

Melbourne, VIC


"America FUCK YEAH" the show. Overblown patriotism seen time and time again. Still, it's not a bad show if you can look past all of that, assuming you're not blindly in love with America and its ideals already.

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Fairly disappointing if I'm honest. I was expecting a lot more from Groening. I'm also a huge Eric Andre fan but this just falls flat. Not a single laugh out of me so far and the story is very dry and feels recycled.

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Big Mouth

Very very average show. Made it halfway through the first episode and it just wasn't funny in the slightest. Give it a miss. 3/10.

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The Carrie Diaries

Why the hell am I watching this crap? Oh yeah, that's right; Annasophia Robb got HOT.

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Parks and Recreation

I love this show so much. After Community finished I was looking for a similar show and I found one that was even better!

Ron Swanson and April Ludgate are the best characters.

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