

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Bullet Train

This is an excellent movie that has completely surpassed my expectations. It has lots of amazing action and great comedy and wonderful performances from all the actors involved. The movie reminds me of Kill Bill.

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It's a Wonderful Life

It was the most beautiful and emotional movie I have ever seen, I recommend it to everyone. This movie was there when I needed it the most, it shows how much one man can make a difference in the world, no matter what he does, and how we sometimes don't even realize what impact our very own existence can have on other people's lives.

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Gotham: 2x01 Rise of the Villains: Damned If You Do...

Amazing and perfect season premiere, very touching especially at the end, I never knew this show could become so great, it has climbed up a lot from my list of top tv shows. Best show about DC Comics.

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The Boys: 3x04 Glorious Five Year Plan

Shout by Lazo

Great episode, I hope that the Boys get permanent powers eventually, like in the comics.

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Arrow: 5x11 Second Chances

10/10 Definitely the best episode of Arrow Season 5, the flashbacks were perfect and show the true origin of Green Arrow's first costume and so many action scenes that look as good or even better than the ones that were on the Pilot. Guggenheim you have finally given the fans the show that they deserve. This episode was amazing. I hope the show keeps going on a high note, because if every episode of this show were as good as this, it could go for 5 seasons or until the showrunners decide to end it, it would never get cancelled.

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Black Lightning: 1x01 The Resurrection

This episode was amazing. TV shows as good as this are very rare these days. I didn't expect a lot but this is clearly the coolest superhero in the Arrow-verse right now. I also liked how the actor how played Harry in Dexter made a comeback in this TV show as Black Lightning's close friend who is also a father figure to him. The special effects were great and the suit was excellent. 10/10 (I rarely give 10/10 for any tv episode these days)

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Arrow: 5x17 Kapiushon

Shout by Lazo

10/10 Amazing, my favorite episode of the entire series, Oliver's secret is finally revealed, and Stephen Amell's performance was perfect. It was so dark. This must be the biggest cliffhanger ever.

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Arrow: 5x12 Bratva

One of the best episodes of season 5 just like the one from last week, it was amazing. We got to see Oliver queen and his team go to russia to unite with the Bratva against the guy who framed Diggle, it was just perfect. I hope all the episodes that follow will be as good as this, this show's ratings are going to go way up if that's the case, it might even go on for as long as the showrunners want it to.

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Quantico: 2x01 KUDOVE

Amazing season premiere. Definitely not disappointed.

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The Simpsons: 2x01 Bart Gets an 'F'

This episode was amazing, I guess it is true that the old episodes are the best. There are so many ways that we can relate to Bart in this episode.

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Arrow: 6x02 Tribute

This episode was amazing, as good as the season 6 premiere, I really think Guggenheim has found the right path, this season is going to be the best we have ever seen in Arrow. There were many incredible scenes, many emotional scenes, and many funny scenes in this episode. I would have never though that Arrow could become so good. The young actor who plays William is very talented, and Stephen Amell's acting keeps on impressing me even after those 5 seasons. I really can't wait for the next episode.

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Arrow: 5x13 Spectre of the Gun

This episode like the previous two, was amazing, but not the same kind of amazing, instead of being action packed with epicness in the sense of fighting, it was so beautiful that it made me cry, especially Renee Ramirez's origin story and the reason why he joined Green Arrow's team in the first place, it was just so beautiful, that and Oliver's final speech at the end of the episode. For once, Guggenheim tried something different than usual, and I thank him for it. Let's hope that the show keeps going this way.

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Black Mirror: 4x06 Black Museum

Shout by Lazo

Best episode of the entire series. This was mindblowing and very well done. I liked how the story was told through narration and I loved the twist ending. In the end, that guy got what he deserved

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Mr. Robot: 3x05 eps3.4_runtime-error.r00

This was the best episode of the entire series, and one of the best TV episodes I have ever seen.

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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Hailee Steinfeld's performance is by far the best, Oscar Isaac's Miguel O' Hara was pretty good too.
The animation was beautiful, like true eye candy. It had just the right balance between good action, good characters, and emotional scenes. I've never had this much fun watching an animated movie before. I had seen the first one but this second one is far better in my opinion but the first one set things up pretty well.

