


Ms. Marvel

Ms. Marvel episode 1 impressions: First of all, why is Disney shooting these Marvel shows with a 2.35:1 aspect ratio? Shows meant to be shown exclusively on 16:9 displays. It's rather annoying. Especially after they made their huge marketing push of having 16:9 open matted versions of the Marvel movies on Disney+ with the "IMAX Enhanced" label. Seems really backwards to have the Marvel movies in 16:9 and the shows at a wider aspect ratio.

Second biggest problem: WTF did they do to her powers? This isn't faithful to the comics at all. Why is her ability this weird energy crystal power instead of polymorphing? And instead of getting her powers from having Inhuman genes, they made her get her powers from magic bracelets? It's like if they made Spider-Man shoot lasers instead of webs. She might as well be a totally different character.

In fact, making the source of her powers come from magic instead of from a genetic modification is a hilarious blunder as magic is considered haram in Islam. They might as well have made her a super fundamentalist Christian superhero who gets her powers from witchcraft.

I could excuse the strange casting choices that made Kamala and Bruno look too young compared to their comic counterparts if it weren't for the fact they ruined her powers. The constant shapeshifting body horror of the comics was central to Kamala's character.

For me this is another hatewatch just like the Halo series. Like Halo, while it has some things that appeal to fans of the original lore, it has many other aspects that drag it down and make it difficult to fully enjoy the show.

MODERATOR EDIT: Be more respectful.

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@victoriaz The comic creators were given a peek behind the curtain of future MCU projects & characters to come. The choice to change the origin of Kamala's powers was intentional so she will fit in better with the future of the MCU and the people who created her gave the change their blessing. You might not like it, but if her creators are cool with it then so am I.

Also, until we know how the source of her powers works we can't say for sure that it's magic. It could be very advanced technology instead.

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Y: The Last Man

only 6 episodes and youre going to just straight up release the first 3. Tv Shows are getting shorter and shorter

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@abstractlegend According to Screen Rant there will be a total of 10 episodes. It's not really a good idea to trust the episode counts on Trakt. The sources from which they pull data aren't always up-to-date or complete.

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Y: The Last Man

I will definitely watch the pilot as I am really interested to see how they plan to "explore gender and race" when there is only one male left alive. Seems like a very one-sided exploration.

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@player8472 Seems to me that Yorick's exploration of gender and race matters just as much as any of the women's exploration of gender and race. Or are you saying that the man's story doesn't matter?

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Doctor Who

Reply by Allison

I had high hopes for Jodie's doctor. But Chris Cinbal really had some bad scripts for her. Now its her final season and the wrting gets good. I think Jodie did the best that she could with bad scripts.

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@bookfreak I, too, had high hopes for the JW doctor. I agree about the bad scripts. I disagree that the writing has gotten better. For me, season 13 is objectively the worst season of all. I hope there's a satisfying conclusion to the Flux storyline but I'm not holding my breath.

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