Kajol Kajju


Colombo, Sri Lanka


Even if it felt simple, this ending is awesome. I am satisfied with the ending cz Jack had a true purpose and has fulfilled it, he put everything back to normal.
The ending montage was cherry on top. Got to see so many old characters and events that shaped the series. Truly amazing.
I can't believe the show has ended and I am gonna miss it. I'm gonna miss the Winchesters, Cass and Jack. :cry:

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ER: 8x21 On the Beach

I'm not crying... you are.... :sob::sob:

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Sharp Objects

Wow! This show was MIND BLOWING!
The finale left me in goosebumps. I'm not going to spoil it but there are many articles that do spoil it but also explains the ending.
I haven't read the book but will soon. The show has done justice to the book and why not, the author Gillian Flynn was 100% in on it.
This show is perfect. For mystery lovers.
Amy Adams was the right choice for the role. I don't think anyone else would have done justice to the character which was Camille. All the characters were perfect.
Ugh this damn show is perfect!
I will be re-watching it again.
Watch the show for it's great acting, directing and screenplay. Watch this show for a mind blowing plot.

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The Good Place

A great show to watch over and over again. A very satisfying ending. Loved it. :smiling_face_with_3_hearts:

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9-1-1: 3x02 Sink or Swim

That was an awesome episode!! With all the natural disasters that happened this year (everywhere), it was predictable that this show will make use of it to make people aware of what all goes on and how. Just remarkable. :exploding_head: But also sad, cz many lives were lost. :pray_tone2:

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Game of Thrones: 8x03 The Long Night

This was the most EPIC battle in the GOT series. The best episode EVER!!!!

I couldn't breathe properly for the whole episode.

And yes ARYA had to be the one to kill the Night King. It was so satisfactory!
That move was so COOL!

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Criminal Minds: Season 2

The relationship between Garcia and Morgan is so cute. Garcia is my favourite character after Morgan and JJ.

Sad that our poor baby Reid had to go through a traumatic experience, with Morgan also having a traumatic past. No one should go through what they went through.

Great season. Very intriguing and entertaining with so much to learn.

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Supernatural: 15x19 Inherit the Earth

Even if it felt simple, this ending is awesome. I am satisfied with the ending cz jack had a true purpose and has fulfilled it, he put everything back to normal.
The ending montage was cherry on top. Got to see so many old characters and events that shaped the series. Truly amazing.
I can't believe the show has ended and I am gonna miss it. I'm gonna miss the Winchesters, Cass and Jack. :cry:

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Prodigal Son: 1x20 Like Father...

Ok this finale was way better than I expected. The twist at the end was kinda expected but I didn't think they would go with it. And also, can't wait for season two. Like father, like daughter.

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Criminal Justice

Best Damn Show Ever!! A must watch. Vikrant Massey's acting was realistically convincing. He can not go wrong with any kind of character, he is just so good. Superb. And Pankaj Tripathi's acting has no bounds and can't be compared with anyone. He is a very phenomenal actor. Others too were casted just perfectly. Couldn't take my eyes off of the screen because it just captures the audience's attention so brilliantly. Again, intriguing. Never a boring or stretched out scene. There were many comedic scenes and also heart wrenching scenes that truly captured the struggle of the character in his situation. Good lessons to be learned from this masterpiece. Yes, masterpiece. Truly absolutely brilliant.

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9-1-1: 4x14 Survivors

Oh man! What an amazing episode! The whole time tears were dripping down my cheeks and there was a smile on my face by the end. It was soooooo good. Super good.

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You: 2x10 Love, Actually

This was like psycho meets psycho. A perfect couple. And voila, the perfect ending. I enjoyed it. So much! Can't wait for 3 season.

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This is one the best shows. With their original songs and voices. Why did they cancel this show? Fox is such an ass to cancel this amazing show. And that too with that ending!!! Ugh!! What is wrong with them!? :person_facepalming_tone1::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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The Resident: 2x20 If Not Now, When?

God! This episode left me in tears.:cry: It started like normal, but then after watching many episodes of the show, I should have expected a heart-wrenching story. It was unexpected, and it was for a good cause.

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Man Vs Bee

I don't know why everyone is unhappy with this. I think this is a great comedy. It's Rowan Atkinson, what do you expect?? We laughed and laughed while and after watching this comedy. It was hilarious.

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You: 3x10 What Is Love?
You: Season 3

That just blew my mind! What was that in the end? A twist? No way! Amazing movie. Must watch. Great acting by Vidya Balan. Mind blowing.

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Angel's Last Mission: Love

A beautiful story with a very happy and satisfying ending. And it has the most beautiful OST. Fell in love with the show instantly because of the amazing cast and story. 100% recommended.

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Legacies: 1x13 The Boy Who Still Has a Lot of Good to Do

I knew it when his corpse started burning up! Damn! Landon a Phoenix? That's amazing!

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The Resident: 2x14 Stupid Things in the Name of Sex

This was perfect. 14th episode = Valentine's Day ❤
And I watched it on the 14th Feb! Lol!
A very good episode.
But I think Dr.Okafor said NO. Because of the way she looks in the end. Ugh!

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Black Leather Notebook

So is there going to be a second season? Cz, I think it's not over. Or I missed something? Why were they smiling after they got arrested in the end? I'm left confused. Ugh!

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The Good Doctor: 3x20 I Love You (2)

Damn it! WHY?? Why Melendez? :sob: Ugh! I'm guessing next season new characters will be added. Everybody is on their own. Seriously this episode was such rollercoaster ride of emotions.

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9-1-1: 3x18 What's Next?

Buck definitely needed that closure and in some way Abby did too. That train wreck though was pretty gruesome, but at least none of the main characters died or anything.
I wonder what May talked with Maddie in the party, it seemed very important and Athena must have no idea. Maybe May is asking Maddie to talk to Athena about the assault and how to handle it as Maddie has gone through with something similar in the past.
So happy for soon to be parents, Maddie and Chimney!!
Can't wait for season 4, although this ending had some loose ends it definitely seemed like a series finale than a season finale.
Oh well, all is well that ends well.

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9-1-1: Lone Star: 2x13 One Day
9-1-1: 4x13 Suspicion

What is going on?? Why did this happen?? OMG! Everything is messing up!!!!

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9-1-1: 3x17 Powerless

Ok, another amazing episode. The cliffhanger though. Maybe finally someone is gonna get closure or a new beginning.

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New Amsterdam: 1x22 Luna

WHY!???? UGH!!!

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Supernatural: 15x20 Carry On

I get why everyone is pissed, cz I'm pissed too. But in the end and deep down in our hearts we knew this was coming. One of them is gonna die and one of them is gonna have to live a full life and bring the next generation Winchester out into the world. It was a given in my opinion. Or on the other hand they both die and we still are pissed off about it. The writers just had the audacity to not mention anyone in this last episode of the effing SERIES! Like, WHAT!? WHY!? Why wasn't Cas there to welcome Dean? Why didn't the other hunters come back? Why didn't jack come to meet Dean and Sam? What happened to Judy and the girls? Just why did they had to die anyway? Why did Dean die like that? Why did I ugly cry when Dean was dead and then again when Sam was on his death bed taking his last breathe and then again when Carry On was playing?? WHY? WHY?? UGH!!!
I'm just happy its finally over. But seriously, so many questions were unanswered.

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All American

Shout by Kajol Kajju
BlockedParent2018-11-08T18:02:58Z— updated 2020-11-16T01:18:01Z

I hope they don't cancel this show after a season. This is a good show. It has so much potential.

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