Jos Savelberg



The Minimalists: Less Is Now

Very interesting to watch and alarming to see that the level of consuming is only getting higher and higher. Eventhough I would not recommend everyone doing minimalism right now (otherwise the economy will collapse big time (or maybe that is what we do need)) I would recommend everyone getting out of debt and stop spending money they don't have on stuff.

This documentary isn't that long so if you have that big void in your life that you try to fill with buying the latest gadgets and you have an hour to kill I would recommend watching this documentary. Maybe it will improve your life after doing what they do. Disclaimer: Minimalism in this documentary isn't about using as less stuff as possible, but just owning the stuff you use almost daily (or atleast once in 3 weeks) so that stuff actually add value to your life and start making you happy :grin:

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EMO the Musical

I don't know what they were thinking when they made this movie, but I'm glad they made this movie.

The movie was surprising and very fun to watch. Eventhough the lyrics in the songs are not what you will expect in a musical movie they are very catchy and fun to actually look up after the movie again.

This movie will be for sure 1 of my guilty pleasures.

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In Your Eyes

This movie is amazing! This sure will become one of my favorites.

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Shout by Jos Savelberg
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-01-17T20:49:10Z— updated 2019-02-02T10:42:01Z

Incredible that after 19 years the Unbreakble triology has ended. A dark, but enjoyable Superhero movie. We had the Unbreakable (2000) origin story, the Split (2017) origin story and now the ending with a focus on Mr Glass.

I think (i'm not sure) James McAvoy got way more screen time than the rest, but could you blame them? He plays the multi parts really good and it was enjoyable to see him on screen with his personas from Split once again. Doesn't take away that everyone did a great job as well.

These 3 movies shows us that superhero movies don't have to resolve about action, explosions and a happy ending. The movie had some good twists.

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The Mummy

Shout by Jos Savelberg
BlockedParent2017-06-10T12:20:08Z— updated 2017-06-13T10:01:33Z

It was an okay movie. Anything is still possible for the Dark Universe, but I hope it will be better. Russel Crowe's part was good and Tom Cruises' action scenes were also pretty good. Sadly the comedy in this movie was pretty bad. Jake Johnson felt really out of place and was only funny for the first 10 minutes.

There also was a problem with the chemistry between Nick and Jenny. It felt so weird sometimes.

Overal the movie felt rushes and could be done so much better. The action is good in this movie. Hope the rest of the Dark Universe will be better.

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Johnny English Strikes Again

It's Rowan Atkinson so what more can I say? It was a funny movie with some really great "Mr. Bean" moments. The rest of the people were ok, nothing really super. Recommended when needed a comedy movie.

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The Greatest Showman

This was an amazing musical. Hugh Jackman performed great, but the thing that gave me goosebumps was the song and performance of the "This Is Me" song.

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Escape Room

If the point of this movie was to confuse the watchers and setup a second movie than they succeeded. What was the point of this movie? Was this supposed to be a Jigsaw (SAW) clone, if so than they should spend some time researching the SAW formula. The bigest question I have after this movie is "Why".

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Besides the action and the visuals there isn't that much to see here. The characters besides Tom Hardy feel bland and don't really add something to the movie. I have no idea if there should be a romance between Anne and Eddie, but atleast it wasn't in this movie. Female Venom was fun to see though.

The movie has some nice visuals, some good action scenes and some comic moments, but overal it felt like a bland movie which I will forget really soon.

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I liked this movie alot. It's not the best horror out there, but it has a unique story. Only the movie tries to explain the story, but I think they shouldn't, it only makes the story more vague. I would recommend this movie for a horror night.

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I liked the movie. Story was pretty nice and the acting was good. For some reason I like these kind of movies with the twist you didn't expect when the movie started

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Teen Titans Go! To the Movies

I love the Teen Titans Go! To The Movies movie. I have never watched Teen Titans Go! but surely loved the comedy and art style in this movie. I like the references to the "geeky" stuff like the Green Lantern movie and Deadpool. With those references the creators did not leave the older audience alienated in this movie. Overal the movie is for kids, with the bright colors, flashes, easy to sing along songs and fast story line.

I laughed out loud with the Stan Lee cameo.

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The Walking Deceased

Pretty funny movie
1 of my favorite moments was:
Sherrif: Carl!
Chris: Chris!
Sherrif: You can call me dad

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Midnight Sun

I like a good drama movie now and than, sadly this wasn't the movie for me. Boring and filled with clichés.

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It's an ok horror movie, but sadly the horror was quite underwhelming. I got pretty confused by the twist and would love to actually have more information to solve this mystery myself first. The twist in my opinion was too rushed.

