

The Netherlands

Succession: Season 3

Succession is a strange show.
Sometimes you watch it and it's pretty good and the next moment it's childish, badly written and just crap, then it's OK again.

Not 100% sold on it going into the 3rd season. Episode 1 is a mess.

NONE of the characters are the type of people you'd want to sit down and have a cup of coffee with, let alone spend any amount of time with.

Not sure how long I'll watch this season - it's hanging in the balance right now - 4/10

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@speeddemon This show is in part meant to be satirical, they’re intentionally written to be nails on a chalkboard. That’s also why it can get childish, the show’s poking fun at how entitled they are.

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The Mandalorian: Season 1

Competently made, but it gives you nothing interesting to set your teeth in. The storyline has zero complexity, and all of the characters are highly uninteresting, because none of them are properly developed. Cutting to a cute muppet every now and then doesn’t really distract from that. Just do something interesting for the next season, because this isn’t the way.

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@lordmayo It doesn’t need to have a lot of depth. I’m not expecting this to be Watchmen, or Mr Robot, or anything like that. But, you have to give me at least something to chew on. Even the old and the new trilogies gave us some interesting characters.

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Money Heist: Season 2

Reply by Jordy

Only Season 1 and Season 3 are listed here !!!

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@ambrosinter they are, but they’re re-edited from the last 5 or so episode from the original first season. The original episodes in that season are about 70 minutes long, and Netflix re-edited it to squash 2 seasons out of it.

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Westworld: Season 2

Reply by Jordy

Make the show a little more streamlined, dial down the pretentiousness (for example, no more shifting aspect ratios), turn up the philosophical complexity (which I felt was completely lacking in this season, except from a few speeches by Anthony Hopkins), and keep the emotional reasonance (Dolores/Bernard, William/daughter and Maeve/daughter relationships), and we might just return to the greatness of the first season.

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@alantroll that’s the only deeper aspect in this season, which is also what I referred to with the speech by Anthony Hopkins (as he reveals their purpose towards Bernard in the seventh episode or so). It doesn’t compare to all the bicameral mind /self concious talk of the first season.

And on the action scenes: no they don’t distract me, I actually think they’re some of the best on tv. And you care about the people that are in those scenes, so no, they’re not hard to get invested into. What I don’t like, is that they’re using those scenes to hide and distract from the story that isn’t as deep this season. In intself, that’s enough for me to like something (most Blockbusters aren’t very deep, yet you care because the characters work) , which is why I still ended up liking this season, I just found it a vast step down from the previous one.

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