Grey's Anatomy

Reply by kirst

half of the people that are in the header are dead or gone please change thank u

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@leetaemin LMAOO fr its a good header but its like 10 years old

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Hugh Laurie plays another (fairly) genius doctor who is, ironically, less fun than his previous Dr. House was. I found the character of Doctor Chance interesting but his endless forgetfulness and fake apologetic nature were annoying to me.

Regardless of this little tidbit this is a very thrilling show that unfortunately got cancelled way before it's time. It's moody, smart, it's exciting, it's binge-worthy and features one of the two best sidekicks to root for you could imagine. If you're a fan of House you'll have a hard time shaking the House-vibe coming from Chance at times but that's to be expected.

Hulu dropped the ball in not marketing this show enough, I happened upon it via word-of-mouth and wouldn't even have started it if it wasn't recommended. Be prepared for an exciting show that leaves an open ending to what could have happened next.

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@mansemat yeppp, i only heard about this through an article about hugh laurie where they called it a bad show

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