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I cannot believe this has a 91% fresh tomato rating. I don't know how I sat through this.

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Killing Bono

The things I watch for Ben Barnes

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Vox Lux

I cannot believe the high ratings this received. I never leave poor reviews. I love artsy film but people had the audacity to say there was pleasant cinematography featured when everything about the way this was filmed was suffocating. There is always something I can pull from a piece of media that I like. Not one thing in this film pulled my attention. I think it could go without mentioning that the music was AWFUL. Camp, but not the good kind. Human hours that I will never get back.

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The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It

Ed and Lorraine have something so beautiful, their characters give these films the ounce of warmth you didn't think you needed from a demonic piece of media lmao. Nothing tops the first film for me and it does remain my favorite horror film, this one was alright.

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