is a well-crafted and smart remake of the John Carpenter classic. When a prison transport is diverted on New Year’s Eve to a shutdown police station that’s short-staffed, a group of corrupt cops lay siege to the building in order to kill a Detroit crime lord that was on the transport. Ethan Hawke, Laurence Fishburne, and Gabriel Byrne form a strong cast and give great performances. Additionally, the action scenes are incredibly well-shot, and bring a lot of intensity and energy to the film. Exciting and adrenaline filled, Assault on Precinct 13 is an explosive crime thriller.

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End of Days

Only one thing stands between Satan and the rise of the Antichrist....Arnold Schwarzenegger in End of Days, a dark and gritty apocalyptic thriller that’s mediocre at best. The story follows an ex-cop named Jericho who must protect a young woman from the designs of Satan to spawn the Antichrist for the new millennium. Gabriel Byrne and Robin Tunney co-star, but give rather lackluster performances. One of the major problems with the film is the poor character development, and Byrne and Tunney aren’t able to improve the material. Additionally, the storytelling is rather weak and underdeveloped. But, Schwarzenegger gives a unique performance that keeps the film interesting. There are a lot of problems with End of Days, but it delivers some good action and has and an interesting story (though it’s not told very well).

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Director Ridley Scott returns to the Alien saga with Prometheus. In this prequel, a group of specialists set off for a distant planet that could be the progenitor for life on Earth. The film has a strong cast that includes Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Idris Elba, and Charlize Theron; who all deliver great performances. The story is pretty good, but there are some continuity issues. Still, Scott is a master at building suspense and at delivering riveting action scenes. Prometheus is an intense thriller that provides an interesting origin to the Alien saga.

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Yogi's First Christmas

The Hanna-Barbera holiday special Yogi’s First Christmas is a delightfully entertaining family comedy. When Yogi Bear is awakened from his hibernation by Christmas carols he decides to join his friends Snagglepuss, Huckleberry Hound, and Doggie Daddy for the Christmas Carnival at Jellystone Lodge. The film does a good job at using and integrating the different Hanna-Barbera characters; giving each of them their moment to shine. And the comedy is fairly well-written, delivering a lot of laughs. Still, some of the cartoonishness is kind of cheesy. But even with its flaws, Yogi’s First Christmas is a festive animated classic that’s incredibly fun.

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Rudolph's Shiny New Year

Rudolph saves the day once again in the all new adventure Rudolph’s Shiny New Year. When the Baby New Year, Happy, goes missing Father Time turns to Rudolph for help. Red Skelton voices Father Time and sings several of the songs (which are lighthearted and fun). And the animators create a number of interesting characters that play on the theme of time (Eon, Big Ben, General Ticker). However, the storytelling is rather poor and is full of plot holes and contrivances. Still, overall Rudolph’s Shiny New year is an incredibly entertaining film that’s sure to brighten up the holidays.

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A Christmas Story

One of the most beloved Christmas films ever made, A Christmas Story is a fun, nostalgic look at the innocence of childhood. The story follows a 9-year-old boy named Ralphie who wants a Red Rider BB Gun for Christmas, and attempts to do everything that he can think of to get it; from bribing his teacher to seeing Santa Claus (at the department store). The film is especially well-written, particularly in how it presents the childhood point-of-view. Additionally, the sets and costumes are quite authentic, making the audience feel as if they’ve been transported to the 1940s. There’s also a sincerity and earnestness to the performances and the humor that gives the film a certain charm. A Christmas Story is a heartwarming film that captures the wonder and magic of Christmas.

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Jingle All the Way

The Schwarzenegger holiday classic Jingle All the Way is a fun but stereotypical family comedy that satirizes holiday shopping. When Howard Langston promises his son a Turbo Man action figure for Christmas he ends up on a frenzied search on Christmas Eve to find the toy or die trying. Arnold Schwarzenegger leads the cast, but comes off as a bit awkward; as if he’s not entirely comfortable with this kind of slapstick comedy. However, he’s backed up by a good supporting cast that includes Sinbad, James Belushi, and Phil Hartman. Still, the comedy’s broad and a bit hit-and-miss. Jingle All the Way is a fairly mediocre film whose heart is in the right place, but comes up short.

