

Omicron Persei 8

My Salinger Year

This was a really wonderful character portrait of a young woman seeking her own contentment, while keeping an eye out for those in need of comfort from the travails of their own lives. Both Margaret Qualley and Sigourney Weaver were exceptional in this, and I would recommend this film simply for their efforts alone. Ms. Qualley has truly come into her own as one of the finest young actors working today, while Ms. Weaver gets better w/ age, and her work is capable of rivaling that of any actor in the field.

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True Grit

This is a true cinematic accomplishment. Going in, I didn't realize that the Coen Brothers were responsible for having written and directed this version of True Grit, and I was mightily impressed by their vision, yet adherence to the original story. The acting in this film is incredible. Ms. Steinfeld's portrayal of Mattie Ross will go down as one of the finest performances of all-time, and it cemented her position as one of, if not the, best young actors ever. She gave a remarkable performance that is not to be missed, and her relationship w/ Mr. Bridges' character, Rooster Cogburn, is the highlight of this film. It's a shame that Ms. Steinfeld wasn't nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress, only for Best Supporting Actress. She most assuredly deserved the former nomination. I will say that I'm not a fan of the Western genre, but regardless, this film is so enthralling and mesmerizing b/c of the cast, true-to-life accuracy of the dialogue, and development of the character's arcs, it should appeal to anyone who is a fan of great cinema.

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A couple episodes really saved this mini-series for me. Throughout most of this, I kept asking myself what I was watching, but in the end, there was enough semblance of a storyline that I was able to see the true purpose of this series.

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The Offer

Shout by jmg999
BlockedParent2022-08-31T23:00:16Z— updated 2023-02-28T08:27:34Z

This was a fine piece of storytelling. Were there liberties taken in Albert Ruddy's original material? Most likely. But, that doesn't make this mini-series any less entertaining. The story, coupled w/ some really amazing performances, made this quite an enjoyable watch. Juno Temple and Matthew Goode particularly stood out as having given tremendous renditions of their characters. Upon a rewatching, Ms. Temple was simply phenomenal. She is a terribly underrated actor. Burn Gorman, Dan Fogler, Nora Arnezeder, Miles Teller, Colin Hanks, Josh Zuckerman, Anthony Ippolito, Justin Chambers, and Giovanni Ribisi were all great, as well. If my rating were based solely on acting, I would've awarded this a 10/10.

I enjoy these period pieces that take a deep-dive into the era from which the story derived. It adds a lot of authenticity to the creation, and this was no different. If you're a fan of The Godfather, you'll likely love this. If you enjoy stories w/ lush arrangements of well-defined characters and multiple moving pieces that make it seem as if the well-known finished product would never come together, this may be the story for you.

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The Outfit

This was a terrific film. The acting was top-notch, the story was intriguing and well-paced, and just when you thought that you had everything figured out, the storyline swerved to create something that was likely not what you were imagining. This movie was really a drama piece built Mark Rylance's character. He was so tremendous in this, immersing himself in the role, that I almost forgot that I was watching him portray a character.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi

I think that this received a lot of unfairly placed hatred from those who simply don't like Disney, b/c people like Ron DeSantis tell them not to like Disney. As someone who isn't overly invested in the whole Star Wars universe, I will say that this was an interesting watch, and I enjoyed the storyline. I liked how they connected Obi-Wan to Leia and Luke, as it fills in some of the backstory that was missing from later films in the series.

I think the thing that stood out most for me, though, was the acting. Both Moses Ingram and Vivien Lyra Blair were fantastic in their roles. Ms. Igram really captured her role quite well, as it called for a wide-range of emotions, and she played it remarkably well. She's been impressive in other roles, and I think that she's only going to become a much bigger star on the big screen. As for Ms. Blair, she was tremendous, especially for such a young actor. She played her role as someone w/ much more worldly knowledge than her age would indicate. She really nailed it, and I think that she has a bright future, as well.

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The Mandalorian

I just finished the first two seasons, and near the end of the first season, and at the beginning of the second, I felt that watching this show was akin to watching Hercules: The Legendary Journeys back in the '90s. Of course, this was well before Kevin Sorbo turned into a white nationalist Christo-fascist and international joke. Aside from that, you had Hercules traveling from town to town each week running into a different crisis and trying to help local villagers. In fact, the show looked very much the same as The Mandalorian. Thankfully, they strayed away from this formula in the second half of the second season, and the show got back on track.

It's not great by any stretch, but it's definitely watchable, and it's still fun to see the Star Wars lore after all these years. I'll definitely stick around for the final two seasons.

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I had never heard of this character before, but I'm not a big Spider-Man fan, so there was no reason for me to have heard of him. However, I found it entertaining enough. It wasn't fantastic, and the casting was a bit odd, and the story was rather formulaic, akin to that one Spider-Man movie w/ the James Franco as the Green Goblin, but other than that, it was interesting enough. I'm not certain what all the hate was about, unless it was something to do w/ a big departure from the comic book character, but it wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen, although for a major comic book film, it was rather lacking in a number of areas.

