
1 follower

Bolton, England

Star Trek: Discovery: 5x10 Life, Itself

Well, after 5 seasons it’s finally over. The last 25 minutes was totally unnecessary filler. To sit for 25 minutes watching Burnham’s irritating grin, and listening to her whispery dramatic voice was paramount to torture. I sat there just to see where it was finally leading to….nowhere. They should have just cut it off at Suru’s wedding, if they even needed to drag it out that long.

I’ll can now look forward to the next series of Strange New Worlds, if there is one. I’ll also sit in hope that The Orville is finally renewed for another series, although I’m beginning to doubt that will ever happen.

Goodbye Dicovery, you won’t be missed. Not by me anyway.

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Dark Matter: 1x04 The Corridor

The one thing that confused me is, after finally finding the box in the snow storm by hitting the top of it with the sticks, how they managed to dig out all the snow from around it to allow themselves to get back inside? Surely, with so much snow, even the inside would have been full seeing as they left the door open?

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The Spiderwick Chronicles: 1x01 Welcome to Spiderwick

I’m not sure whether I’m going to get into this, but I’ll give it another episode or two. Didn’t take long to bring the race card into it with the comment about none white. Not keen on the rap music either, and what’s the obsession these days with adding another language so that subtitles are necessary? It seems to be every series I switch on these days.

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After Life: 2x03 Episode 3

After persevering for this long, I’m finally going to bale out on this one. I started watching it after it being recommended to me, but I just don’t find it funny, apart from the odd comment here and there.
If a so called genius of comedy has to resort to continuous foul language just to appear funny, then he needs to find another vocation. I don’t mind watching programmes where language is justified, but this just appears to be all this one’s about.
I understand the concept of it being about someone who has lost his wife, but it is just depressing, and most of the characters have nothing appealing about them. Apart from the nurse and the lady at the cemetery, this series has nothing going for it. Definitely one of the worst ‘comedies’ released, in my opinion.

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After Life: 2x01 Episode 1

That has got to be the most depressing comedy I've ever watched. If it carries on like this, I'll be ready to top myself by the end of the series.

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The Butterfly Effect 2

Quite a few errors in this one, but the biggest one being when he went back to save Julie on her 24th birthday.
The first time she didn’t get chance to tell him she was pregnant, although she tried. When he returned to his altered life 12 months later, there was no baby. Why?
I also couldn’t figure out why throwing a glass of wine over Bristol got him the vice president role instead. Very poor sequel that hadn’t had enough thought given to the plot.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 8x12 The Road Ahead

Thank goodness that's over. The script was cringe worthy and I'm sure the whole cast have split personalities.

The series went on for about 7 seasons too long, with a slight reprieve when they first introduced John & Al. I'd also like to know where they managed to get that unlimited supply of ammo for Al's vehicle.

I used to think Walking Dead: World Beyond was the worst programme ever, but this has managed to run it very close.

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Orphan Black: Echoes: 1x08 The Paradox of Joyce

I'm enjoying this, and it's different enough from Orphan Black to avoid just being a clone (pun intended). I do wonder though, how much older than Kira is Felix supposed to be? I know there's only been around 6 years between series, and the new one is set over 30 years after the first, but he manages to look younger than Kira now.
I'm looking forward to the last 2 episodes though, and I hope it gets given the thumbs up for a second season.

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Orphan Black: Echoes: 1x01 Pilot

I'm not a big fan of Krysten Ritter, but I loved the original Orphan Black series, so I thought I would give it a go. I'm not too impressed with the first episode, but I'll give it a few more before writing it off. I did like the link to one of Tatiana's many characters, and hopefully she'll make a guest appearance before the end of the series.

What's the modern obsession with using subtitles in near enough every programme these days? Fear the Walking Dead, Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon, Citadel and many others. Is it really necessary. If I want to do so much reading, I can just buy a book.

I'll keep watching for now though. It does have the potential for plenty of improvement.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 8x10 Keeping Her Alive

They have a shootout at the service station, and nobody thinks to shoot Troy first? The constant switching between English & German is unnecessary as well. The only reason I keep watching is for completion. I'll be glad when it's finally over.

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The Exorcist: Believer

I must be one of the very few that actually enjoyed this film. Maybe it's because I've watched a few reboots/sequels in recent years, and this is one of the better ones.

After watching the latest Firestarter, Pet Sematary & IT Chapter Two, my expectations were very low anyway. Not the greatest film I've seen, but by no way the worst.

I think the art of making a good horror film has been lost In modern times, as all recent ones seem to be much of a muchness.

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American Horror Stories: 3x02 Daphne

It was ok to start with, until a pair of augmented reality glasses suddenly appeared at his bedside, with nobody to actually put them there. He could then even feel her, which isn’t a feature of AR. AR does not create actual physical items.
He then got up the next morning to find his breakfast prepared for him. Who put it on the table, and who also moved Daphne to the other end of the table? A good idea to start with, but totally unbelievable by the end.

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NCIS: Los Angeles: 14x16 Sleeping Dogs

Can Fatima get any more irritating? I think the decision to make this season the last one is the best one. The writers seem to be losing ideas. I’m expecting Callan’s wedding to be the grand finale episode, with guest appearances from Hettie, Nate, Beale & Nell.

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NCIS: Los Angeles: 14x07 Survival of the Fittest

With writing like this, it explains why this is the final season. Why do American tv series seem to think that the only English accent is a very posh one? Fatima is becoming more and more annoying with every episode. The whole storyline with Rosa is ridiculous. She’s supposed to be 16, but the actress is definitely older, yet they speak to her as though she’s about 12.
The ‘cyborg’ storyline was pathetic. Does everybody into tech have to be on the weird side, or social misfits (Eg. Eric Beale)?
I’m starting to get bored with the series now. The sooner it ends the better.

