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Vox Lux

Reply by beck

I can't believe I'm about to say this given I've seen Serenity this year, but even taking that into account, this is probably the worst movie I've seen in 2019.

I feel like this movie is going for something specific and experiential, with some kind of important commentary on modern celebrity culture, but if that's true, it went completely over my head.

Maybe I'm just giving the movie too much credit and it just doesn't have a coherent plot, nothing of particular importance to say, and just has characters acting in bizarre, confusing ways.

It's rare that I regret the time I invested in watching a movie. This is one of those cases. It shouldn't be hard for you to find something better to watch - pick something at random, and chances are it'll be superior.

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@freinhar The only valid review of this film.

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Shallow Hal

Funny but the movie is shallow itself as it's got the idea that beautiful people are shallow inside and ugly people are beautiful. Unfortunately it's not like that in real life. It's also got the bad idea that if you are ugly you should only date ugly people.
Plus Rosemary isn't fat. She's OBESE. This movie promotes the idea of not caring for your health and just eating whatever you want.

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@apokalupsis This review was going in the right direction until the end where your fatphobia came to light and made everything else said redundant and hypocritical. Fat does not = unhealthy, nor does this movie "promote" any idea of not caring about one's health. What Hal thinks is attractive is what translates to inner beauty in this movie. This film is a lesson, not just for Hal, but for the audience. That you shouldn't be shallow, you shouldn't judge people solely on appearance by society's standards. Everyone is beautiful. Beauty is subjective.

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