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I didn't have huge hopes for this, but I certainly thought that it would be better than what was produced. This film was overly done CGI-wise, generic, derivative ("The Goonies" anyone?), and rather uninteresting b/c of the poor pacing of the film. I thought that Sophia Ali and Tom Holland were paired well together, but the script just didn't suit them. Given how the games were designed, they could've done so much more the history and mythology of the storyline that could've made the clue-finding more intriguing, but they failed in this aspect, too. I'd probably watch a sequel, but I wouldn't be very excited about it.

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Under the Stadium Lights

This is another of those football, family, faith, Christian bullshit movies that had no business being made, this one in particular. This film had zero direction, the football action scenes were shown in a way that was visually awful and they would play 30 seconds of one contest, then flash the score from that game as well as the next on the screen, as if it didn't really matter. My only question from this debacle was, what was Laurence Fishburne doing slumming in this movie?

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My Spy

Surprisingly, this was more amusing than I thought it would be. This movie was really self-aware, and I thought that made for the best and funniest parts of the film. Chloe Coleman was also really impressive in her role. I've also really liked Parisa Fitz-Henley, since I saw her in Midnight, Texas. I find her to be quite charming, and she has a very natural presence that comes across well.

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The Card Counter

I'm not really certain what I just watched, but the acting is top-notch. The story is esoteric, and it doesn't flow particularly well. It seems as if the movie is made of constituent components that were retrofitted w/ one another. Oscar Isaac was tremendous, and Tiffany Haddish was notable in her role, as well. I thought that they had strong chemistry w/ one another, so the movie kept pace, even when it wasn't overtly clear what was going on.

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The Dry

I have to say that I was really surprised by this film. It wasn't that the story was overly original, although it was engaging and interesting, but the acting really pulled this together quite nicely. Eric Bana did a terrific job in the lead role, as did BeBe Bettencourt in her role as Ellie Deacon. There were a number of standout performances, but I felt that these two were notable, and they made this film a worthwhile investment of time.

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Adventures in Public School

This was a sweet movie. The cast had great chemistry together, and the ending was definitely not the cliché that you normally see in this genre of film which made for a refreshing change of pace.

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This movie was about nothing, no one, and went nowhere. It didn't even seem to finish, as it left the storylines of two of the three main characters completely unresolved. This movie was a complete disaster. If it wasn't for the solid casting, this movie would've ranked a two out of 10.

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The Paper Tigers

Shout by jmg999
BlockedParent2021-05-10T09:15:50Z— updated 2021-08-12T09:43:12Z

This was actually pretty good. Parts of it were really amusing, and the story, while not original, was entertaining. The actors had good chemistry together, and I thought that the film worked pretty well overall.

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The Final Girls

This was definitely better than the seven I rated it, but it wasn't quite an eight. I would say that it ranked right around a 7.6/7.7 or so. This movie was really enjoyable. It was amusing, interesting, original, didn't take itself too seriously, and it was actually touching to see the mother-daughter relationship and how it developed between Taissa Farmiga and Malin Akerman's characters.

I also have to say, I've never been a big Malin Akerman fan. I just felt that in her earlier work, she wasn't a particularly strong actor. However, over the years, she's seemed to settle into the roles she's played much better. And, in this movie, I think that it may be the best performance I've ever seen her give. She was really impressive.

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Tom Clancy's Without Remorse

The movie itself was pretty good, but Ms. Turner-Smith was outstanding. She is an incredibly fine actor, and I can't wait to see her in more roles. She's has a tremendous on-screen presence that really conveys intent, meaning, and feeling. It was really impressive to watch.

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Zack Snyder's Justice League

There really is no comparison to Joss Whedon's version. Zack Snyder's version was epic. It had heart; it told a tale; it brought disparate pieces together as a whole; it tied everything together nicely. Whedon seemed to slap everything together believing, since he was making the first Justice League film, how could it go wrong? Well, he just found out.

What really struck me about this film, aside from how truly fantastic a film it was, was that the vast majority of this had already been filmed, and Whedon trashed it all. Aside from being a womanizing, misogynistic sexist (at the very least), he also has a gigantic ego. He took what would have been a great film that he simply could've put a bow on, disregarded it, and pushed out something that absolutely paled in comparison. The sheer arrogance it took to do that was just astounding.

Now that this film is out, and it seems to have gone over really well, I'm hoping that it keeps the cast together, along w/ Zach Snyder and his vision for this storyline. It'd be a shame for Warner Bros. to go back to Whedon's storyline.

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Sandy Wexler

Movies such as this always amaze me, b/c at some point, a good number of people had to be in agreement that millions of dollars would be better spent on this, rather, than say, I dunno, feeding the homeless? Fighting human trafficking? Promoting the cause of education? Really, any worthwhile cause would've been a better investment than this crap. Adam Sandler is the Donald Trump of the movie business. He makes movies in which he gives all his friends and family jobs. How do you base your entire career around that?

