

Omicron Persei 8


Unlike the other comments, I find this enthralling and very watchable - very different from the usual American fare which I've stopped watching almost entirely. It may go on a little too long - I'm in the middle of the 2nd series - but some person below said that 'if the Brits were doing it, it would be one series and very watchable'. Mm. The Brits are good, most of the time - and when they get it right, they are absolutely spectacular. But most of the stuff on UK TV is total crap.

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This program seems to have come to a grinding halt, mid-way through the 3rd series. I can't say I am heart-broken, because I was losing interest in all the characters....

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The Gift

It would be nice to recommend this, but unfortunately series 3 - at least on my access - seems only to be available in Turkish. Not knowing the language, I'm going to have to give up on it - which is a shame as I was hoping they would actually finish the bloody thing.

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The Gift

Very interesting concept. The dialogue probably suffered in translation, but I thought it was pretty substandard. However, the landscapes were wonderful, particularly seeing Gobeckli Tepe.

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Anyone who uses the term 'woke' or 'wokeness' when it doesn't mean awake or awoke, immediately gets the thumbs down from me. The most irritating term ever.

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I was very confused for about 4 episodes and then they started pulling the stories together. It was extremely disjointed and, not having read the stories, I wasn't too sure what was going on at the beginning but wasn't disappointed with the characters, as others have been. All scifi/ fantasy (apart from Dune) seems to be very derivative now. If they aren't copying Star Wars or Lord of the Rings (or GoT), they're nicking the titles off His Dark Materials, and it shows.

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I didn't read the books so what they've done for TV doesn't bother me. The first 3 episodes, though, made absolutely no sense to me, so it was only on episode 4 that I began to see the sequences running through, which was a relief. It is beautifully made, a whole hill above the usual bulls*t we've been fed over the last decade (I've stopped watching whole screeds of stuff as being too American, too much Hero crap, and so on. It's about time America woke up and began to make intelligent films (if Dune can do it, why can't the rest of Hollywood?)

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The Mandalorian

It's a good thing he wears a helmet the whole time, because I really thought he has the weakest face I've seen in a long time. I really watch it because of Baby Yoda, and I do hope the stories don't start repeating themselves.

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The Wheel of Time

After the hype I heard, that Bezos wanted something to match GoT, this series felt like a wet squib. They are trying, I'll say that for them, but mostly it's very trying.

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It's probably a good thing that I didn't realise it was that Strike, as I'd read a couple of Galbraith's books - aka Rowling - and thought they were so appalling that I gave up in the end. It seemed to me that Rowling was trying to prove to her readers that she doesn't only write children's books, but her adult books are really horrible. The TV series seems a lot better. Tom Burke is always watchable and I'm glad he's not a villain in this series.

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I've watched 3 of these and so far am impressed. Someone said the acting is 'over the top' - mm, I wouldn't have said that and I usually really can't deal with over-acting. Or maybe it isn't the same. Either way, it's an interesting idea and the sets (even if it's all CGI) are really impressive. It also makes a nice change from the normal Hollywood pap.

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Einstein and Eddington

This was a really great film - it's so rare to find an intelligent look at science and quantum physics through the eyes of people who were there at the time. It was beautifully acted, and thoughtfully edited, too.

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The Italian Job

This is one of those absolute must-see films. I h; haven't watched the remake but really don't think it'll be a patch on this. As for some idiot below saying that he thought 'The pace felt way too slow for a movie of this type' - well, duh. Obviously someone below the age of 18 with an attention span of 30 seconds maximum.

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Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

Interesting. I had no idea what to expect with this film, but was pleasantly surprised. At least many of the production team were Japanese, so it had more intelligence behind it than most recent offerings (which have me avoiding anything with American accents). I wonder, if the film were made today, with the same production team, would the cast appear slightly less plastic? Also I'm not sure whether the rest of the series (of which there appear to be quite a few) will stand up to similar scrutiny. I see a comment below which I resonate with - a great opportunity and a very interesting film- though I didn't think the opportunity was completely lost. It was certainly a breath of fresh air after some of the recent sh*t offered in the form of fantasy or sci fi.

