


Twin Peaks: 3x03 Part 3

potentially the best episode of any show ever

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Ash vs Evil Dead: 2x06 Trapped Inside

OMG!!! i got so excited when i saw Ellen Sandweiss, how cool!!!! and i love how they made her as a deadite look so similar to in the first film, with the scars and everything. so awesome.

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Big Little Lies

there's more emotion and thought provoking material present in this miniseries than there is in most full length tv shows. raw and powerful performances, incredible editing, an amazing soundtrack. this is truly something really special.

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The Walking Dead: 7x16 The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

good to see the writers still have no clue how to write a compelling finale!

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The Walking Dead: 7x09 Rock in the Road

so many characters who used to be interesting and engaging have been reduced to one-dimensional vessels for exposition, and as a result they rarely make believable choices- leading to storylines being uncompelling and predictable. it's really disappointing to see this happening to a show that's held a very special place in my heart for so long, hopefully it'll start living up to its potential soon.

the trip wire scene was awesome tho

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