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Shout by Jos Savelberg
BlockedParent2019-05-01T19:26:33Z— updated 2020-03-13T18:45:03Z

This movie is kind of a mess. I will spare everyone the long rant about the cheesy lines everyone seems to use in this movie. If the movie is purely in the category romance than ok I get it, but the drama in this movie is just lame and unneeded. For some reason the mother and (old) boyfriend of Tessa are so mad at her that they both forgive her in different scenes in all 3 minutes of the movie. I mean come on, they could have done so much more. Long story short the movie is only focussing on Tessa and Hardin, but could have been so much more

Rating: 3/10 would not recommend

Also who thought the following scenario would be believable: "Him: My dad did very bad things and we had the trouble when I was younger. Her: Ok, let's have sex."

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The Prodigy

It's an interesting movie to watch, but it doesn't really stand out between all the other good horror movies that came out recently. This movie wasn't bad, the cast was good, but sadly the movie was predictable which sadly was a minus in my opinion.

Would recommend for a horror night.

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Black Mirror: Bandersnatch

Shout by Jos Savelberg
BlockedParent2018-12-29T10:13:04Z— updated 2021-12-04T16:23:05Z

I like the experiment, but sadly not what I was hoping for. I did have a feeling that it was one big story (Because going back to some moment gave me different options, like getting the toy rabbit from Dad), but it would be better if this would be like a Telltale game. Just 1 story where your actions actually make a different ending.

I have to say it did have some Black Mirror special sauce on it, which I like. Story was good and had some really "Black Mirror" moments.

Better luck next try. Looking forward to the normal Black Mirror episodes next year.

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Like Father

A movie with a very good story, but if you're looking for a feelgood movie, than this may not be the movie you're looking for. The lesson in this movie is that you need to take some time for youself/family and that work is not everything. Kelsey Grammer, Seth Rogen and Kristen Bell really performed well in this movie, but sadly for the other characters they didn't get much backstory or whatever to actually connect with these people.

This movie really had some great/funny moments (Like the karaoke) and the story is really good, but this movie is not really a comedy in my eyes. If it was labeled Drama or something like that I would have given it a 7, but it didn't really lighten me up like I expect from a comedy.

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I really enjoyed this comedy. Something different for a change.

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The Hitman's Bodyguard

This movie was perfect. Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson we're perfect together in this movie. It's also always nice to see your own country in a big hollywood production, but not only that, I also thought the chase scene through the canals of Amsterdam was really well done. The movie had me surprised with having so much good comedy in it. I really loved the Ryan ranting about Samual scene. This movie is worth a while, if you're into action or comedy.

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Didn't expect much of the movie going in, but had a few laughs. Movie is actually enjoyable, but nothing special.

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I liked it. At some point in the movie I figured out how the flow was going (still no idea how it actually works, but like they told in the movie "Don't try to explain") and started for looking for some clues that later in the movie came back. It was a very fun movie and sure it takes some time to get into. It can be very confusing if you miss some part, because the movie is going very fast. That was my con about this movie. For a 2,5 hour long movie this movie is going to fast sometimes. I wished they took more time for several scenes so that they could give some more impact or let me sink everything in.

Also very nice cast and great acting work.

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Summer of 84

It was interesting. There were some things that didn't work that good in this movie though. The entire Nikki character was not needed (I mean what was her entire point???). The ending was brutal, but I think it can leave people wanting more, because it was not a closed end, which isn't that bad, but after spending that much time in this movie I would atleast have happy ending for atleast 1 character.

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Slender Man

When you have nothing else to watch this could be a fun movie to watch. The only thing I really hated is that the trailer is not that bad. The trailer of this movie is actually interesting to see how this movie could have been. Sadly 50% of the trailer does not make it into the movie, and it's the good half of the trailer that got cut out of the movie. Disapointed..? yes.

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A very enjoyable, funny movie with some serious moments. This movie sure is good for a night of laughs (eventhough it's not for everybody, because I saw some people leaving the cinema 10 minutes in... maybe they were at the wrong movie).

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It Follows

Really interesting movie. It's creepy when you know someone is coming for you, and you can't stop it. The only thing you can do is run away and hope you survive long enough. The only thing I don't understand is why this curse is transfered during sex, but that's just a small thing.

I would recommend this movie to everyone who's looking for a creepy horror-ish movie, because the movie really set the right atmosphere and has some good music to go with it.

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Didn't expect much of the movie going in, but had a few laughs. Movie is actually enjoyable, but nothing special.

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Enjoyable movie. Maybe a little much on the "Feministic" side, which is kind of ironic being that Ken is the most enjoyable part of this movie. Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling really did a great job with this one.

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Deep Dark

Didn't know what I watched. It was something, but I didn't enjoy it. It was too random at points and things that happened didn't always have a payout in the end. So Wouldn't watch this again and wouldn't even recommend this to people to watch this for free. It's an hour and 10 minutes you will never get back. Better luck next time for the director.

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