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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind

This was mentioned on facebook and sounded like a worthwhile watch. I have been in Malawi and other countries in Africa, so I was interested to see how the place would figure in the film - but it was a shock to see the extremes of weather the villagers had to deal with. The film itself was excellent and I was glad to see Netflix had picked it up.

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Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore

These (Magical Creatures) are such strange films. The settings are amazing, the attention to period detail wonderful, and the little beasties are gorgeous - but somehow the films just don't land - at least, not for me. Unlike the Harry Potter series, where you could somehow believe in their world, here it too obvious that it is all total fiction. Sorry, JK - I'll watch them, but I'm waiting for Pandora 2, 3, 4 and 5, that is if I'm still around....

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Doesn't float my boat. I enjoyed the settings, but the taboo aspect of it leaves me cold.

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I thought it was one of the poorest Eastwood films I've ever seen. First because of the ra-ra American shit, and second because it was so bloody predictable. The only thing I wasn't sure of was whether the pilot (Gant) would be killed in the end. In fact I think that would have made a better ending.

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Sanditon: 1x08 Episode 8

Accurate history it isn't, and ok so we don't really expect that, but the 'hero' wandering around with at least two days stubble?? Gentlement in the time would never do that - nor would they fight in a ring. They certainly practised, but only with masters of the craft in Jackson's Studio. As for gently-born girls wandering around without a maid, going into men's houses - oh, please. Whoever the producer is should really not be let loose on historical series, no matter how light. The series was amusing, but the story has more holes in it than a badly crocheted garment. And then, when it was obvious we were getting to a finale, ITV must have figured they had enough viewers to warrant a second series. Oh god. Well, I won't be one of the viewers.

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The Souvenir

I really can't watch this ... I find it kitchen sink drama.

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The Call of the Wild

I'd give it 2 out of 5. It's beautifully filmed and Harrison Ford is, as usual, very good - but a dog who thinks like a man, who is really a super-hero and always thinking of the welfare of other dogs and the man who owns him ... well. No wonder they had to fake it. I haven't read Jack London's book but if the film is true to the book, I won't bother.

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The Little Mermaid

I have watched 30 minutes so far of this remake and doubt if I'll watch any more. It is filled with every single hackneyed Disney film formula they could fit in. Come on, Disney - this doesn't even reach 3/10 for me.

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Mm. I watched it to the end, and that's about all I can say. I really think Hollywood (and/or the Chinese) should do something else. Like go and create children's toys. The poster was good, though.

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For All Mankind: 1x05 Into the Abyss

I had no idea what this show would be about when I decided to watch it. I was pleasantly surprised by the first episode and think it's been getting ever more interesting as it goes along. It's nice to see some thoughtful programs still being made, and as it's set in the 70s (at least the first episodes were) there still an excuse for the idea that America still has to be pre-eminent. After the last 4 years, I think that may have sunk without a trace but hey, empires never last ...

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Two Sinners and a Mule

Fairly poor. It's not a patch on Two Mules for Sister Sara (1970) - which, though an old film now, has at least four times as much interest and four times as much story. Don't know why they bothered with this, and I don't think you should either.

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Arctic Blast

It certainly wasn't the worst film I've seen - though the comments below about the special effects were right (they were crap). But it was such a relief not to have some Hollywood hero actor jumping around being a big Hero. I will have to give up watching Hollywood films, they are so predictable and formulaic now, they just aren't worth watching.

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I rate Joaquin Phoenix normally but think he was totally miscast as Napoleon. And as for the film focusing on his relationship with Josephine - wtf, WHY??? It left me utterly cold, to the extent that I was not interested enough to watch more than 1/2 hour of it. I'm surprised Ridley Scott made such a mess of this film... what a waste of opportunity.

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The Last Airbender

I thought the first two episodes were ok, but then in episode 3 it turned into a anime which I thought was terrible. It seems other people think the anime was good and the actual real life action was awful - oh well, horses for courses.

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Independence Day: Resurgence

Hokum... and it so pisses me off with its American stance. If I were the Independence creatures, I'd want to wipe the humans off the earth.

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Promised Land

Yes, it was quite a slow-paced movie, but it's profound and the acting makes up for the slow pace. There's also a sting in the tail. Definitely worth watching.

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