


Made in Abyss

This would be great if it hasn't nonsense child hypersexualization. :neutral_face:

It is not necessarily bad to show taboo subjects, that's why the extreme challenges that minors should not go through are less serious than scenes that are born to entertain: the gore at least has something to do with the story, and is implied that is not desirable, they suffer. In hypersexualization, they act like is normal for their age. The mini joke that Prushka says when Riko asks why the doors are closed in the night on her house could be fine, we don't see disgusting scenes and is something real to a 12 y/o child. The rest of the 'jokes' are not okay.

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Made in Abyss: Dawn of the Deep Soul

I didn't understand why the events happened so quickly and without emotion according to the personalities of the characters that were built for us throughout the first season. This should be an entire season, right? So, it seems very simple to me that someone random is the reason for Riko to get her white whistle. Btw, now I think her mother's whistle is her other parent, wich is strange because she have it like a symbol of her mother but actually that's other person 'soul'...

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Made in Abyss: 1x13 The Challengers

It was going great, until the pedophilia which was worse than the last chapters; a shame in an episode that could have been very nice :rolling_eyes:

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School Babysitters: 1x03 Episode 3

Not grate laughing at a pedophile, worse when is the prota who wants to be friendly with him.

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School Babysitters: 1x09 Episode 9

It stopped being so boring when they left the main stage... I don't know how to make that directing decision.

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School Babysitters: 1x08 Episode 8

Disgusting saying to your littler brother that is a perv. Also he he mocked about his social anxiety... romanticizing a bad sibling relationship.

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My Brother Chases Dinosaurs

Once again we aren't the protagonists.

Good points for not putting 0:
*The technical part is good

Negative points (from my perspective as a disabled person):

*They never specify that the pathologizing reaction of health professionals, and the dramatic reaction of the family, is harmful; they could take the opportunity to explain this happens to many families due to the outdated information about the diverse types of neurodevelopment that exist, the one shown here is only that, one more to the list, neither better nor worse.
*The bad perspective from this neurotype continues: "is a disease", "it has levels", "intellectual disability in all cases"
*Refers to people with Down syndrome as "special", "in their world", "they unite the family" (that family was already united, he is not glue, he's a human and as in any relationship, they can get separated like any other family), "adorable", "infant even though many years have passed"...
*Apart from that, this web have literally the background image of a cultural appropriation scene; the clothing of indigenous peoples is not a carnival costume.
The same old DISABLISM.

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