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As the top commenters have already stated, this was a really interesting film. Both Anne Hathaway and Jason Sudeikis stepped outside the type of role you'd come to find them in, and they both performed quite nicely in this. This film does get rather dark, but it keeps you drawn in by the originality of the script. Overall, I felt that this film was really well done.

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The Jungle Book

Shout by jmg999
BlockedParent2021-02-24T19:41:22Z— updated 2021-04-04T14:43:14Z

I had heard tremendous things about this film, and I have to say, while it's certainly possible that my expectations were set too high, I was disappointed in the end-product. Of course, Kipling's story is a classic, and the CGI was gorgeous, but the problem I had was w/ the development of the Mowgli character. Through the first hour of the film, I found him rather off-putting. He was incredibly selfish and obstinate and dismissive of those around him. I really didn't like him at all. I also found it odd that the opening scene showed how athletic he was supposed to have been, considering he was raised by wolves, but in the scene, where he's attempting to get the fruit out of the tree, he literally can't jump more than six inches off the ground? For whatever reason, this really strained my suspension of disbelief, and I found myself not particularly enjoying the film. Ultimately, the rating I gave the film was based on the remarkable cast, the CGI, and Kipling's story, even if they strayed from its roots.

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A Babysitter's Guide to Monster Hunting

I watched this, b/c generally speaking, many family-friendly movies have some value to them making them worth watching. In the case of this film, there really wasn't anything to grasp onto. First off, it seems that the script was designed w/ particularly young children in mind. There was no humor, and the monsters were something you'd see on Fraggle Rock or Sesame Street. The acting was all right, and the lead, Tamara Smart has some chops, but overall, it's really not worth a watch, unless you have children under the age of 10.

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Buddy Games

This is typical WWE trash. It's "humor" made for first- and second-graders and those people bigger in stature who vote Republican. It's inane, disgusting, misogynistic, homophobic, and oh, what a surprise, everyone's white! Hmm...didn't see that coming from a bunch of racist trash like the McMahon family. Glad that they could at least drag themselves away from a Trump neo-Nazi rally to make this garbage. The entire premise of the movie is a bully and his friends getting back at a guy they'd bullied for years all for what they believed was standing up for himself. What self-respecting actor would participate in a film made by them?

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To All the Boys: Always and Forever

Shout by jmg999
BlockedParent2021-02-14T08:23:29Z— updated 2022-05-30T22:18:42Z

I felt that this was a good way to wrap this trilogy. And, while this didn't have the traditional happy ending most films of this genre have, this is exactly what makes this film stand apart from those others. Life can only be mapped out so far in advance, and there will always be unforeseen circumstances that cause us to take detours from the destinations we've predetermined for ourselves. That's part of the wonder and splendor of living life. To put it in proper film terminology, Ms. Gump was right, " never know what you're going to get."

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Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

This was Mission: Impossible meets a financial seminar.

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Little Monsters

At first, I have to say that I was reluctant to watch this. I'm not a fan of horror movies or zombies. I just don't find either topic very interesting. However, given that this seemed more in the vein of a Zombieland than a true horror film, I decided to give it a chance, and I'm so glad that I did. This film was really, really cute! The story itself was pretty original, the characters were interesting, for a movie w/ a bunch of children who played a major role, they really did a great job, and the three leads were fantastic, especially Ms. Nyong'o. She was just incredible in this role! This movie was funny, sweet, endearing, dramatic, and just a lot of fun.

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This was actually a pretty solid film. Being from America, I didn't necessarily understand all the regional dialect, but I got the gist of it, and it didn't detract from the story. Mostly, it was in the beginning of the film, and as the film wore on, it became clearer what was being discussed.

This film really is about brotherhood, both in a familial sense and in a community sense. It tells the story of Danny, a hardline enforcer for a New Zealand gang, and how he progressed from his difficult childhood to become the sergeant-at-arms of his crew. The film delves into his relationships w/ his brother Liam, as well as the president of his gang, Moses, who he grew up w/ in a detention center. The film did a strong job of showing how loyalties to one family can often muddy the waters in regard to loyalties to another family.

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Creed II

I remember first watching this movie 35 years in 1985. Back then, it was called Rocky IV. It wasn't all that great then, and it hasn't aged very well since. I don't understand why they didn't just call this a remake, or come up w/ an entirely new script.

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There was something about this movie that was quite compelling. I felt that there was a sub-divider in the acting, however. There were those who did a perfectly fine job and those who were, more or less, made-for-television actors. Yet, the lead actors were all quite good. I really liked the storyline a lot, as it kept me interested and guessing until near the end, and the ending of the film didn't disappoint. Normally, I would rate a movie of this caliber a seven, but in this case, b/c of the intriguing storyline, intricacies of the side story between Johnathon Schaech and his dying wife, and the non-generic culmination, I gave it an extra point and bumped it up to an eight. I feel that this is definitely a film worthy of a watch.

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