Jim McCaskill


North Bay, Ontario

In the Heights

Warmed its way into my cynical heart

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The Astral Woods

Creepy little flick that creates a suspenseful and chilling atmosphere. I'll be looking forward to what the cast and crew do in the future.

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Cold Mountain

Essentially "The Odyssey" set during the tail end of the American Civil War, jam packed with a bunch of great actors that keep this from becoming too bogged down even if you do feel the length at times.

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This Old Machine

Not much to say about this one.
I liked Lance Henrikson, man's solid in all he does, Kevin Sorbo had fun as a sketchy neighbor who's sole reason for being in this story is to get Sorbo on the poster, and Claire Danielle Canterbury played the troubled younger sister well.

Sadly however the film is weighed down by its story, which is murky and underdeveloped. It felt like a poor knockoff of Winter's Bone, and comes crashing down with the final reveal.

Vint's wife isn't dead. She and her parents faked her death with help from the locals (whose reasons for being involved are never really clear). They didn't tell the younger sister also for reasons that don't make a lick of sense. All this gets 6 or 7 people killed and I'm left wondering, Why not just get a divorce?

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Lake Alice

Sub par slasher film that does nothing new and telegraphs every twist. Decent killer design but as has been said before, this thing is past the half way mark when it remembers its a slasher flick. When it becomes a slasher flick it appears to be going through the motions without any heart.

Bottom line. You'd be better off rewatching a classic Friday the 13th or Halloween flick.

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Dawn Rider

Serviceable western about a man seeking vengeance for the death of his father unaware of the role his best friend (and brother of his love interest) played in the act.

Does what it does well and should satisfy fans of the genre. If it has any flaws its that it doesn't elevate the material in the way the Great Westerns of old did (think The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Warlock, The Searchers, both versions of True Grit, the works of Sergio Leone, Unforgiven and Open Range). If it has another flaw after that its that Donald Sutherland is criminally underused here, owning every scene he's in.

A good time waster and genre fans will like it, now someone give Donald Sutherland a leading role in one of these.

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Jason Bourne

Like the rest of the franchise it does its job, though at this point, like the X-Files, I'm starting to care less and less about this never ending government conspiracy.

Too be fair one of the conspirators "Assets" played by Vincent Cassell (always a welcome prescience) steals a SWAT van and ploughs it threw traffic and into a packed casino so maybe the Conspiracy itself is ready to just say **** it.

Worth a viewing, especially for the Athens sequence where the Conspiracy hunts Stiles and Damon through the streets in the midst of a protest that quickly devolves into a riot.

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The Bourne Legacy

Not terrible but I probably would think kinder of it if 1) they'd followed it up with a sequel detailing the further adventures of Renner and Weisz or 2) they had removed all connections to the Bourne franchise.

Essentially runs into the same problem The X-Files had. The more they expand the story (and thus the conspiracy) the less I start to care about it. It doesn't help that the villains eventually cross the line from morally corrupt to stupidly evil.

A decent time waster that leaves you wanting more but not in a good way.

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The Final Girls

A young woman grieving the loss of her mother is pulled into the 1980's slasher flick.

Could have used more blood and nudity for that authentic 80's slasher feel, however it still managed to have fun with the concept well giving us a bittersweet "mother"/daughter story between Malin Ackerman and Taissa Farmiga.

The whole cast is strong and has a blast with the material standouts include Farmiga, Ackerman, Alia Shawkat (Maeby on Aressted Development) as the best friend, Thomas Middleditch as a Superfan of slasher flicks, Alexander Ludwig (aka Bjorn Ironside from Vikings), Angela Trimbur as the "Fun" counsellor.

There was talk of a sequel and for what its worth I'd watch it.

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The Wandering Earth

Sun about to go boom, so everyone gets together and decides to build a bunch of engines to move the Earth to a nearby star system. Around Jupiter things go FUBAR and only the Chinese can save us.

In the grand tradition of "When Worlds Collide", "Armageddon" and anything Roland Emmerich has done, this apocalyptic disaster tale is all about the spectacle and the feels, giving physics a kick in the balls it so rightly deserves (said with tongue firmly in cheek). From what I've read online there's a lot here that I missed, not being remotely Chinese, but well I may have missed the subtle nuances Chinese audiences loved (it's the 5th highest grossing Chinese film of all time) it does feature enough spectacle and melodrama to satisfy my dumb monkey brain. I don't know why but a dude with a minigun trying to shot the planet Jupiter well yelling "Screw You, Jupiter" does something for me. I may need professional help. Biggest peeve, you could shave 30 minutes off this and not lose anything.

Not a must watch, but worth your time none the less.

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There have been many great shows and movies starring compelling anti-heroes. This is not one of them. Instead, we get what should be a 90 minute film stretched to 8 hours, over the course of which our protagonist will become insufferable and whiny and a massive narcissist, make a ton of bad decisions, which somehow doesn't stop the show or character from blaming men for her problems.

Also of note, the main character studied psychology, two other psychologists appear in the show. Not one of them suggests talking about what's bothering her to her husband.

Also also of note. Her kids are set dressing. Well it may have been acceptable in a movie where things need to flow fast, in an 8 hour series too not bring up what the kinds of problems she's creating can do to her kids is noticeable in its absent (something again all these psychologists should be bringing up).

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True Justice

A decent cop show for it's first season that morphs into an espionage thriller in its second. Had great potential that was dragged down by Steven Seagals ego. The show would have been much, much more interesting if it had used Sarah Lind as its lead and protagonist with Seagal playing her boss and mentor.

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