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Grumpier Old Men

Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau are back for more outrageous shenanigans in Grumpier Old Men. When a lovely vixen buys Chuck’s old bait shop with plans to turn it into an authentic Italian restaurant Max and John team-up in order to run her out of business. It’s a fairly predictable and clichéd plot. And the comedy is pretty stereotypical rom-com/goofball stuff, and hits a lot the same beats as the last film. However, the cast is incredibly charming and has great chemistry together, and is able to make most of the jokes work. Though it’s not quite as good as the original, Grumpier Old Men is still a fun and entertaining slapstick comedy.

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Trapped in Paradise

The goofball comedy Trapped in Paradise is a fun and entertaining film that is full of holiday spirit. When Bill Firpo’s brothers get paroled from prison they con him into pulling a daring Christmas Eve bank heist, but things soon go wrong as all their attempts to get out of town fall apart. Nicolas Cage, Jon Lovitz, Dana Carvey, and Madchen Amick form a great cast that are well suited for this style of comedy. Additionally, the lighthearted humor is well played and works with the cheesy, over-the-top comedic tone that the film is going for. Trapped in Paradise gets a little too wacky now and then, but on the whole it’s an enjoyable romp that delivers plenty of laughs.

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Surviving Christmas

Lacking the magic of the season, Surviving Christmas is a shallow and uninspired film. Ben Affleck plays an eccentric millionaire ad executive who makes a deal with the family living at his childhood home to let him stay there and to help him live out his fantasy of an old fashion family Christmas. Affleck gives a phoned in performance, but co-star Christina Applegate really shines. Also, the humor is rather hit and miss; as a lot of it is in bad taste and inappropriate for a family comedy. There are a few moments of fun in Surviving Christmas, but there’s no heart.

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A Christmas Horror Story

Shout by Dann Michalski
BlockedParent2019-12-14T05:12:46Z— updated 2021-12-06T02:00:03Z

A Christmas Horror Story is a chilling anthology that’s ghoulishly entertaining. Comprised of four bloodcurdling tales, the film follows a zombie outbreak at Santa’s workshop, a group of students doing an exposé of a double murder at their school, a changeling that poses as a young boy, and Krampus preying on a deceitful family. The stories feel a little disconnected from each other, but most of them are rather good; delivering some intense scares. And William Shatner gives a fun performance as a radio DJ in the wraparound story. However, there are a couple of weak performances that hold the film back, and some of the gore is a bit gratuitous and cheesy. Anthology films are a tricky thing, but overall A Christmas Horror Story does an impressive job at telling a diverse series of scary stories that cover several different genres of horror.

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Secret in Their Eyes

Secret In Their Eyes is a dark and disturbing psychological thriller. The story follows a former FBI agent who, after 13 years, has tracked down the killer of his best friend’s daughter and seeks to finally bring him to justice. Starring Chiwetel Ejiofor, Nicole Kidman, and Julia Roberts, the performances are quite good. And the script is well-written, doing an impressive job at building the investigation and paralleling the present and past storylines. However, the killer is underdeveloped; as he’s more of a passive character, with the focus being on the investigators. And the ending is a bit challenging; delving into some uncomfortable morally gray areas. Yet overall, Secret In Their Eyes is an extremely provocative and enthralling crime drama.

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Batman Returns

Batman Returns fails to follow through on the success of the first film, and instead veers in a new direction. When wealthy industrialist Max Shreck teams up with the Penguin, the leader of a criminal gang, to seize control of Gotham City, Batman seeks to expose them, but things soon get complicated went a mysterious new player named Catwoman enters the game. This sequel is far darker, more expressionist, and full of sexual innuendoes. But bottom-line, the Penguin and Catwoman don’t bring the same charisma that Nicholson’s Joker brought to the first film. Batman Returns has its own unique appeal, but pales in comparison to the original.

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