

Omicron Persei 8


I've watched 3 of these and so far am impressed. Someone said the acting is 'over the top' - mm, I wouldn't have said that and I usually really can't deal with over-acting. Or maybe it isn't the same. Either way, it's an interesting idea and the sets (even if it's all CGI) are really impressive. It also makes a nice change from the normal Hollywood pap.

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The Man in the High Castle

I didn't think I would stick with this series, but I have (well, I'm nearly at series 4. I'm a little teed off that they seem to be resorting to sci-fi, when they could have just let everyone go to hell in a hand-basket all by themselves. Hey-ho. Still, it looks like the whole thing will be finished in about 6 episodes, so I will probably stick with it that far.

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The Mandalorian

It's a good thing he wears a helmet the whole time, because I really thought he has the weakest face I've seen in a long time. I really watch it because of Baby Yoda, and I do hope the stories don't start repeating themselves.

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Outback Opal Hunters

A friend told me about this program and I'm enjoying it - though I'm surprised there are so many episodes. My system is having difficulty finding 1x3 let alone anything more! I'll carry on trying to get some more. I am not enjoying the emphasis on money, but what can you expect ... with the world we live in now. I love opals so atm it's worth it, seeing the amazing stones emerge.

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The Wheel of Time

After the hype I heard, that Bezos wanted something to match GoT, this series felt like a wet squib. They are trying, I'll say that for them, but mostly it's very trying.

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I was very confused for about 4 episodes and then they started pulling the stories together. It was extremely disjointed and, not having read the stories, I wasn't too sure what was going on at the beginning but wasn't disappointed with the characters, as others have been. All scifi/ fantasy (apart from Dune) seems to be very derivative now. If they aren't copying Star Wars or Lord of the Rings (or GoT), they're nicking the titles off His Dark Materials, and it shows.

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The Gift

It would be nice to recommend this, but unfortunately series 3 - at least on my access - seems only to be available in Turkish. Not knowing the language, I'm going to have to give up on it - which is a shame as I was hoping they would actually finish the bloody thing.

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This program seems to have come to a grinding halt, mid-way through the 3rd series. I can't say I am heart-broken, because I was losing interest in all the characters....

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Anyone who uses the term 'woke' or 'wokeness' when it doesn't mean awake or awoke, immediately gets the thumbs down from me. The most irritating term ever.

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I didn't read the books so what they've done for TV doesn't bother me. The first 3 episodes, though, made absolutely no sense to me, so it was only on episode 4 that I began to see the sequences running through, which was a relief. It is beautifully made, a whole hill above the usual bulls*t we've been fed over the last decade (I've stopped watching whole screeds of stuff as being too American, too much Hero crap, and so on. It's about time America woke up and began to make intelligent films (if Dune can do it, why can't the rest of Hollywood?)

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It's probably a good thing that I didn't realise it was that Strike, as I'd read a couple of Galbraith's books - aka Rowling - and thought they were so appalling that I gave up in the end. It seemed to me that Rowling was trying to prove to her readers that she doesn't only write children's books, but her adult books are really horrible. The TV series seems a lot better. Tom Burke is always watchable and I'm glad he's not a villain in this series.

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The Gift

Very interesting concept. The dialogue probably suffered in translation, but I thought it was pretty substandard. However, the landscapes were wonderful, particularly seeing Gobeckli Tepe.

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Unlike the other comments, I find this enthralling and very watchable - very different from the usual American fare which I've stopped watching almost entirely. It may go on a little too long - I'm in the middle of the 2nd series - but some person below said that 'if the Brits were doing it, it would be one series and very watchable'. Mm. The Brits are good, most of the time - and when they get it right, they are absolutely spectacular. But most of the stuff on UK TV is total crap.

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Doesn't float my boat. I enjoyed the settings, but the taboo aspect of it leaves me cold.

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