

Omicron Persei 8

Quiz Lady

I really enjoyed this. I thought that Awkwafina and Sandra Oh had great chemistry together, and the comedy in this hit just the right notes. For me, Awkwafina always stands out in whatever I happen to see her in, and it's no coincidence. She's incredibly talented and brutally funny. I think that she's criminally underrated as an actor.

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The Crowded Room

Overall, this was an interesting story. However, it should've been kept to five or six episodes. There was absolutely no need to string this out into 10 episodes. It really lost purpose in the middle, and it got away from the main focus for long periods of time. In the end, the performances by Amanda Seyfried and Tom Holland were quite strong, and they carried material that otherwise might've been quite lackluster.

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The Hateful Eight

This was a terribly pointless film from a vile racist, bigot, misogynist, and child-rapist. Always remember that Tarantino said that a 13-year-old girl wanted to be raped. That thing is a fucking subhuman.

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This started off well enough, but it ended on a sour note. It's never a good sign, when the final episode of a mini-series is roughly 10 minutes shorter than each of the other episodes. It gives a feeling of watching the leftovers. One thing that I didn't really understand was the jumbled timeline. Griselda Blanco's life story was interesting enough w/out them having to change so many details, and keep in actual events but in an alternate order. It didn't make much sense, and it certainly didn't add anything to the story. If anything, the story that they concocted was more of a rendition of Scarface than anything else. I wish that I knew why they had done this, especially when there were plenty of action involved in her real-life story. I will say that one thing I didn't care for about this series was how they made her a sympathetic figure. She wasn't, and to make her and her family victims was disingenuous and dishonest. Other than that, it was well-acted, but it just didn't flow well.

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Dream Scenario

I scored this a 7/10, b/c it was an interesting idea for a film, but ultimately, it fell a bit short for me. The writer/director was seemingly making a commentary on today's society and how we disseminate, ingest, then regurgitate information into misinformation and disinformation. It showed how much of what we speak on is ignorant, ill-informed, and flat out wrong, yet that doesn't stop the message from being progressed. The film showed the point at which the information originates, then the various levels of groups that pass it along, some more educated than others, yet many lacking in basic critical thinking skills. It's a disheartening message, often made worse by those directly involved in it and their responses to outward stimuli. It was an original idea, so it was worth the watch, not to mention the fact that an ensemble cast did a really nice job.

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The Girl on the Train

I liked this better upon second watch. It's a compelling tale about how women are manipulated by narcissistic men. There were a number of strong performances throughout by Emily Blunt, Rebecca Ferguson, and Haley Bennett. Their work really made this film come together.

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This was a really remarkable story about two women, at an age when our culture tends to send them out to pasture, achieving the unachievable. I would love to see a sequel based on the friendship between Bonnie Stoll and Diana Nyad. They seem to have accomplished a great many interesting things in their lives that would make for a well-told story.

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Game of Thrones: 5x10 Mother's Mercy

Arya Stark is a fucking beast! W/ her hand, she shall bring death to all the subhuman mongrels. And, Cersei Lannister is NOT a victim. That was just the beginning of what that thing deserved.

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Dumb Money

I wasn't overly familiar w/ the story behind the GME stock, but I knew enough to know the players in the game. I was intimately familiar w/ Ken Griffin, however, as a researcher of right-wing extremism. I found it ironic, if not odd, that his singular role in the funding of fascism, white nationalism, and neo-Nazism in America went unchecked in this film. He has pumped tens of millions of dollars into what the media terms as "Far-Right" politicians. He's a hateful individual who preys upon vulnerable communities, and he and his family are a danger to everyone unlike him, white, Christian, heterosexual, and cisgender male. For his activities, he should be considered a domestic terrorist, but not enough people are aware of who, and how dangerous, he actually is.

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Blue Beetle

This was trite and formulaic. This is the after-school special level of superhero movies. It's embarrassing that DC thought that this would kick off their new film franchise. This film was so derivative and so poorly written, it's astonishing that it was greenlit.

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The Kissing Booth 3

The first movie was all right but certainly not to the point that two additional movies were required. The grabs at money these days by media production companies and studios really comes at the expense of creativity and originalism.

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This was a thoroughly unenjoyable, pointless film. It's entirely unsurprising that the sequel will be a musical.

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Can You Keep a Secret?

Alexandra Daddario and Tyler Hoechlin had really good chemistry together. That chemistry is what made this film work, where it would have fallen flat, otherwise. The story isn't a revelation, and it's not particularly amusing, but it's a sweet love story. I wish that the script had been better fleshed out, but all in all, it worked well enough.

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True Detective: Season 1

This was the finest writing for television since The Twilight Zone created by Rod Serling. Nic Pizzolatto generated a masterpiece of American television with this season of True Detective.

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Ingrid Goes West
Words on Bathroom Walls

I found this to be only a somewhat accurate depiction of living life w/ schizophrenia. I wish that the script had focused more on the side-effects of the drugs used to treat it, b/c this is why many people stop taking them. The side-effects can cause a state akin to losing all sense of self and feeling, and one of the more prominent drugs used to treat this condition actually has a nickname for this state, b/c it's so prevalent. When Adam stops taking his meds, the script indicates that he does so due to the fact that he was unable to properly taste his culinary cuisines. Yet, that would've been a lesser effect than the actual state that he was in. The other thing was, when he began taking the meds, he seemed to perk up, become almost happy, which is not the effect these drugs have. They simply keep the visual and auditory hallucinations at bay. I really wish that the film had focused more on the actual nature of the disorder rather than the dramatization that was portrayed.