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Smallville: 7x15 Veritas

This is definitely one of the best episodes of the entire show. Everything in this episode was interesting, from the Lex's flashbacks to the way Lionel begs Chloe and Clark to listen about the great danger that is coming, especially when we know why they don't trust him and never willl, after all he has done in the show, although he has changed, he has committed terrible things in the past. And in the end, seeing Lana paralyzed because of Brainiac is another tragic scene since the heroes can't do anything to help her. After so many filler episodes, it's finally amazing to see such a great episode in this show where everything just lines up perfectly.

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Arrow: 6x05 Deathstroke Returns

One of the best episodes of the season so far, can't wait to see what happens next.

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The Flash: 4x02 Mixed Signals

This episode was amazing, finally even the filler episodes are interesting which wasn't the case in the previous seasons. There were many funny scenes in this episode. I really think that this season will be better than all the previous seasons.

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The Flash: 4x01 The Flash Reborn

Best season premiere I have ever seen, the new suit is amazing and we finally got what we wanted after seeing all the villains get the best suits, now is the time for The Flash to shine. And without giving away anything, I will say this: This is a perfect beginning to the story for season 6. It had been so long that I had been waiting, and while waiting I've been watching many movies but none of them were as amazing as this one episode, which has proved me how I missed great tv shows like The Flash because they are way better than most movies today.

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Arrow: 1x01 Pilot

10/10 Best pilot episode of all time, everything was spot on, from the narrative to the character development to the backstory, to the perfect soundtrack and the epic action scenes. And, every time I rewatch it still feels as amazing as the first time I watched it, so many goosebumps/chills. Season 5 of arrow seems to be getting back to its former season 1 glory after having had a terrible season 4. Remember, this show, and this very episode are the ones that started it all, the first good live action superhero dc comics tv show to ever exist gave way to shows like The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow.

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The Flash: 3x10 Borrowing Problems from the Future

One of the best episodes of Season 3, a lot of scenes gave me chills, and there was so much new stuff, it finally no longer feels too redundant. 10/10

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Best Boxing Movie I have ever seen. 10/10

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When Marnie Was There

This movie was perfect and amazingly beautiful in all sections, from the story to the visuals and the characters. At many times it was sad but in a good way. The ending was unexpected and the story distinguishes itself from anything else that I have seen in my life. It is my favorite movie of all time. It was the first anime feature film I had ever seen and it makes me want to start watching more anime.

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Frequency: 1x01 Pilot

In all the shows I have watched, this must be the best pilot episode I have ever seen, all the chills and the thrill, it was AMAZING.

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The Flash: 8x17 Keep It Dark

As someone who hated seasons 6 and 7, I feel like this is one of the best episodes of season 8. It has the same feeling that the earlier seasons of The Flash used to have. And for the first time, we finally get to see Allegra use her powers in a fight where she is not just a sidekick. Also, we get some Thawne action, and the introduction of a new speedster, and somehow they managed to get rid of Iris, which I love.

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Taxi Driver

This movie was very special. For the first time in months, I felt like I was really focused on the movie I was watching. Prior to watching this movie I hadn't read the plot which was a good thing because I didn't know what was going to happen or what the movie was about and I was surprised at every twist and turn. The music was very good. I am normally not a fan of crime dramas but this one was so different from the others that it was much more interesting. The filmmaking and the acting were incredible from beginning to end. It's so hard nowadays to find a movie that is as good as this one in all those aspects especially a crime movie, they don't make them as good as they used to.

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Girl From Nowhere: 2x07 JennyX

Shout by Lazo

I did not expect this plot twist

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Supernatural: 12x22 Who We Are

This episode was beautiful. I missed the emotional scenes from Supernatural so much, it has been a long time since I have seen an episode as great as this one, it feels as if TV (and even the movies) is getting worse with time but Supernatural is still great and it looks like it isn't going to deteriorate any time soon which is probably the reason why the show is still on for its 13th season. But if you look at other CW shows you can see that they are all becoming very bad. Supernatural has always been my favorite show, I have watched all the episodes so many times. Jensen Ackles's acting is wonderful just like it has always been, and the scene with Mary brings back sad memories.

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: 1x12 One is All, All is One

Shout by Lazo

This episode was great, for the first time we discover the philosophy of alchemy which is beautiful. The show keeps getting better and better.

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x13 Asteroid Blues

This episode was amazing, I love the main characters and I love the action and the fight scenes and the space western style of this show.

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