Kurtis Money


Los Angeles

Arrested Development

where do I add the remix of season 4!? not seeing it in search results, watching them now....SO STOKED!!!!!!

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Difficult People

I am very amused by the annoyance experienced by the two other comments on here. Complete disagree. Love this show!

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I love this show. I've always thought if this came out after Game of Thrones maybe it would have been more popular and it'd still be around. Or at least gotten the third season they wanted instead of having to make it happen in two. But then again maybe people would think it was a GoT ripoff or something. Great show. Check it out if you haven't yet.

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Buffalo Bill

This is hands down the most underrated thing in the history of underrated things. NO ONE knows about this show yet it's one of the best. For real. I am going to rewatch this weekend so I can weigh in on each episode here and get it some more love.

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