

London, England

Manifest: 4x18 Lift/Drag

I was wondering, like anybody else, why kill Zek if he is coming back on flashbacks and visions and why all this drama with Drea, her baby, Jared and Mick. And then I realised... (Before keeping reading, althought this is not a spoiler but a prediction, read at your own risk, just in case I am right). I really REALLY hope I am wrong but what I think it's going to happen it's that Mick will die saving everybody or at least Drea, Jared and the baby, so that she will be back with Zek in the white light and Drea and Jared could be together, despite Jared is not in love of her. I guess the writers haven't thought that, nowadays, a man can take care of an unexpected child without having to marry the mother and leave his true love, so they probably make him to realise suddenly he is in love with Drea, in spite of everything he and Mick have had to go through to be together.

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Manifest: 4x17 Threshold

They had sex "with no strings attached" but they did it without protection. Very logic, yes. And anyway, why this new drama now with 4 episodes left? After all the drama about Mick and Jared, are they going to make them break up now? Do the writers now that Jared can be the father AND be with Mick at the same time? Unless, despite it seems it happens in the 2020's, it actually happens in the 1960's, then it would make sense.

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Manifest: 4x16 Furball

Now being a killer is "being flawed".

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Superman & Lois: 3x09 The Dress

"You always have a choice". No, you don't. Sometimes you really don't have a choice. If a guy is trying to kill you and you don't have invulnerability, you cannot afford the risk of a long fight where you may end up dead. If the only way to stop him is by killing him, then there is no choice.

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Superman & Lois: 3x06 Of Sound Mind

Unfortunately, this show is following the same path that other CW superheroes shows: secondary plots about secondary characters we don't care about. I am skipping all parts about the boring and unnecessary Lana's family drama. Until this episode I barely remembered she had another daugther (which, by the way, in the first season they mentioned she was a bully at school. Have they dealt with that?). They could have taken the character off the show and I wouldn't even have noticed it. And better not to talk about Lana getting jelous because the man she divorced of is dating another woman...

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The Flash: 9x03 Rogues of War

The plan was stupid from the beginning. Did they really think that that stealing the engine from a high sec facility and bringing to S.T.A.R labs (where it's much easier to steal) was a good idea?

In addition, seeing how difficult it could be for the villain to steal it, didn't they think it was part of her plan all along? It's not like this the first time that the plan of the bad guy was for the heroes to steal something for him and then take it from them.

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All of Us Are Dead: 1x11 Episode 11

The sacrifice of the father was useless, stupid and unnecessary. They had time to run away while the zombies were focused on the flare. Instead they stood there, watching them. Even then, they had time to run and close the door behind them.

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All of Us Are Dead: 1x10 Episode 10

In the previous episode the thunder confused the zombies but not in this one?

Instead of lying on the floor asking for help she could have, I don't know, get up and run? The zombie was still far away.

And, playing devil's advocate, the other one did nothing wrong. She was only a terrified teenager. The majority of the people (unless they have a training that help them to keep a cold head) would have reacted the same way. Because she wasn't being evil or coward, it was only her survival instinct kicking in. And making her die for that like some sort of of divine justice wasn't fair.

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All of Us Are Dead: 1x04 Episode 4

So the only reason why of the plotline of the rooftop girl was that she would be in that room destroying the phones in the very exact moment those two guys were there trying to get a phone? That is, that plotline was only a way to make it more difficult to them? Really? And after she turns a zombie and will probably bite the bully?

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Stargirl: 3x12 Frenemies - Chapter Twelve: The Last Will and Testament of Sylvester Pemberton

The Staff very often behaves like it was a conscious being but never felt that something was odd with Sylvester? And, once it knows that it's not Sylvester, can it not reject it? It was bonded to Sylvester, not the Ultra-Humanite.

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