

Omicron Persei 8

Young Sheldon: 1x02 Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System

God I love this show! Two episodes in and we already have the FBI looking for Sheldon. Also loved how Missy gave Sheldon the idea of using the book card.

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Better Call Saul: 2x02 Cobbler

The comedy always gets me

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Young Sheldon: 1x01 Pilot

As of watching this, I haven't watched TBBT, I know a few things about it like everyone else who hasn't watched it, and I find this show very comforting.

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Secret Invasion: Season 1

Was good. Could have been way better.

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Secret Invasion: 1x06 Home

Not bad. But could have been better.

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The Flash: 7x07 Growing Pains

Even tho this episode was a filler it was good. I liked the Frost storyline, still didn't enjoy Barry's absence tho. The fight scene in the end was okay, we've seen way worse on this show. Also, Allegra is boring and her character just feels forced into the team.

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The Flash: 7x06 The One With The Nineties

This was a good episode, unfortunately without Barry. Really liked the storyline with Chester and his dad

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The Flash: 7x01 All's Wells That Ends Wells

This whole episode was better than post-crisis Season 6. Also, Grant, Tom, Carlos and Candice were the only ones carrying this show and now half of them aren't even here. Also, this is definitely not a Season "Premier" just like the last episode wasn't a Season "Finale"

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The Flash: 7x05 Fear Me

Better than last few episodes

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The Flash: 7x02 The Speed of Thought

Great acting. Not so great writing. Why give Wells after emotionally killing Wells? Also Barry always had speed thinking or is it somehow different from his slowed perception of time now?

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The Flash: 6x18 Pay the Piper

And I thought Cicada was the worst villan

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The Flash: 6x17 Liberation

This was an okay episode. Way better than the last one. The show keeps on becoming more and more annoying

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The Flash: 6x12 A Girl Named Sue

Shout by Shin

Many things don't make sense in this episode when you think about it. Why is this called The Flash when we didn't even see him for the whole episode? Ralph is THE ELONGATED MAN, has one of the most overpowered superpowers and yet a random theif bested him. I kind of enjoyed the first half with the spy story esque style even tho I kind of knew Sue would end up betraying him, enjoyed it until Ralph let Sue get the better of him.

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The Flash: 6x09 Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Three (III)

These episodes are fun and all to watch until you actually start thinking about them, or if they show stuff like this device is meant to destroy every Earth but if Flash goes off it it will, like these writers seriously need help, atleast we got to see Lucifer tho.

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The Flash: 7x13 Masquerade

Okay episode. Again, the writers try everything to not have Barry in this show, and even if they do he doesn't uses his powers. Cecile storyline was kinda interesting but this was very wrong timing and wrong execution.

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The Flash: 7x09 Timeless

Seriously? Barry deciding to travel back in time is so stupid. Did the writers forget what Flashpoint did to Barry? And Iris is just so annoying why in the world is she getting so much screentime. It was good to see Wells again tho.

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The Flash: 7x08 The People v. Killer Frost

I can't believe Barry wasn't even in the courtroom while Frost's hearing, the writers are smoking some serious shit. And the fact that Frost got punished for something she did in the past while they removed Hartley (Ralph) for saying something in the past, great justice system. Also I may be wrong but I don't think any court would allow a form of punishment (in this case the cure) if they knew it could kill the person. If they had just said that in the court they wouldn't be going through all this shit with Frost. In the last episode I was genuinely interested in this storyline for Frost even tho it was filler but this episode just ruined it. And looks like the Speed Force is all bitchy now.

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The Flash: 6x16 So Long and Goodnight

How did this show become so painful to watch?

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The Flash: 6x10 Marathon

Iris gets more and more annoying, no one is able to kill her, not God of Speed, not a photon ray gun, not even anti-matter crisis. I really hope she stays in that mirror. This episode was boring, with predictable storyline and annoying plots. With Barry not there for like the whole episode it was just boring. Had many other issues with the episode but won't go on a rant here.

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The Flash: 7x12 Good-Bye Vibrations

This was such an undeserving pay off for Cisco. The only moments I genuinely had fun were when Cisco and Barry both get whammied and the party in the end. The villain was so goddamn stupid. Throwing away the all those millions of dollars on the street to help the poor? Yeah sure have fun when it crashes the economy, no wonder you were kicked from your job. The teams reaction to Cisco leaving was just so not in character too. I'm just done with this show. Really hoped I was one of those who could stop watching a series in middle. Also the moment where Barry saved 20,000 people, it could have been such a great moment but no, it just happened. No set up, no focus, nothing! This is what we and the actors get for being with this series for more than 6 years.

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The Flash: 7x03 Mother

The power of love. Yes.

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The Flash: 7x04 Central City Strong

Again. Power of Love. Yes

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The Flash: 6x11 Love Is a Battlefield

I used to think I can watch stuff that's bad, but this episode made me doubt that, everything in it was so damn annoying I hated every bit of it, it felt like Iris was the main character not Barry, and I already hate her enough, I was glad she got trapped in the mirror last episode but then there's this now.

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The Flash: 7x11 Family Matters (2)

I have no words. Someone please end this suffering

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The Flash: 7x10 Family Matters (1)

This episode crossed all of limits of breaking bad. This is the worst Flash episode I've seen yet. Why the fuck is everyone calling Barry and Iris mom and dad, this family dynamic is so stupid. Iris doesn't even deserve all of this importance

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The Flash: 6x19 Success Is Assured

I can't belive this is the Season Finale. This was so stupid and bad. Like anything doesn't make sense. And what the fuck is up with Barry's speed? It's supposed to end but it never does.

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