
There have been many great shows and movies starring compelling anti-heroes. This is not one of them. Instead, we get what should be a 90 minute film stretched to 8 hours, over the course of which our protagonist will become insufferable and whiny and a massive narcissist, make a ton of bad decisions, which somehow doesn't stop the show or character from blaming men for her problems.

Also of note, the main character studied psychology, two other psychologists appear in the show. Not one of them suggests talking about what's bothering her to her husband.

Also also of note. Her kids are set dressing. Well it may have been acceptable in a movie where things need to flow fast, in an 8 hour series too not bring up what the kinds of problems she's creating can do to her kids is noticeable in its absent (something again all these psychologists should be bringing up).

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True Justice

A decent cop show for it's first season that morphs into an espionage thriller in its second. Had great potential that was dragged down by Steven Seagals ego. The show would have been much, much more interesting if it had used Sarah Lind as its lead and protagonist with Seagal playing her boss and mentor.

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