Jordan Vic


Kuala Lumpur City


If you don't like this movie, wait for next parts. They will be released in the following order:
Father iOS
Brother Linux
Sister Windows
Grandpa Cobol
Uncle DoS
Nephew Basic
Pet Python
Ruby on Rails
Aunt Symbian
Niece Unraid
Brother Java

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@whos_ur_buddha Brother Linux 2 : Revenge of the Ubuntu

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Wishing Stairs

Even though as a guy it takes an effort to warm up to the setting of a girls' ballet school, the story is very good and makes the film really worthwhile. Oh one thing I found strange, was that the mentally-handicapped student, Hae-Ju could be present at the school at all. The idea of of a mentally handicapped student being enrolled in an elite and highly-competitive ballet school isn't plausible?? Otherwise good acting and a slow paced creepy movie.

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@cocotus she isn't in there for ballet and its not a ballet school. she's there for the art section of the school.

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