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Not Okay

I had no idea that I'd appreciate this movie as much as I did when first sitting down to watch it. This was a surprisingly powerful film, and Mia Isaac and Zoey Deutch were really effective in their roles. To be frank, as I started to watch this, I thought that I was going to hate it, b/c I couldn't stand the characters in the film, but in reality, this was about the journey they went on and where they arrived at the end of the film. I think that it's a solid in lesson in realizing many we see online may have personas that aren't necessarily who they are in real-life, and they're not all one-note characters incapable of change. This film made me realize that we need to take each instance of deceit on a case-by-case basis, b/c in certain circumstances, people do have the capacity to cause great change in themselves. They won't always be selfish or thoughtless, b/c experience and education can effectuate changes in us that we may not have expected.

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The Mandalorian: 3x03 Chapter 19: The Convert

This episode was an important corollary to our times. It showed the dangers of rehabilitating fascists, which is something a number of adherents to Left-Wing ideology believe is possible. It is not. You don't turn off that type of thinking, racial superiority, gender superiority, religious superiority, ethnic superiority, and the belief that due to their "inherent superiority," they are entitled to rule as they please, and employ any means necessary, including violence, to keep others down. This is not something you rehabilitate others from, either due to the deep-seated nature of these beliefs or the past harm they wrought b/c of them. In other words, the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.

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The Mandalorian: 3x01 Chapter 17: The Apostate

When the droid dropped the statue on IG-11's head, and Mando said, "That's using your head," that was severely disappointing. It sounded like a line out of an '80s/'90s action-adventure film, which is not a good thing. I hope that it doesn't portend things to come this season.

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Black Bird

The source material for this could've been constructed much better by the writers. Frankly, I'm surprised that Dennis Lehane carried much of that workload. He's a much better writer than was presented in this mini-series. This very much had the feel of a made-for-TV movie, and given the content of the storyline, I think that it would've done much better as that type of presentation. There really wasn't enough story for six hours of a mini-series.

Taron Egerton's performance was uneven, and while Paul Walter Hauser put in his usual strong performance, the character he portrayed simply didn't have enough depth of material to draw from. There was something missing in the depiction. Both Sepideh Moafi and Greg Kinnear played interesting roles quite adeptly, and Robert Wisdom, in his limited screen time, was excellent, as usual.

I gave this a seven based on the interest of the true-crime aspect of the material, but if I were giving a rating based on how the entire mini-series was pieced together, I'd likely have given it a grade of six.

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Jerry & Marge Go Large

This was an interesting movie based on a true story, and both Annette Bening and Bryan Cranston really fit their roles well. The film imparted a sweet message at the end, which was, the purpose of their venture wasn't about winning money but rather building community and bringing people together.

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The Mandalorian

I just finished the first two seasons, and near the end of the first season, and at the beginning of the second, I felt that watching this show was akin to watching Hercules: The Legendary Journeys back in the '90s. Of course, this was well before Kevin Sorbo turned into a white nationalist Christo-fascist and international joke. Aside from that, you had Hercules traveling from town to town each week running into a different crisis and trying to help local villagers. In fact, the show looked very much the same as The Mandalorian. Thankfully, they strayed away from this formula in the second half of the second season, and the show got back on track.

It's not great by any stretch, but it's definitely watchable, and it's still fun to see the Star Wars lore after all these years. I'll definitely stick around for the final two seasons.

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I had never heard of this character before, but I'm not a big Spider-Man fan, so there was no reason for me to have heard of him. However, I found it entertaining enough. It wasn't fantastic, and the casting was a bit odd, and the story was rather formulaic, akin to that one Spider-Man movie w/ the James Franco as the Green Goblin, but other than that, it was interesting enough. I'm not certain what all the hate was about, unless it was something to do w/ a big departure from the comic book character, but it wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen, although for a major comic book film, it was rather lacking in a number of areas.

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Under the Stadium Lights

This is another of those football, family, faith, Christian bullshit movies that had no business being made, this one in particular. This film had zero direction, the football action scenes were shown in a way that was visually awful and they would play 30 seconds of one contest, then flash the score from that game as well as the next on the screen, as if it didn't really matter. My only question from this debacle was, what was Laurence Fishburne doing slumming in this movie?

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My Spy

Surprisingly, this was more amusing than I thought it would be. This movie was really self-aware, and I thought that made for the best and funniest parts of the film. Chloe Coleman was also really impressive in her role. I've also really liked Parisa Fitz-Henley, since I saw her in Midnight, Texas. I find her to be quite charming, and she has a very natural presence that comes across well.

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Mare of Easttown

This movie was about nothing, no one, and went nowhere. It didn't even seem to finish, as it left the storylines of two of the three main characters completely unresolved. This movie was a complete disaster. If it wasn't for the solid casting, this movie would've ranked a two out of 10.

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Sandy Wexler

Movies such as this always amaze me, b/c at some point, a good number of people had to be in agreement that millions of dollars would be better spent on this, rather, than say, I dunno, feeding the homeless? Fighting human trafficking? Promoting the cause of education? Really, any worthwhile cause would've been a better investment than this crap. Adam Sandler is the Donald Trump of the movie business. He makes movies in which he gives all his friends and family jobs. How do you base your entire career around that?

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This was actually a pretty solid film. Being from America, I didn't necessarily understand all the regional dialect, but I got the gist of it, and it didn't detract from the story. Mostly, it was in the beginning of the film, and as the film wore on, it became clearer what was being discussed.

This film really is about brotherhood, both in a familial sense and in a community sense. It tells the story of Danny, a hardline enforcer for a New Zealand gang, and how he progressed from his difficult childhood to become the sergeant-at-arms of his crew. The film delves into his relationships w/ his brother Liam, as well as the president of his gang, Moses, who he grew up w/ in a detention center. The film did a strong job of showing how loyalties to one family can often muddy the waters in regard to loyalties to another family.

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