

The Netherlands

The Leftovers: Season 1

You really have to stick with it, because most of the weird stuff only starts to make sense in the final few episodes.
I love how this show took its time to fully delve into all the characters in the first half of the season, with some episodes highlighting one or two of the main characters.
The plot is rich and thematically interesting, and asks questions about meaning making and purpose in a world where no one seems to have answers for the things that happen.
Who do we believe? Scientists? Religious figures? Cult leaders?
Most of the characters have interesting arcs, but some of the B-storylines feel haphazard and unnecessary for the main plot (Tom/Wayne/Christine & Dean the dog killer), making the show less focussed than it should be.
Also, for as great as most of the acting is (Justin Theroux & Carrie Coon in particular), some of the younger actors aren’t all that great.


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The Hunt

Feels more like a student film in terms of acting, directing, and writing.
It could’ve been really fun, if the writing wasn’t so extremely on the nose.
But then again, subtlety isn’t exactly America’s strongest suit, especially in terms of politics.

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Blue Story

This effectively shows how the culture of stigmatized neighbourhoods in the UK promotes small, banal things blowing up and turning into hostile, unpredictable situations.
The core of it is solid, but the rest of the film leaves a lot to be desired.
It’s overacted, unfocussed and a tad too melodramatic.
The rapping would have been a nice addition, if it didn’t get on my nerves so quickly.
Most of it recaps what happened during the previous 15 minutes, which wouldn’t be necessary if you’d pay attention.


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Sonic the Hedgehog

Not quite up to the usual Pixar standard.
The comedy and characters ultimately save the film.
It touches you in a way that only Pixar can, but it did so in quite a predictable way, I thought.
Moreover, it feels a bit slapped together, as if they’re making it up as they go along.


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The Gentlemen

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2020-03-04T13:11:10Z— updated 2023-03-10T08:15:38Z

Pretty nice!
This is not as stylistically excessive and annoying as some of Ritchie’s previous work, but still messy and hard to follow at times nonethelesss.
Hugh Grant steals the film, with Charlie Hunnam being close second.
Some of the funny lines in it are gold, although there is also quite a bit of ‘it’s only funny because I’m saying it with a thick British accent’ comedy in it, which didn’t always sit right with me.
I hope that Ritchie continues to work with smaller budgets in the future, as this is so much better than his previous two dumpster fires.


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Guns Akimbo

Rarely have I seen a movie try and fail this hard.
The acting, style, editing, action and attempts at comedy are embarrassing.


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The Invisible Man

It starts of pretty well, but then it gets better and better. There are a few places where the logic is a bit thin (not saying it doesn’t make sense, but you have to give it some leeway), and there are a few too many comedic touches for my taste, but other than that, this is a terrific film, powered by an Oscar worthy Elizabeth Moss (who won’t get nominated of course, because it’s not that type of film) and a talented director who will have Hollywood producers begging at his door after making this for a mere 7 million.


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Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2020-02-08T19:58:33Z— updated 2023-11-07T13:12:45Z

Kind of a mess, but also some great action and cinematography

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The Informer

I’d forgotten about it by the time I got to my car.

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Once, the Lannisters and a Starks were more like brothers to each other.

This film is just great, it’s an amazing technical achievement. Let’s also not forget that the script elevates the experience by genuinly making you care about the main characters, something which Dunkirk completely failed at, for example. On the other hand, there are a few too many moments in the beginning where not much of interest is happening, and you’re just wandering along with these soldiers. You can’t complain about that for too long when it’s still a feast to look at, but I genuinly felt the movie picked up a lot more steam in the second half.


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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-12-23T23:19:04Z— updated 2021-10-12T22:01:27Z

To everyone who thinks that this film failed because they didn’t have the trilogy mapped out from the start:
You guys do realize that almost nothing in Hollywood is planned out in advance, right?
And that’s completely fine, especially if you have a smart filmmaker at the helm.
Go and watch some documentaries about Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy, he’ll be the first to tell you that they didn’t even think about a trilogy while making Batman Begins.
You think Feige had the entire infinity saga mapped out during phase 1? Of course not, he just looks at what fits together when they’re developing their scripts.
If anything, it’s the fault of the filmmakers that this trilogy doesn’t feel cohesive.
I like a lot of the technical filmmaking here, which still elevates it somewhat, but this is an awful script.
It’s an overstuffed Russian doll macguffin hunt that cannot give proper pay offs to the emotional arcs of the trilogy.


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Marriage Story

I was expecting this to be a dry and slow film having read the premise.
Well, I couldn’t be more wrong.
Somehow, Noah Baumbach made me deeply connect to the story, which is odd considering the subject matter doesn’t relate to me personally in any way.
Perhaps that’s because it has a lot to say about how the juridical system doesn’t help people through this shitty period in their lives, but rather brings out the worst in them.


