Kevin Cador

56 Followers15 Following

Brussels, Belgium

Servant: 2x06 Espresso

I’m still trying to piece this together but failing miserably. Here’s what I’ve got:

They (the cult members) are angels. They were once living but after death come back to do God’s will. Leanne, like her Uncle and the other cult members, is an angel. She died (we saw her grave) but at some point after she came back she decided of her own accord to come to Dorothy and Sean, to restore Jericho to them, which wasn’t her mission. The baby she brought to them really was Jericho, returned from the dead just like her, her uncle, the other cult members, etc (the angels). The cult has taken Jericho because he’s supposed to be with them, his kind. Dorothy is sinning in that she keeps trying to interfere with the angels’ work and therefore (in their view) keeps meddling with God’s plan.

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@danterner I don’t know what Leanne’s plan was exactly. I have the feeling she didn’t know Dorothy and Jericho’s story so well or the plan was always to make them realize they are “bad”, one way or another. Not sure Jericho is also an angel. Kinda feel like I should rewatch the first season now :sweat_smile:

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Friends: 10x13 The One Where Joey Speaks French

phoebe and joey's plot is so unfunny :/

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Shah blue blah! Me lah peeh! Ombrah! Pooh.

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The Office: 9x16 Moving On

Reply by Kevin Cador

Wow. Well, I hate Andy.

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@pf5 I’m rewatching and I didn’t remember Andy like that. Really not cool at all.

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Big Sky: 1x01 Pilot

Reply by Kevin Cador

Ok, Ryan is a "Season Regular" with his Character being shot in Episode 1?

If he can get out of that one the writing is tremendously stupid...

I hope the poster is just missleading and we are not in for 2/3 of the season being flashbacks into times before the abduction -I hate those kind of shows...

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@Yveske that was indeed a short job for him then :joy:

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This Is Us: 5x01 Forty (1) / Forty (2)

Does anyone else dislike that they incorporated coronavirus into the show? It takes me out.

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@The_Argentinian it wasn’t an issue for me for two reasons: first, they can shoot scenes and stay safe without introducing awkward or inexplicable moment/acting. It’s also a good way to show people wearing masks and applying security measures on screen. And finally, I love the that they talked about George Floyd and the protests and all. It would have been bad if they introduced one and not the other real life 2020 reality check. Yes, it was uneasy but it follows This is Us heart so far.

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The Boys: 2x07 Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker

With this chapter my head has exploded. Can anyone explain to me what that was about at the end?

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@Serjah85 was it Liberty/Stormfront? Or the one that was locked-down in the V facility that could make a full body or doors explode? Another Supe we don’t know about? Anyway, that’s a sick superpower that could (eventually) even kill Homelander :anguished:

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Raised by Wolves: 1x06 Lost Paradise

Shout by kinky

Father, the real MVP of the episode! Respect!

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@misnomer I would even say MVP of the show…

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The Boys: 2x03 Over the Hill with the Swords of a Thousand Men

Stormfront is all about female empowerment but also a sadistic racist? Damn. This show really isn't afraid of anything and I love it xD Can't wait for the moment she gets killed by Kimiko.

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@alexnader I’m for a bare-hand-super-savage-revengeful Kimiko kill for her :smirk:

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Ozark: 3x08 BFF

Reply by Kevin Cador

Tom Pelphrey's (Ben) character arc - his bioplar swing - in this episode was just an insanely good piece of work. Dude should get a nomination for this episode.

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Already liked the actor a lot in Banshee. He’s really good here too.

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Rick and Morty: 4x05 Rattlestar Ricklactica

The :snake: civilisation story was perfect. Didn’t care about Jerry’s side story at all. But who does, right?

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Also, snake jazz rocks :joy:

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Batwoman: 1x01 Pilot

Reply by Kevin Cador
BlockedParent2019-10-07T20:39:13Z— updated 2020-08-21T18:04:32Z

That batsuit was horrible, really awful!

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Thought the same thing. Looked really cheap on is own and on her.

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The Boys: 1x02 Cherry

Reply by Kevin Cador

I love Frenchie but they should have casted a native French actor. I’m sure it’s not that difficult. Sometimes the French lines are not super fluid or not totally on point but I guess only a French native will hear it.

At least he was listening to Youssoupha :grin:. Hope to hear more French rap thanks to this character.

