Jim Fred



Against the Sun

Choose another war film, this is deadly dull.

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2001: A Space Odyssey

Amazing how something like this commands such acclaim. Boring + devoid of any storyline.

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Two Way Stretch

This has brilliant comedy throughout and was an absolute pleasure to watch. An exciting storyline, multiple characters of note and it is a travesty that it has so few ratings on here. True British Comedy.

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Hot Coffee

Most of the documentary is NOT directed towards the hot coffee incident, but other much more serious cases. I did not really agree that someone who spills coffee on themselves can be classified on the same banner as medical mistakes and rape on an army base, both of which are obviously the fault of someone else. It felt like more of a political attack on the Republicans as it kept cutting away to Bush, Reagan negative comments and Clinton, Obama positive comments. Still it did show the stupidity of having caps on compensation and the jury not knowing the amount that is capped is simply ridiculous and wrong. The legal system is as usual too complex for its own good and lacks common sense. How can the public trust such a system, which is open to exploitation...Need to start again.

If you are giving out so much money for spilling coffee on yourself, people will actively look to harm themselves for money, similar to how people in China throw themselves in front of cars so they can sue the other person for hitting them.

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A Call to Spy

A rather dull affair with poor acting by Stana and Sarah often over-holding facial expressions. Story deserved a better film, too much schmaltz and emphasis on trying to commend the women involved rather than focusing on what happened, which would have achieved that aim far better. The book is much better "A woman of no importance"

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The Handmaid's Tale

So so so boring and the camera spends so much time too close the the leads face!

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Dialogue is all navy jargon and not accessible/interesting. I thought the graphics looked like a computer game and they did nothing for me. Overall I was bored.

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Safe House

Like Denzel, but this was plotless garbage with choppy screen cuts and camera shake.

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7 Days in Entebbe

Weird! I was looking forward to an exciting ending after an average build up and then suddenly Billy Elliot came on waving his arms around after self flagellation.

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Earthquake Bird

Hauntingly beautiful film, great story-line with a proper ending unlike so many these days. I found it captivating and Vikander was superb. It's not weird enough for the critics, it's realistic.

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Back Street Girls -GOKUDOLS-

I thought this would be funny, it wasn't. It was also boring and had zero storyline development.

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Violet Evergarden

Beautiful animation and heartfelt stories each episode. An anime especially good for young women because it targets issues they might encounter in their own lives, so is relatable, but as a guy I found the pace a tad slow, but still appreciated the moving stories.

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His Girl Friday

I like movies from this era and Cary Grant movies, but this is utter fast talking nonsense and a serious yawn fest.

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Paul Merton in China

Series with classic British humor (Best in the World!) from the great Paul Merton who visits one of my favourite countries and offers an interesting look at the culture.

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