

Aushwitz, Birkenau

Pony Girl: At the Ranch credits for Traci Lords?

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Superbody Workout

GINGER LYNN is working out!

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Electric Blue

Softcore series featuring hardcore legends like Traci Lords, Ginger Lynn, Nina Hartley, and more!

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The Putin Interviews

President Putin is a fairly honest man. No one seems to listen to him or try to see the world from a Russian perspective. Most people know nothing about the harsh conditions imposed on these people. Of course, the world should never trust the U.S. Europe went along with the incredibly unnecessary and insane Ukraine proxy war and now, they are having a very cold winter. Americans don't care that Germany and most of Europe will suffer a large recession, depression even. All that was required was to listen to Putin and be fair to the Russian state. Now, the world is as close to thermo nuclear conflict as ever. U.S. leaders knew Ukraine was the "Red Line" for Russian national security and the political invasion of 2014 in Ukraine by American plotters was incredibly arrogant and illegal, of course. Putin and the Russian population rightly see this as the enemy moving in next door. No nation would find this acceptable, a direct existential threat. The U.S. would have carpet-bombed any nation even thinking of trying that nonsense

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They Live

Even better than the spot-on social commentary: EPIC fight scene! Over-the-top and is pure bliss.

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Stacked: 1x02 Beat the Candidate

Emmy-worthy! Pam at her best!

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Small Wonder: 1x02 The Neighbors

Welcome to the 80s! Lotta nose can day, the creators...

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Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives

Jason still lives in New Jersey.

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Lessons in Dissent

It's great to see that the people of Hong Kong are backing them up.

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Joshua: Teenager vs. Superpower

Another insulting (to anyone with a brain) State Department regime change propaganda piece . Wong, White Helmets, P-Riot, Navalny, Kasperov, and Zelensky are the "heroes" fighting for "democracy"? No. Like Ukraine in 2014, the actual protestors were non-violent. But, then we see these young people show up with the Union Jack and U.S. flags in China? A small but well-trained group with resources no one else had access to: petrol bombs, gas masks, and other items used to attack police and burn down stores and government buildings was an interesting development as were those in Ukraine. How? Who? What? A great mystery...

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No End in Sight

Parallels to today's U.S. backed and initiated proxy-war against Russia using Ukrainians as cannon fodder exist. (Biden announced that helping Ukraine destroy Russia would go on indefinitely! Insanity!) The difference, Iraq had no nuclear weapons and the President isn't going to be found surrendering out a spider hole. Very stupid to go on ignoring Russian warnings about their own Red Line in coming over to Ukraine in 2014. Scary consequences for the entire planet that could be catastrophic for the species at any given time.

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Red Hot Rock

Traci Lord's first video appearance for hair band Hexen.

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Coded Bias

A pure white drama mask is on the cover. Is it tragedy or comedy?

I'm not sure how hard it is or would be to map-out black (lighter-skinned, bi-racial POC would have Recognizable Face Privilege!) faces. There are Europeans from the Balkans with darker skin than many people considered to be bkack. Italians, Serbs, Greeks...blacker than blacks! That's where the Ethnic Recognition Retinal Scanner comes in handy!

Or, imagine an African country trying to spy on its citizens. They'd get the Black-African Facial Recognition!

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Coded Bias

Woke Facial Recognition! ANY Facial recognition is a danger to liberty.

The bias may be against spending more money to map-out darker skin! If "they all look the same, I suppose tge the danger is that all "black" people can be accused of crimes and locked up. (Hey! You fit the description!) Or it could possibly lead to a random non-white be falsely imprisoned. Good deal for the killer!

Since almost no one is actually black, I hope this documentary spells-out how dark a skin is required for the technology to make the individuals "all look the same."

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A Teacher

I could have used a teacher like her to make school a place I didn't fear and dredd everyday.

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