

Omicron Persei 8

The Princess

If you were ever overly concerned about the thin plots of movies like Die Hard, Speed, or Escape from New York, you may want to skip this movie. Otherwise, enjoy it for what it is, a fun action flick.

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Stargirl: 3x08 Frenemies - Chapter Eight: Infinity Inc. (2)

I enjoyed it. I'm glad to see the series is branching out further than Blue Valley. With the mention of Sandy Hawkins, maybe we can even get to New York soon and meet some other heroes. I doubt we’ll see the rest of Infinity, Inc., since they’re currently elsewhere (The Sandman, Black Adam).

I love the introduction of Mr. Bones and company. I hope we see more of them. Helix could be a lot of fun and an interesting contrast to the JSA. Like the Shade, a little more morally ambiguous; not really heroes, but not quite villains either. If the Gambler's daughter finally shows up and is indeed Hazard, she would make a good addition to this group.

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Before I Fall

Nice twist on the Groundhog Day trope. I only wish the film makers hadn’t thought the audience was too stupid to figure it out without the heavy-handed voiceovers to explain it all.

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Dark October

All things considered, the writing, acting, and production values, were fairly decent for a porn flick. Unfortunately, this was not a porn flick.

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Swimming with Sharks

This was…odd. It was a by-the-book psychological thriller. Or at least the outline of one. It felt like it started out as hour long episodes that were hacked down to 23 minutes.

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