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Doctor Sleep

A very decent horror film.
The first two acts are like a dark version of Logan, but with Professor X in the leading role.
It's well acted, shot (Mike Flanagan truly has a unique visual style) and chilling.
Rebecca Ferguson makes for a good cocaine addict.
However, the movie also drags quite a bit, and uses fan service in all the wrong ways (i.e. a lot of forced 'remember this?' moments).


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Some people are going to dislike this simply because it doesn’t give you all the answers, or rather, it doesn’t spell the answers out for you.
But, knowing all the answers wouldn’t change what the film is really interested in (i.e. social mobility and bias in the American school system) , so I’m perfectly fine with the ambiguity in this case.
I think it hints just enough at what happened in order to leave you fulfilled.
The acting is also very solid, particularly from the lead guy.
However, the pacing could’ve been better, and the storyline with the girlfriend feels like a detractor.


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Ready or Not

It’s beyond stupid.
Thankfully, the movie knows that too.
The characters in this movie are played like cartoons of cartoons.
It’s not exactly operating in the area of subtlety.


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Dolemite Is My Name

Quite possibly the most flat out entertaining film of the year so far, only next to Booksmart.

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Zombieland: Double Tap

I’m starting to think that Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese, the writers of this film, are one trick ponies.
They really struggle with keeping subsequent films in their franchises fresh.
Between this and Deadpool 2, I see a lot of what I call ‘Hangover 2’ writing, meaning you change as little as you can from the first movie without making it a straight up remake.
I was annoyed by the amount of jokes from the first film that were repeated in Deadpool 2, and once again, Zombieland: Double Tap is just way too similar to the first film.
It feels lazy, but it’s still entertaining.


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Treadstone: 1x01 The Cicada Protocol

This pilot proves that when you remove the memory loss, musical score and raw direction from the Bourne movies, you’re left with something that’s pretty cookie-cutter and boring. Right now, it feels like a show that only exists in order to cash in on the Bourne name.

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The Walking Dead: 10x02 We Are the End of the World

Can Sinead O’Connor just die already?

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The Talented Mr. Ripley

This is like an Edgar Wright movie: it starts as one thing, and then it morphs into something completely different.
Very good (especially the performances and score), but it doesn’t always make a ton of sense.


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The Fanatic

I’ll be shocked if this doesn’t sweep at the Razzies next year.
Finally I have a proper alternative whenever I feel like watching The Room.
Everyone should watch it, and corporate Marvel/DC slaves should be forced to sit through it.
Imagine Jamie Foxx’ Electro (before he turned blue) from The Amazing Spider-Man 2, dial that performance up to eleven, and you’d be pretty close to what Travolta is doing here.
This movie is just the best.

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Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
The Empire Strikes Back
Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

Breaching experiment: the movie.
This was such a much needed mirror to the Western (and particularly American) society.
There are still so many bits in this movie that are still every bit as funny, shocking and relevant today as they were in 2006 (e.g. the rhodeo champion, the college students, the dinner scene).
Having said that, a few minor scenes feel like exces, and they don’t really serve a point.
Like, what was the point of the scene with the feminists?
There’s no commentary in it, and I already know that the main character is a sexist and a homophobe.
But all in all, this is a great film.


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It Chapter Two
Speed Racer

Hands down, one of the ugliest and headache inducing films I’ve ever seen.

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The Matrix Reloaded

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-09-02T09:19:38Z— updated 2022-09-11T13:51:45Z

The visuals and some of the action sequences (like the highway chase) still hold up to this day, but this is overall a highly self-indulgent sequel with a discombobulated plot and even more wooden acting than the first one. Also, it marks the point where the Wachowskis started to go completely overboard with their use of CGI. They made a huge mistake by focussing on the philosophy for as much as they did, it’s bound to be way too complex and abstract for a lot of people, and even if you can kinda follow it, it’s not nearly as deep and profound as it thinks it is. Using the word ‘ergo’ doesn’t change that.


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Sunset Boulevard

This is the film George Lucas desperately needed to watch when he was making the prequels.

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I guess the people behind this movie really liked the final act of the third Harry Potter film.
This film is really stylistic, twisted and fun in a dark way.
You have to puzzle together how everything happened.
I could’ve used a lot more character development though, because you don’t care about any of the people in it, and the lead is kind of an asshole.
Also, they do kinda cheat by suggesting that you shouldn’t try to alter the past, which is supposed to raise the stakes, but nothing in this film even suggests that that’s possible.
The whole film takes the ‘everything is pre-determined, you have no free will’ approach to time travel, so you can’t change the past, even if you wanted to.


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