

Omicron Persei 8

Trigger Point

If you're a fan of Line Of Duty, then this will be right up your alley. Vicky McClure returns as Lana Washington ("Wash"), a hard boiled "explo" or Explosives Officer. The plot moves along steadily, revealing a series of false flags and decoys until the police lower their guard and mayhem ensues. Spoiler alert: one of our lead characters doesn't make it to the credits but is somehow in the next 3 episodes?? (maybe as a flashback/backstory rememberance???) or he's built from much sturdier stuff than a regular mortal! Looking forward to seeing how this one unfolds, but expect at least a plot twist or 3 before we're finished. Excellent writing and production values make this new series one to savour, hopefully it'll garner the praise it deserves to lock in a 2nd season (fingers crossed)!! 8.5/10, I'm hooked!!

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