

Toronto, Ontario


‪Loved the Kenergy of Ryan Gosling! (Also, the two major Kens and the Allan all being Canadian was awesome!) Margot was spot on, America was perfect, Hari and Kate were hilarious, Rhea was beautiful! The practical sets were incredible to see! The colour, the choreo, the music, the fun!!‬ And the heart! And I love that this has created a movie-going experience that we haven’t had in popular culture for years and I hope it helps bring people back to the cinema. Hi, Barbie! :sparkling_heart:

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Riceboy Sleeps

Gorgeous story of a mother and son. Deeply touching, beautifully shot, expertly paced.

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Rye Lane

Incredibly charming and filled with gorgeous shots. The leads overflow with chemistry and it’s such a lovely, perfect little romcom

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Joy Ride

So many back-to-back laughs—our screening was having a blast! Hilarious performances, great ensemble, and some stealth feels that had a number of people sniffling and crying. Go see it, in a theatre, and bring friends because a crowd only enhances the fun!

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The Women

‪I put off watching this for too long. Hilarious and sometimes insightful, this satire continues to entertain and engage over eighty years later‬.

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I Like Movies

Charming, solid performances from the entire cast and spot-on nostalgia for the time period, as well as some nice emotional beats. It captured a lot of those feelings of high school and the start of the transition out of it.

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Polite Society

Fun and not afraid to be silly! Had a blast and would love to see Ria have another adventure.

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How to Blow Up a Pipeline

Excellent job of keeping the tension high while balancing separate stories for each of the main characters and their individual motivations for this act of defence. Compelling and engaging with a human face to the biggest crisis we are dealing with as a planet

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Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers

The easter eggs, references, and visual jokes were the best part. Unfortunately, it was a total sausage fest. Even the secondary characters. Like almost zero women. One you noticed it, it’s all you saw. And they sidelined Gadget to maybe four minutes in the entire movie when she was the best Rescue Ranger of them all. Also, that was a slammer, not a pog.

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

They really said Fuck Wandavision here. As if any of that character growth and emotional journey had never happened. Plus, the dialogue was flat and full of clichés and what kind of unearned plot device is a randomly convenient Memory Bank? Ugh.

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Everything Everywhere All at Once

‪Amazing. Stunning. Wildly imaginative. A visual and emotional journey I never expected. Seriously one of the best films I have seen in a long time.‬ The primary cast were absolutely perfect and I’m happy Yeoh has this vehicle.

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