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Manifest: 2x10 Course Deviation

I’m a bit late to the show, but has anybody noticed the similarities to the 4400? Is Eden going to become another Isabelle?

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x07 The Viewing

I can’t believe I just sat all the way through that. I kept thinking it would liven up and something interesting would happen, then…. all of a sudden…… the credits started to roll.
That has got to be the worst episode up to now, and there’s been some bad ones prior to it. Completely boring and pointless episode.

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x05 Pickman's Model

Another story that just seemed to drag on and on. I’m sure it could have been cut down to a 45/50 minute episode. I also couldn’t figure out what accent Pickman was supposed to have, as it just kept changing everytime he spoke. Not the greatest episode, although none of them have really ‘grabbed’ me up to now. Towards the end, when he went through the last door towards the cellar, the corner looked exactly the same as the secret passage way in the first episode. Are they re-using sets?

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Yellowstone: 4x10 Grass on the Streets and Weeds on the Rooftops

Beth’s character is now getting boring. It’s the same thing all the time. Jamie, for all his supposed intelligence and knowledge of the law, just stands in fear like a little child whenever John or Beth speak to him.
Both characters are getting past their sell by date.
Definitely the poorest season of the 4 up to now.

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Yellowstone: 2x05 Touching Your Enemy

I find it hard to believe that every time Jamie needs advice, he goes running to Beth, even though she openly admits she’s going to ruin him.

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House of the Dragon: 1x03 Second of His Name

I’m enjoying the series, but I’m not too keen on all the time jumping. They jump forward in time at the start of each episode, and there is no build up of travelling between islands. One minute they’re on Dragonstone, the next they’re not. It’s getting very much like the final 2 seasons of Game of Thrones, in wanting to progress the story as quickly as possible, making everything seem rushed. I can’t say I’ve come across a character I actually like yet either.

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Devil in Ohio: 1x06 My Love and I

I can’t make my mind up about this. One minute it appears really interesting, and the next it looks like a CW drama. I like the idea of it, and the way it delves into the effects of cults, but sometimes it’s just like any other show aimed at a teenage audience.

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Night Sky: 1x01 To the Stars

A good first episode. An interesting storyline with solid performances from the cast. Not the fastest moving of shows, but not all programmes have to be shot at a blistering pace. The steady pace give you a chance to get to know the characters a bit better as the story unfolds. I’m looking forward to watching the next episode.

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The Orville: 3x01 Electric Sheep

Great to see the Orville back for a 3rd, long awaited, season. Now moved from Fox to Hulu but with no loss of quality.
I loved this first episode. Just the right balance of humour and drama to put this among the best Star Trek type series. This is more like a cross between Star Trek & Space Quest. For all those who don’t remember Space Quest, it was a series of comedy games by Sierra that were strongly influenced by Star Trek. Hopefully the series will continue strongly and carry on with the great writing and characters. Definitely on my must watch list for all future episodes (and hopefully seasons).

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Fear the Walking Dead: 7x15 Amina

Wow! I didn’t think the series could get any worse, but it’s actually managed it. That has got to be the worst episode ever. It was dire.
I won’t be watching season 8 which has apparently already been ordered. 0 out of 10 for this episode, only because 0 is as low as I can go.

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As a fan of the book and, in most parts, the original film, I was really looking forward to this remake. What a disappointment.
The use of a John Carpenter score, and the name De Laurentis on the production, it was obviously attempting to have an 80s vibe.
The addition of Charlie’s extra abilities and Andy’s need to crick his neck to show he was going in for a ‘push’, just seemed like unnecessary additions to veer away from Stephen King’s original story.
The script was poor and it seemed like an attempt to merge elements of Carrie with Firestarter to ruin a decent story. Charlie being called ‘weird’ by the other school kids, the constant rantings from Andy about how her ability was bad and her walking through the ‘shop’ burning everything in her path didn’t add anything interesting to the film and just made it more like Carrie.
Very poor and definitely not one I’d watch again.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 7x09 Follow Me

If this is the best the scriptwriters can come up with, maybe it’s time to call time on the series.

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Servant: 3x09 Commitment

Shout by KG60

From Dorothy being determined to get Leanne back into the house, to Leanne being determined to stay now Dorothy has decided she has to go, the tale has taken a complete turn.

In an earlier series, Leanne was seen watching a video of one of Dorothy's old news reports. This showed Leanne in the crowd as a youngster. With her determination to look after Dorothy, shown by her willingness to "remove" anybody who tries to harm her, I have started to wonder if maybe Leanne could actually be Dorothy's daughter.

Could it be possible that Dorothy had a child in her teenage years and gave her away for adoption? This could also go some way into explaining her mental frailties and unwillingness to accept the Jericho actually died. Has anybody any thoughts on this possibility?

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4400: 1x13 Present is Prologue

I can’t believe I actually watched this. The rest of the series has been poor, but just about watchable, but this episode dropped about as low as it could. The script was terrible, the majority of the acting was terrible, and the special effects were like something out of a b-rated movie. Hopefully this will be scrapped before somebody decides to authorise a second season. This was dire, even by CW standards.
Stick to the original 2004 series. It was a much higher quality at all levels.

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Servant: 3x04 Ring

I’m not sure where they are actually going with this. It doesn’t really make much headway from one episode to the next.
In an earlier series, it showed a video clip with a young Leanne stood watching Dorothy, yet nothing appears to have grown from that since.
It makes me wonder if the scriptwriters are just making it up as they go along, or if they have an actual goal to the series.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 4x04 All Is Possible

Probably one of the poorer episodes up to now. I can’t claim to have enjoyed this episode. I just hope this isn’t the start of a long downward slide.

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