


Bird Box

I've read the book before watching the movie, so I thought this adaptation would be ridiculous because the whole idea of the story is not being able to look - which a book can actually represent, but a movie... well, not. I was really surprised and positively disappointed the more the movie advanced. They didn't copy and paste everything by the book, of course, but the "new" scenes weren't bad at all either. I could definitely connect more with the characters here than when I was reading the original one.
And though the movie doesn't give you answers regarding the outbreak, the creatures and the people who can open their eyes and function well at the same time (same as the book), I didn't feel that the story was unfinished or incomplete.

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Takumi-kun Series: Details of Beauty

Though I watched it for the second time now, it still surprised me how Takumi raised his voice and stood up for himself when Gii "wanted" them to stop meeting. So proud. On the other hand, I never understood characters with a sudden change of behaviour who're not willing to tell their friends or loved ones the cause of their change - Gii simply chose to be cold and ignorant towards them.

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Seven Days: Friday - Sunday

It was really-really-really slow. And awkward. Even slower and more awkward than the first part.

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Seven Days: Monday - Thursday

It was slow sometimes, and they both developed feelings too easily and without much reason.

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The Hunting Ground

It was a bit slow, a bit too long and it jumped a bit illogically from one bigger aspect or story to another, but in overall it was a good documentary. It showed us real stories, real cases and real attempts to help the victims and to help prevent that there will be further victims. I was happy to see how many helpful people are out there - however, I couldn't help myself from cursing and shaking my head when they showed clips of lying people or people who thought all of this is a joke or alright.

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Silhouette of Your Voice

Shout by Bogex

Kohei literally said that he likes Taiichi. Said it right into his face. So how can Taiichi misunderstand that to Kohei liking Mino??? Then say Kohei can't express his feelings?????

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Double Mints

WTF. This whole movie and all of its characters are messed up. Sadly I'm a sucker for good acting and handsome men with good bodies so I watched it till the end, but I really don't see any conclusion or logic in this plot.

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No Touching at All

Even if it's "just" 1,5 hours long, it's really slow-paced. Sometimes it was the relaxing kind of slow, but mostly it was please-just-jump-to-the-next-scene slow.
The characters developed feelings from literally nothing - they only had sex once, and then they slept once or twice at each other's houses sharing their sad backstories. Then Toga-san gave Shima a key to his apartment, then they argued as if they had any kind of relationship (it couldn't even be a "friends with benefits" status since they only slept with each other once), then when Toga-san went to Tokyo, Shima was even more depressed and lonely and a mess than before. And his (Yonehara Kousuke's) poor acting just worsened this awful plot.

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Takumi-kun Series: Pure

I don't really approve of the nature of Shingyoji and Misu's dog-and-owner-like relationship, but I can't blame Naito Taiki's character 'cuz damn, Baba Ryouma has a hell of an addictive gaze.

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Tomorrow I Will Date With Yesterday's You

The plot's really cool, but I was wondering if they'd follow their "route" if they didn't tell the other what to say in the future or what will they do next day.
Also, a little fail in the timeline: how do they live in both worlds but not know things from the other world? Like Emi came from that other world with all her memories, she also knew she is gonna disappear (or what) midnight, but she didn't know anything about her future (Takatoshi's past). (I can't really explain this, but it's bugging me so much. xD)

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Like Love: Uncut

I tried to watch it, but God... it is so poor-written with so many bad actors/actresses, that I couldn't bear it after 33 minutes, so I closed the video. They tried so hard to make the movie anime-like (with the girls' reactions, the drawn parts, the otakus and fujoshis, the reeeally uke character, etc) that it just made the whole mess worse.

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Love's Coming

20 minutes were more than enough. I just don't understand how people could think a gay person is dumb to the point where he can't even realize that his "friends" are trying to make him come out (in the worst ways possible).

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Water Boyy

Shout by Bogex
BlockedParent2017-06-08T18:53:19Z— updated 2017-06-15T18:43:36Z

Unfollowable jumping in time, unintelligible plot and poor acting (besides Nam). People just appear and disappear in the movie without any explanation of who they are or what is their purpose in that particular scene. Superfluous characters and storylines everywhere. Almost 2 hours (not 90 minutes - as it says in the info description - but aprox. 108) of illogical relationships.

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One Way Trip

Shout by Bogex

A movie about liars, conviction without proof, not genuine reactions and (the lack of) true friends.

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