
A warm sitcom starring a country music superstar that had some odd relationships in it. Lots of sitcoms have exes who continue to be close friends but the relationship between Reba and her ex-husband (and the fascinating relationship between Reba and her ex’s new wife) kept this show fresh for me even though some of its politics aged badly.

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Moonbeam City

This show had an all-star cast as the voice actors and unique animation. I’m not sure why it was canceled so soon but what we had was as memorable as the 80s, with twice as many lasers.

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Boy Meets World

The continuity in this show was shoddy even by sitcom standards and looking back on it, it’s bizarre how vital it was to me that this teenage couple get married and stay together forever but it was absolutely vital and still is. Cory and Topanga (and Shawn) forever!

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Emerald City

Visually stunning with some great casting choices, this dark and gritty adaptation of the Wizard of Oz ultimately tried too much, too fast without giving viewers a chance to settle into these new versions of familiar characters.

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BoJack Horseman

One of the most profound, heartbreaking shows ever made about an alcoholic talking horse who used to be a 90s sitcom star. BoJack Horseman hits you hard with issues of trauma, addiction, and the idea that, yes, we are all human, yes, we all make mistakes, yes, we are products of the damage inflicted on us, but also, yes, what we do to ourselves and to others matters. It matters a lot.

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The Guild

The biggest draw of the show is that it’s early Felicia Day but I thought the other actors put in equally enjoyable performances. It’s kind of a rough show in parts and doesn’t age as well as it could but it’s quick and fun.

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Tuca & Bertie: Season 1

Great music, smart writing, fun and fantastic animation, this show was almost murdered before it could get the attention it deserved.

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While the characters and plot occasionally felt thin, the visuals in this French mini-series were some of the best I’ve ever seen. The second episode in particular was so genuinely unsettling that I felt nervous when I went to bed that night and I’m not somebody who gets scared by most horror. The things that old woman did with her face were masterful and terrifying.

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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

More than anything else, this show was about taking responsibility for your actions while still showing compassion for yourself and your journey. It was a hilarious show with great, great songs but as a show that dealt very thoroughly with the complications that come with a serious mental disorder, it ended in a beautiful way. And Rebecca should marry Nathaniel. At a time when she can truly be happy with him.

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The Middle

This falls into that genre of lightly conservative sitcoms that have been really popular for a few decades now. I found this one pretty enjoyable overall—not super-funny but charming. It’s a more grounded version of Raising Hope and a much gentler version of Roseanne but it hits similar notes when it comes to being a white lower middle class family in America.

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Garth Marenghi's Darkplace

This show ended about a hundred episodes too soon. Hilariously funny parody show from hilariously funny actors.

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Sym-Bionic Titan

A well-written, fantastically-animated, bizarrely horny action cartoon with great characters that was taken before its time and forgotten. Is it on DVD? Of course not. Should it be? Absolutely!

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Absolutely incredible. Heartbreaking, hilarious, and heartwarming all at the same time. The first season hits you hard and the second builds perfectly on top of that and then transcends it. Fleabag’s relationship with the Priest was a powerful storyline but her relationship with her sister—messy, painful, complicated—was my favorite part. I hope good things happened for them.

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Jane the Virgin

One of the warmest, sweetest shows ever made, Jane the Virgin did creative things with visual storytelling while always remembering the heart of the series, the strong bonds between Jane, her mother, and her grandmother. Men (and my favorite character Petra) came in and out of their lives but at its bones this was a show about a strong female-centered family who overcame insane obstacles and always loved each other.

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Happy Endings

A thirty-somethings-in-a-big-city sitcom with a stranger sensibility than How I Met Your Mother or Friends. It veers closer to Don’t Trust the B in Apt. 23 and while not all the jokes land, the actors have an amazing amount of natural chemistry.

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Rose Red

I would put up with a lot of murderous ghosts to live in Rose Red. This was a very fun, very early-2000s horror miniseries, clearly pulling from Shirley Jackson and from the real-life fantastical Winchester Mystery House. But mostly I was in love with this haunted house.

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Sex and the City

A show that was way more clever, heartfelt, and realistic than most people gave it credit for. Largely dismissed as both materialism porn and a show featuring four women who “acted” like gay men, Sex and the City tackled issues like single-hood, infertility, cancer, and other huge life events with a lot of sincerity and humor.

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The first episode is pretty dire and I didn’t find the last real episode that satisfying as a finale but mostly this was totally my jam. The only way it would be better is if it was actually Kyoko and Ayaka going to an Escape Room on a date and that’s just the whole show. I mean, I guess they could still be on a sinking boat and somebody could still be trying to kill them or whatever but the whole thing should be about them trying to have a nice weekend.

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King of the Hill

A surprisingly earnest and often thoughtful family comedy that poked gentle fun at both conservative and liberal stereotypes. While it was never as ambitious as other great sitcoms, it did manage to stay consistently funny throughout its entire run, with the last two seasons in particular having some of my favorite moments.

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Primeval: New World

A fairly good sequel series to the original show. It has a pretty different tone to the goofiness of the first series, which is probably why this one didn’t connect with old fans, but I liked all the actors (especially the one who played Ange) and I think it could have been a solid, fun Canadian sci-fi show if it had lasted more than a season.

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Channel Zero

While some seasons are better than others, a horror anthology show is always going to be my jam and Channel Zero in particular had an aesthetic that I loved. Surreal, gross, and stylish, Channel Zero brought something unique to the genre and will be missed.

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A Dorothy L. Sayers Mystery

Fantastically cast, especially with Harriet Vane. The three cases are pretty solid adaptations of the books, although the second one dragged a bit in the middle. The chemistry between the leads is palpable.

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Alias Grace

An uneven but beautifully shot and well-acted mini-series based on the Margaret Atwood book of the same name. Like most of the Atwood novels I’ve read, this mini-series starts off much stronger than it ends and much of the pleasure comes from the way that the story is told rather than the story itself.

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Good, solid workplace comedy about a work environment that doesn’t usually get featured on shows like this. Anybody who’s worked in retail will recognize the bizarre customer experiences, the too-close relationships that form between apathetic employees, and the bitter resentment towards corporate.

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American Horror Story: Season 10

This season is a mess. They didn’t seem to have enough story to last a whole season so they had one story that was fine but not particularly great and a shorter story that had a pretty interesting flashback portion and a dismal modern portion. Out of the two, I guess I liked the first part more but the flashback segments in the second story were the only parts I thought should have had an entire season to explore. I feel like this show might need to be put out to pasture soon because I hear the next season is also pretty average.

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