Juan García


Guatemala City

What is a Woman?

Anti-science reactionary guru saying some dumb things about the topic he has zero knowledge of. That's basically it. If you want to be disinformed or have a good laugh then you'll enjoy this movie

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@unicornsandcandies ok, so what's a woman, then?

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What is a Woman?

Anti-science reactionary guru saying some dumb things about the topic he has zero knowledge of. That's basically it. If you want to be disinformed or have a good laugh then you'll enjoy this movie

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@jackdoddy bullshit, thanks to this documentary more people will know about Kinsey, John Money and their fraudulent research.

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Shout by Dirk
BlockedParent2014-05-30T21:02:07Z— updated 2018-12-03T08:02:21Z

This is seriously the worst shit I've ever seen. What a waste of time.

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@burgemeistervanvianen Dude, you watch friends. GTFO.

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The Batman

It's alright but it's not as amazing as some people have made it out to be, with some people like AVGN saying that it has all the strengths of the Dark Knight and none of the weaknesses, i felt I needed to chime in a little.

The cinematography is a bit strange, there's a brown tint throughout most of the film that makes it look kind of ugly at times. The cast is alright for the most part with Zoe Kravitz being the only weak link, after all Catwoman is supposed to be beautiful, on the other hand Robert Pattison makes a great job and so does Paul Dano. Also, the movie is needlessly and tediously long.

Minor spoilers ahead: Batman is kind of stupid in this movie and so is commissioner Gordon, first Batman crashes out of nowhere in a crash that could easily have killed anyone and yet he only sustains minor injuries, it adds nothing to the plot and feels almost like comedic relief. Also, both Batman and Gordon chase the penguin because Batman is too stupid to figure out that "rat with wings" refers to him (world's greatest detective, everyone) and in the chase the penguin shoots at other cars including a gas truck, which should have left many dead let alone injured, just so when they finally catch him they don't even arrest him.

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@twidwid Dude, my review is based on an objective review and not some dipshit tribalism. Also, I never called this my movie. Again, not everyone is a low IQ consoomer who has to support billion dollar corporations.

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The Batman

So many things don't make sense in this movie. I can't believe people actually like this movie. I also can't believe people like batman at all. I feel like they're just holding onto the fact that.. he's somewhat menacing. The "big" reveal of the batmobile, you can't even see it, he uses it... Once. What action scenes? When he punches 13 guys max the whole movie. How is he even a superhero? Everyone died, city was flooded.... What did he even do? He's not even a GREAT detective. Woah he noticed blood on the floor in the MIDDLE of the crime scene. Woah he uncovered a hidden rug AFTER a cop tells him what the weapons used for. Garbage. Only good that came out watching this was more proof that he's the worst, overrated, hyped "superhero".

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@twidwid Dude, you think Fast and Furious and Amazing Spider-Man are some of the best movies. Shut up about overratedness.

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What is a Woman?

Anti-science reactionary guru saying some dumb things about the topic he has zero knowledge of. That's basically it. If you want to be disinformed or have a good laugh then you'll enjoy this movie

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@jackdoddy Yeah, cope and seethe harder. I just checked your profile and you're not even a real user.

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