The soundtracks are great so far regardless of the langage :notes:.

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@David0542 did a bit of research (if I can call googling for 20min « research » :sweat_smile:). It seems like the origine of Frenchie are not really known in the comics. In following episodes, Frenchie talks about his past hinting at a French origine. Let’s see how the character evolves in the next seasons. Definitely an interesting character of the show!

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The Walking Dead: 9x11 Bounty

Jerry tells Ezekiel and Carol that he's having a baby. Jesus and Tara find them, exchange goods and leave them with a treaty for all the communities to sign one day in the future. In the present, Ezekiel, Jerry and Carol go out to retrieve a movie projector for their fair. The fight through Walkers and get what they need successfully and return home to the Kingdom. At Hilltop, Daryl approaches Alpha saying he won't hand over Lydia. Alpha reveals she has Luke and Alden and is willing to trade two for one. Daryl goes to find Lydia and she's gotten out of her cell. Outside, one of the Whisperer's baby starts crying and Alpha tells her to leave the child. Connie runs out to save the child and runs through the corn field avoiding the Walkers before Daryl and some others save her. Enid goes to look for Henry and Lydia; Henry is reluctant to hand over Lydia but Lydia decides she must be back with her people. The exchange goes fine and the Whisperers leave. That night, Henry leaves. Daryl reads a note he left behind and goes to find him. Connie offers to join Daryl on his journey. Such an interesting episode as it finally makes one realize how dangerous this world is if you're trying to navigate it deaf. Intense and horrifying to imagine what could have happened to Connien and the baby.

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It’s actually the only thing I found interesting in this episode. I would love to see an entire episode focused on Connie. A full episode without talking directed by John Krasinsky please.

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Titans: 1x03 Origins

Reply by Kevin Cador

I have mixed feelings about this episode. So much happened in this episode it's hard to have any particular thought(s) on it. It was enjoyable, sure, but it also wasn't good or bad. And the CGI, I think it was, when Dick was jumping to and from the tree, looked pretty dumb.

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Thought the same about the same scene. The CGI looked bad and cheap compared to the others we saw in the first two episodes. Hope they don’t make too many like that in the future...

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The Good Place: 3x04 Jeremy Bearimy

Shout by Arelis Guerrero
BlockedParent2018-10-19T03:00:55Z— updated 2018-11-17T17:07:29Z

The i in Jeremy Bearimy

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Janet’s “this is my birthday” was also good. Timeline jokes are my new favorite thing now.

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The Sinner: 2x01 Part I

I never got to watch Season 1 and just woke up from a nap and this was on and I was hooked. The kid is a good actor. I don't know whether to fear him or feel sorry for him.

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I recommend watching season 1. It’s not the same case and you won’t be lost if you don’t watch but if you like to be hooked, season 1 is a must watch.

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Here and Now: 1x04 Hide and Seek

Reply by Kevin Cador

What if Henry is an allucination ? How would you explain the parties he's been to ?

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Need to rewatch the 3 first episodes now ;)

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Stargate Origins: 1x03 Episode 3

Yeah, I kind of like this. It's just a fun, silly adventure and the characters are growing on me. The humour was better here.
We're definitely in the realm of the TV shows with the dial-home-device being present.

A shame that the budget is so low.

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And no camera spin at the end of this one.
I was kind of expecting it in a way or an other.

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Marvel's The Punisher: 1x04 Resupply

Reply by Kevin Cador

Shout by MrBlonde


The PTSD Storyline with those Soldiers...
Not so interesting...
But wonder where Ruso's Storyline is heading.

Taking his time with Davids family was a nice move.
Even if it wasn't appreciated.

There was much more Action this time around!

As they stole the car.
Bam, Bam, Bam... Like it!
The Granate O.o
I have to admit:
I think I would have peed myself as well.
Only seeing a glimpse of what's going on must be horrible.

Car chase... cool! :D
Getting his hands dirty.
Bad for him, that it was on the wrong person.
And Frank cares about people. For now.
I think we saw a little bit of his ruttlesness as he stole the car.
"Not our problem!"

The Punisher has Guns!
A fucking lot of them!
Can't wait to see how he uses them!^^

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@mrblonde I personally like your this shout and the other one I read from you. Keep them coming! If someone doesn't like your style or whatever they can skip reading. I don't see the point of a comment section if it's not for commenting.

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